@ -184,12 +184,7 @@ class Conditional:
# NOTE The spaces around True and False are intentional to short-circuit literal_eval for
# jinja2_native=False and avoid its expensive calls.
presented = "{%% if %s %%} True {%% else %%} False {%% endif %%}" % conditional
# NOTE Convert the result to text to account for both native and non-native jinja.
# NOTE The templated result of `presented` is string on native jinja as well prior to Python 3.10.
# ast.literal_eval on Python 3.10 removes leading whitespaces so " True " becomes bool True
# as opposed to Python 3.9 and lower where the same would result in IndentationError and
# string " True " would be returned by Templar.
val = to_text(templar.template(presented, disable_lookups=disable_lookups)).strip()
val = templar.template(presented, disable_lookups=disable_lookups).strip()
if val == "True":
return True
elif val == "False":