Add rhsm_repository_release module (#43211)

* Add rhsm_repository_release module

* bump ansible version_added

* Fix imports in rhsm_repository_release unit test
Sean Myers 6 years ago committed by John R Barker
parent 303c3494e6
commit 9434f8608a

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
# (c) 2018, Sean Myers <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
'metadata_version': '1.1',
'status': ['preview'],
'supported_by': 'community'
module: rhsm_repository_release
short_description: Set or Unset RHSM Repository Release version
version_added: '2.8'
- Sets or unsets the release version used by RHSM repositories.
- This module will fail on an unregistered system.
Use the C(redhat_subscription) module to register a system
prior to setting the RHSM repository release.
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6+ with subscription-manager installed
- RHSM repository release version to use (use null to unset)
required: true
- Sean Myers (@seandst)
# Set release version to 7.1
- name: Set RHSM repository release version
release: "7.1"
# Set release version to 6Server
- name: Set RHSM repository release version
release: "6Server"
# Unset release version
- name: Unset RHSM repository release release
release: null
RETURN = '''
description: The current RHSM repository release version value
returned: success
type: str
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
import re
# Matches release-like values such as 7.2, 6.10, 10Server,
# but rejects unlikely values, like 100Server, 100.0, 1.100, etc.
release_matcher = re.compile(r'\b\d{1,2}(?:\.\d{1,2}|Server)\b')
def _sm_release(module, *args):
# pass args to s-m release, e.g. _sm_release(module, '--set', '0.1') becomes
# "subscription-manager release --set 0.1"
sm_bin = module.get_bin_path('subscription-manager', required=True)
cmd = '{0} release {1}'.format(sm_bin, " ".join(args))
# delegate nonzero rc handling to run_command
return module.run_command(cmd, check_rc=True)
def get_release(module):
# Get the current release version, or None if release unset
rc, out, err = _sm_release(module, '--show')
match = release_matcher.findall(out)[0]
except IndexError:
# 0'th index did not exist; no matches
match = None
return match
def set_release(module, release):
# Set current release version, or unset if release is None
if release is None:
args = ('--unset',)
args = ('--set', release)
return _sm_release(module, *args)
def main():
module = AnsibleModule(
release=dict(type='str', required=True),
target_release = module.params['release']
# sanity check: the target release at least looks like a valid release
if target_release and not release_matcher.findall(target_release):
module.fail_json(msg='"{0}" does not appear to be a valid release.'.format(target_release))
# Will fail with useful error from s-m if system not subscribed
current_release = get_release(module)
changed = (target_release != current_release)
if not module.check_mode and changed:
set_release(module, target_release)
# If setting the release fails, then a fail_json would have exited with
# the s-m error, e.g. "No releases match '7.20'...". If not, then the
# current release is now set to the target release (job's done)
current_release = target_release
module.exit_json(current_release=current_release, changed=changed)
if __name__ == '__main__':

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
# (c) 2018, Sean Myers <>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from units.compat.mock import call, patch
from ansible.modules.packaging.os import rhsm_repository_release
from units.modules.utils import (
AnsibleExitJson, AnsibleFailJson, ModuleTestCase, set_module_args)
class RhsmRepositoryReleaseModuleTestCase(ModuleTestCase):
module = rhsm_repository_release
def setUp(self):
super(RhsmRepositoryReleaseModuleTestCase, self).setUp()
# Mainly interested that the subscription-manager calls are right
# based on the module args, so patch out run_command in the module.
# returns (rc, out, err) structure
self.mock_run_command = patch('ansible.modules.packaging.os.rhsm_repository_release.'
self.module_main_command = self.mock_run_command.start()
# Module does a get_bin_path check before every run_command call
self.mock_get_bin_path = patch('ansible.modules.packaging.os.rhsm_repository_release.'
self.get_bin_path = self.mock_get_bin_path.start()
self.get_bin_path.return_value = '/testbin/subscription-manager'
def tearDown(self):
super(RhsmRepositoryReleaseModuleTestCase, self).tearDown()
def module_main(self, exit_exc):
with self.assertRaises(exit_exc) as exc:
return exc.exception.args[0]
def test_release_set(self):
# test that the module attempts to change the release when the current
# release is not the same as the user-specific target release
set_module_args({'release': '7.5'})
self.module_main_command.side_effect = [
# first call, get_release: returns different version so set_release is called
(0, '7.4', ''),
# second call, set_release: just needs to exit with 0 rc
(0, '', ''),
result = self.module_main(AnsibleExitJson)
self.assertEqual('7.5', result['current_release'])
call('/testbin/subscription-manager release --show', check_rc=True),
call('/testbin/subscription-manager release --set 7.5', check_rc=True),
def test_release_set_idempotent(self):
# test that the module does not attempt to change the release when
# the current release matches the user-specified target release
set_module_args({'release': '7.5'})
self.module_main_command.side_effect = [
# first call, get_release: returns same version, set_release is not called
(0, '7.5', ''),
result = self.module_main(AnsibleExitJson)
self.assertEqual('7.5', result['current_release'])
call('/testbin/subscription-manager release --show', check_rc=True),
def test_release_unset(self):
# test that the module attempts to change the release when the current
# release is not the same as the user-specific target release
set_module_args({'release': None})
self.module_main_command.side_effect = [
# first call, get_release: returns version so set_release is called
(0, '7.5', ''),
# second call, set_release: just needs to exit with 0 rc
(0, '', ''),
result = self.module_main(AnsibleExitJson)
call('/testbin/subscription-manager release --show', check_rc=True),
call('/testbin/subscription-manager release --unset', check_rc=True),
def test_release_unset_idempotent(self):
# test that the module attempts to change the release when the current
# release is not the same as the user-specific target release
set_module_args({'release': None})
self.module_main_command.side_effect = [
# first call, get_release: returns no version, set_release is not called
(0, 'Release not set', ''),
result = self.module_main(AnsibleExitJson)
call('/testbin/subscription-manager release --show', check_rc=True),
def test_release_insane(self):
# test that insane values for release trigger fail_json
insane_value = 'this is an insane release value'
set_module_args({'release': insane_value})
result = self.module_main(AnsibleFailJson)
# also ensure that the fail msg includes the insane value
self.assertIn(insane_value, result['msg'])
def test_release_matcher(self):
# throw a few values at the release matcher -- only sane_values should match
sane_values = ['1Server', '10Server', '1.10', '10.0']
insane_values = [
'6server', # lowercase 's'
'100Server', # excessively long 'x' component
'100.0', # excessively long 'x' component
'6.100', # excessively long 'y' component
'100.100', # excessively long 'x' and 'y' components
matches = self.module.release_matcher.findall(' '.join(sane_values + insane_values))
# matches should be returned in the same order they were parsed,
# so sorting shouldn't be necessary here
self.assertEqual(matches, sane_values)