Merge pull request #18244 from Yannig/devel_doc_json_query

json_query documentation.
scottb 8 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 94239141bc

@ -211,6 +211,71 @@ Square root, or the 5th::
Note that jinja2 already provides some like abs() and round().
.. json_query_filter:
JSON Query Filter
Sometimes you end up with complex data structure in JSON format and you need to extract only a small set of data within it. A **json_query** filter lets you query a complex JSON structure and iterate over it using a with_items structure.
.. note:: This filter is built upon **jmespath**, and you can use the same syntax. For examples, see `jmespath examples <>`_.
Now, let's take the following data structure::
- name: "cluster1"
- name: "cluster2"
- name: "server11"
cluster: "cluster1"
port: "8080"
- name: "server12"
cluster: "cluster1"
port: "8090"
- name: "server21"
cluster: "cluster2"
port: "9080"
- name: "server22"
cluster: "cluster2"
port: "9090"
- name: "lib1"
target: "cluster1"
- name: "lib2"
target: "cluster2"
To extract all clusters from this structure, you can use the following query::
- name: "Display all cluster names"
debug: var=item
with_items: "{{domain_definition|json_query('domain.cluster[*].name')}}"
Same things for all server names::
- name: "Display all server names"
debug: var=item
with_items: "{{domain_definition|json_query('domain.server[*].name')}}"
This example shows ports from cluster1::
- name: "Display all server names from cluster1"
debug: var=item
with_items: "{{domain_definition|json_query(server_name_cluster1_query)}}"
server_name_cluster1_query: "domain.server[?cluster=='cluster1'].port"
.. note:: You must use a variable in order to use quotes in your query.
In this example, we get a hash map with all ports and names of a cluster::
- name: "Display all server ports and names from cluster1"
debug: var=item
with_items: "{{domain_definition|json_query(server_name_cluster1_query)}}"
server_name_cluster1_query: "domain.server[?cluster=='cluster2'].{name: name, port: port}"
.. _ipaddr_filter:
IP address filter
