@ -280,21 +280,19 @@ def merge_hash(a, b):
which value comes from b
said differently, all key/value combination from b will override a's '''
# let's create a deep copy of a
result = copy.deepcopy(a)
# and iterate over b keys
for k, v in b.iteritems():
if k in result and isinstance(result[k], dict):
if k in a and isinstance(a[k], dict):
# if this key is a hash and exists in a
# we recursively call ourselves with
# the key value of b
result[k] = merge_hash(result[k], v)
a[k] = merge_hash(a[k], v)
# k is not in a, no need to merge b, we just deecopy
# or k is not a dictionnary, no need to merge b either, we just deecopy it
result[k] = copy.deepcopy(v)
a[k] = v
# finally, return the resulting hash when we're done iterating keys
return result
return a
def md5s(data):
''' Return MD5 hex digest of data. '''