@ -179,7 +179,46 @@ class PlayBook(object):
# *****************************************************
def _load_playbook_from_file(self, path, vars={}):
def _get_playbook_vars(self, play_ds, existing_vars):
Gets the vars specified with the play and blends them
with any existing vars that have already been read in
new_vars = existing_vars.copy()
if 'vars' in play_ds:
if isinstance(play_ds['vars'], dict):
elif isinstance(play_ds['vars'], list):
for v in play_ds['vars']:
return new_vars
# *****************************************************
def _get_include_info(self, play_ds, basedir, existing_vars={}):
Gets any key=value pairs specified with the included file
name and returns the merged vars along with the path
new_vars = existing_vars.copy()
tokens = shlex.split(play_ds.get('include', ''))
for t in tokens[1:]:
(k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
new_vars[k] = template(basedir, v, new_vars)
return (new_vars, tokens[0])
# *****************************************************
def _get_playbook_vars_files(self, play_ds, existing_vars_files):
new_vars_files = list(existing_vars_files)
if 'vars_files' in play_ds:
new_vars_files = utils.list_union(new_vars_files, play_ds['vars_files'])
return new_vars_files
# *****************************************************
def _load_playbook_from_file(self, path, vars={}, vars_files=[]):
run top level error checking on playbooks and allow them to include other playbooks.
@ -201,36 +240,25 @@ class PlayBook(object):
# a playbook (list of plays) decided to include some other list of plays
# from another file. The result is a flat list of plays in the end.
tokens = shlex.split(play['include'])
incvars = vars.copy()
if 'vars' in play:
if isinstance(play['vars'], dict):
elif isinstance(play['vars'], list):
for v in play['vars']:
# allow key=value parameters to be specified on the include line
# to set variables
for t in tokens[1:]:
(k,v) = t.split("=", 1)
incvars[k] = template(basedir, v, incvars)
play_vars = self._get_playbook_vars(play, vars)
play_vars_files = self._get_playbook_vars_files(play, vars_files)
inc_vars, inc_path = self._get_include_info(play, basedir, play_vars)
included_path = utils.path_dwim(basedir, template(basedir, tokens[0], incvars))
(plays, basedirs) = self._load_playbook_from_file(included_path, incvars)
included_path = utils.path_dwim(basedir, template(basedir, inc_path, play_vars))
(plays, basedirs) = self._load_playbook_from_file(included_path, vars=play_vars, vars_files=play_vars_files)
for p in plays:
# support for parameterized play includes works by passing
# those variables along to the subservient play
if 'vars' not in p:
p['vars'] = {}
if isinstance(p['vars'], dict):
elif isinstance(p['vars'], list):
# nobody should really do this, but handle vars: a=1 b=2
p['vars'].extend([{k:v} for k,v in incvars.iteritems()])
p['vars'].extend([{k:v} for k,v in play_vars.iteritems()])
# now add in the vars_files
p['vars_files'] = utils.list_union(p.get('vars_files', []), play_vars_files)