diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/ce_interface.py b/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/ce_interface.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bb53e45f5f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/network/cloudengine/ce_interface.py
@@ -0,0 +1,882 @@
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community',
+ 'metadata_version': '1.0'}
+module: ce_interface
+version_added: "2.4"
+short_description: Manages physical attributes of interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
+ - Manages physical attributes of interfaces on HUAWEI CloudEngine switches.
+author: QijunPan (@CloudEngine-Ansible)
+ - This module is also used to create logical interfaces such as
+ vlanif and loopbacks.
+ interface:
+ description:
+ - Full name of interface, i.e. 40GE1/0/10, Tunnel1.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ interface_type:
+ description:
+ - Interface type to be configured from the device.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ choices: ['ge', '10ge', '25ge', '4x10ge', '40ge', '100ge', 'vlanif', 'loopback', 'meth',
+ 'eth-trunk', 'nve', 'tunnel', 'ethernet', 'fcoe-port', 'fabric-port', 'stack-port', 'null']
+ admin_state:
+ description:
+ - Specifies the interface management status.
+ The value is an enumerated type.
+ up, An interface is in the administrative Up state.
+ down, An interface is in the administrative Down state.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ choices: ['up', 'down']
+ description:
+ description:
+ - Specifies an interface description.
+ The value is a string of 1 to 242 case-sensitive characters,
+ spaces supported but question marks (?) not supported.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ mode:
+ description:
+ - Manage Layer 2 or Layer 3 state of the interface.
+ required: false
+ default: null
+ choices: ['layer2', 'layer3']
+ l2sub:
+ description:
+ - Specifies whether the interface is a Layer 2 sub-interface.
+ required: false
+ default: false
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Specify desired state of the resource.
+ required: true
+ default: present
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'default']
+- name: interface module test
+ hosts: cloudengine
+ connection: local
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ cli:
+ host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
+ port: "{{ ansible_ssh_port }}"
+ username: "{{ username }}"
+ password: "{{ password }}"
+ transport: cli
+ tasks:
+ - name: Ensure an interface is a Layer 3 port and that it has the proper description
+ ce_interface:
+ interface: 10GE1/0/22
+ description: 'Configured by Ansible'
+ mode: layer3
+ provider: '{{ cli }}'
+ - name: Admin down an interface
+ ce_interface:
+ interface: 10GE1/0/22
+ admin_state: down
+ provider: '{{ cli }}'
+ - name: Remove all tunnel interfaces
+ ce_interface:
+ interface_type: tunnel
+ state: absent
+ provider: '{{ cli }}'
+ - name: Remove all logical interfaces
+ ce_interface:
+ interface_type: '{{ item }}'
+ state: absent
+ provider: '{{ cli }}'
+ with_items:
+ - loopback
+ - eth-trunk
+ - nve
+ - name: Admin up all 10GE interfaces
+ ce_interface:
+ interface_type: 10GE
+ admin_state: up
+ provider: '{{ cli }}'
+RETURN = '''
+ description: k/v pairs of parameters passed into module
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: {"interface": "10GE1/0/10", "admin_state": "down"}
+ description: k/v pairs of existing switchport
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: {"admin_state": "up", "description": "None",
+ "interface": "10GE1/0/10", "mode": "layer2"}
+ description: k/v pairs of switchport after module execution
+ returned: always
+ type: dict
+ sample: {"admin_state": "down", "description": "None",
+ "interface": "10GE1/0/10", "mode": "layer2"}
+ description: command list sent to the device
+ returned: always
+ type: list
+ sample: ["interface 10GE1/0/10", "shutdown"]
+ description: check to see if a change was made on the device
+ returned: always
+ type: boolean
+ sample: true
+import re
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.ce import get_nc_config, set_nc_config, ce_argument_spec
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ true
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ %s
+ADMIN_STATE_TYPE = ('ge', '10ge', '25ge', '4x10ge', '40ge', '100ge',
+ 'vlanif', 'meth', 'eth-trunk', 'vbdif', 'tunnel',
+ 'ethernet', 'stack-port')
+SWITCH_PORT_TYPE = ('ge', '10ge', '25ge',
+ '4x10ge', '40ge', '100ge', 'eth-trunk')
+def get_interface_type(interface):
+ """Gets the type of interface, such as 10GE, ETH-TRUNK, VLANIF..."""
+ if interface is None:
+ return None
+ iftype = None
+ if interface.upper().startswith('GE'):
+ iftype = 'ge'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('10GE'):
+ iftype = '10ge'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('25GE'):
+ iftype = '25ge'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('4X10GE'):
+ iftype = '4x10ge'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('40GE'):
+ iftype = '40ge'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('100GE'):
+ iftype = '100ge'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('VLANIF'):
+ iftype = 'vlanif'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('LOOPBACK'):
+ iftype = 'loopback'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('METH'):
+ iftype = 'meth'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('ETH-TRUNK'):
+ iftype = 'eth-trunk'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('VBDIF'):
+ iftype = 'vbdif'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('NVE'):
+ iftype = 'nve'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('TUNNEL'):
+ iftype = 'tunnel'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('ETHERNET'):
+ iftype = 'ethernet'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('FCOE-PORT'):
+ iftype = 'fcoe-port'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('FABRIC-PORT'):
+ iftype = 'fabric-port'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('STACK-PORT'):
+ iftype = 'stack-port'
+ elif interface.upper().startswith('NULL'):
+ iftype = 'null'
+ else:
+ return None
+ return iftype.lower()
+def is_admin_state_enable(iftype):
+ """admin state disable: loopback nve"""
+ return bool(iftype in ADMIN_STATE_TYPE)
+def is_portswitch_enalbe(iftype):
+ """"is portswitch? """
+ return bool(iftype in SWITCH_PORT_TYPE)
+class Interface(object):
+ """Manages physical attributes of interfaces."""
+ def __init__(self, argument_spec):
+ self.spec = argument_spec
+ self.module = None
+ self.init_module()
+ # interface info
+ self.interface = self.module.params['interface']
+ self.interface_type = self.module.params['interface_type']
+ self.admin_state = self.module.params['admin_state']
+ self.description = self.module.params['description']
+ self.mode = self.module.params['mode']
+ self.l2sub = self.module.params['l2sub']
+ self.state = self.module.params['state']
+ # state
+ self.changed = False
+ self.updates_cmd = list()
+ self.results = dict()
+ self.proposed = dict()
+ self.existing = dict()
+ self.end_state = dict()
+ self.intfs_info = dict() # all type interface info
+ self.intf_info = dict() # one interface info
+ self.intf_type = None # loopback tunnel ...
+ def init_module(self):
+ """init_module"""
+ self.module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=self.spec, supports_check_mode=True)
+ def check_response(self, xml_str, xml_name):
+ """Check if response message is already succeed."""
+ if "" not in xml_str:
+ self.module.fail_json(msg='Error: %s failed.' % xml_name)
+ def get_interfaces_dict(self):
+ """ get interfaces attributes dict."""
+ intfs_info = dict()
+ conf_str = CE_NC_GET_INTFS
+ recv_xml = get_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ if "" in recv_xml:
+ return intfs_info
+ intf = re.findall(
+ r'.*(.*).*\s*(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*(.*).*', recv_xml)
+ for tmp in intf:
+ if tmp[1]:
+ if not intfs_info.get(tmp[1].lower()):
+ # new interface type list
+ intfs_info[tmp[1].lower()] = list()
+ intfs_info[tmp[1].lower()].append(dict(ifName=tmp[0], ifPhyType=tmp[1], ifNumber=tmp[2],
+ ifDescr=tmp[3], isL2SwitchPort=tmp[4],
+ ifAdminStatus=tmp[5], ifMtu=tmp[6]))
+ return intfs_info
+ def get_interface_dict(self, ifname):
+ """ get one interface attributes dict."""
+ intf_info = dict()
+ conf_str = CE_NC_GET_INTF % ifname
+ recv_xml = get_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ if "" in recv_xml:
+ return intf_info
+ intf = re.findall(
+ r'.*(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*\s*'
+ r'(.*).*', recv_xml)
+ if intf:
+ intf_info = dict(ifName=intf[0][0], ifPhyType=intf[0][1],
+ ifNumber=intf[0][2], ifDescr=intf[0][3],
+ isL2SwitchPort=intf[0][4],
+ ifAdminStatus=intf[0][5], ifMtu=intf[0][6])
+ return intf_info
+ def create_interface(self, ifname, description, admin_state, mode, l2sub):
+ """Create interface."""
+ if l2sub:
+ self.updates_cmd.append("interface %s mode l2" % ifname)
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.append("interface %s" % ifname)
+ if not description:
+ description = ''
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.append("description %s" % description)
+ if l2sub:
+ xmlstr = CE_NC_XML_CREATE_INTF_L2SUB % (ifname, description)
+ else:
+ xmlstr = CE_NC_XML_CREATE_INTF % (ifname, description)
+ if admin_state and is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type):
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_STATUS % (ifname, admin_state)
+ if admin_state == 'up':
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo shutdown")
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.append("shutdown")
+ if mode and is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type):
+ if mode == "layer2":
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_L2ENABLE % (ifname, 'enable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append('portswitch')
+ elif mode == "layer3":
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_L2ENABLE % (ifname, 'disable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append('undo portswitch')
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "CREATE_INTF")
+ self.changed = True
+ def delete_interface(self, ifname):
+ """ Delete interface."""
+ xmlstr = CE_NC_XML_DELETE_INTF % ifname
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ self.updates_cmd.append('undo interface %s' % ifname)
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "DELETE_INTF")
+ self.changed = True
+ def delete_interfaces(self, iftype):
+ """ Delete interfaces with type."""
+ xmlstr = ''
+ intfs_list = self.intfs_info.get(iftype.lower())
+ if not intfs_list:
+ return
+ for intf in intfs_list:
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_DELETE_INTF % intf['ifName']
+ self.updates_cmd.append('undo interface %s' % intf['ifName'])
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "DELETE_INTFS")
+ self.changed = True
+ def merge_interface(self, ifname, description, admin_state, mode):
+ """ Merge interface attributes."""
+ xmlstr = ''
+ change = False
+ self.updates_cmd.append("interface %s" % ifname)
+ if description and self.intf_info["ifDescr"] != description:
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_DES % (ifname, description)
+ self.updates_cmd.append("description %s" % description)
+ change = True
+ if admin_state and is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type) \
+ and self.intf_info["ifAdminStatus"] != admin_state:
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_STATUS % (ifname, admin_state)
+ change = True
+ if admin_state == "up":
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo shutdown")
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.append("shutdown")
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type):
+ if mode == "layer2" and self.intf_info["isL2SwitchPort"] != "true":
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_L2ENABLE % (ifname, 'enable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("portswitch")
+ change = True
+ elif mode == "layer3" \
+ and self.intf_info["isL2SwitchPort"] != "false":
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_L2ENABLE % (ifname, 'disable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo portswitch")
+ change = True
+ if not change:
+ return
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "MERGE_INTF_ATTR")
+ self.changed = True
+ def merge_interfaces(self, iftype, description, admin_state, mode):
+ """ Merge interface attributes by type."""
+ xmlstr = ''
+ change = False
+ intfs_list = self.intfs_info.get(iftype.lower())
+ if not intfs_list:
+ return
+ for intf in intfs_list:
+ if_change = False
+ self.updates_cmd.append("interface %s" % intf['ifName'])
+ if description and intf["ifDescr"] != description:
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_DES % (
+ intf['ifName'], description)
+ self.updates_cmd.append("description %s" % description)
+ if_change = True
+ if admin_state and is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type)\
+ and intf["ifAdminStatus"] != admin_state:
+ intf['ifName'], admin_state)
+ if_change = True
+ if admin_state == "up":
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo shutdown")
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.append("shutdown")
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type):
+ if mode == "layer2" \
+ and intf["isL2SwitchPort"] != "true":
+ intf['ifName'], 'enable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("portswitch")
+ if_change = True
+ elif mode == "layer3" \
+ and intf["isL2SwitchPort"] != "false":
+ intf['ifName'], 'disable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo portswitch")
+ if_change = True
+ if if_change:
+ change = True
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.pop()
+ if not change:
+ return
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "MERGE_INTFS_ATTR")
+ self.changed = True
+ def default_interface(self, ifname):
+ """default_interface"""
+ change = False
+ xmlstr = ""
+ self.updates_cmd.append("interface %s" % ifname)
+ # set description default
+ if self.intf_info["ifDescr"]:
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_DES % (ifname, '')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo description")
+ change = True
+ # set admin_status default
+ if is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type) \
+ and self.intf_info["ifAdminStatus"] != 'up':
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_STATUS % (ifname, 'up')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo shutdown")
+ change = True
+ # set portswitch default
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type) \
+ and self.intf_info["isL2SwitchPort"] != "true":
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_L2ENABLE % (ifname, 'enable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("portswitch")
+ change = True
+ if not change:
+ return
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "SET_INTF_DEFAULT")
+ self.changed = True
+ def default_interfaces(self, iftype):
+ """ Set interface config to default by type."""
+ change = False
+ xmlstr = ''
+ intfs_list = self.intfs_info.get(iftype.lower())
+ if not intfs_list:
+ return
+ for intf in intfs_list:
+ if_change = False
+ self.updates_cmd.append("interface %s" % intf['ifName'])
+ # set description default
+ if intf['ifDescr']:
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_DES % (intf['ifName'], '')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo description")
+ if_change = True
+ # set admin_status default
+ if is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type) and intf["ifAdminStatus"] != 'up':
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_STATUS % (intf['ifName'], 'up')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("undo shutdown")
+ if_change = True
+ # set portswitch default
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type) and intf["isL2SwitchPort"] != "true":
+ xmlstr += CE_NC_XML_MERGE_INTF_L2ENABLE % (intf['ifName'], 'enable')
+ self.updates_cmd.append("portswitch")
+ if_change = True
+ if if_change:
+ change = True
+ else:
+ self.updates_cmd.pop()
+ if not change:
+ return
+ conf_str = ' ' + xmlstr + ' '
+ recv_xml = set_nc_config(self.module, conf_str)
+ self.check_response(recv_xml, "SET_INTFS_DEFAULT")
+ self.changed = True
+ def check_params(self):
+ """Check all input params"""
+ if not self.interface and not self.interface_type:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: Interface or interface_type must be set.')
+ if self.interface and self.interface_type:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: Interface or interface_type'
+ ' can not be set at the same time.')
+ # interface type check
+ if self.interface:
+ self.intf_type = get_interface_type(self.interface)
+ if not self.intf_type:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: interface name of %s'
+ ' is error.' % self.interface)
+ elif self.interface_type:
+ self.intf_type = get_interface_type(self.interface_type)
+ if not self.intf_type or self.intf_type != self.interface_type.replace(" ", "").lower():
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: interface type of %s'
+ ' is error.' % self.interface_type)
+ if not self.intf_type:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: interface or interface type %s is error.')
+ # shutdown check
+ if not is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type) \
+ and self.state == "present" and self.admin_state == "down":
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: The %s interface can not'
+ ' be shutdown.' % self.intf_type)
+ # port switch mode check
+ if not is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type)\
+ and self.mode and self.state == "present":
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: The %s interface can not manage'
+ ' Layer 2 or Layer 3 state.' % self.intf_type)
+ # check description len
+ if self.description:
+ if len(self.description) > 242 \
+ or len(self.description.replace(' ', '')) < 1:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: interface description '
+ 'is not in the range from 1 to 242.')
+ # check l2sub flag
+ if self.l2sub:
+ if not self.interface:
+ self.module.fail_json(msg='Error: L2sub flag can not be set when there no interface set with.')
+ if self.interface.count(".") != 1:
+ self.module.fail_json(msg='Error: Interface name is invalid, it is not sub-interface.')
+ def get_proposed(self):
+ """get_proposed"""
+ self.proposed['state'] = self.state
+ if self.interface:
+ self.proposed["interface"] = self.interface
+ if self.interface_type:
+ self.proposed["interface_type"] = self.interface_type
+ if self.state == 'present':
+ if self.description:
+ self.proposed["description"] = self.description
+ if self.mode:
+ self.proposed["mode"] = self.mode
+ if self.admin_state:
+ self.proposed["admin_state"] = self.admin_state
+ self.proposed["l2sub"] = self.l2sub
+ elif self.state == 'default':
+ if self.description:
+ self.proposed["description"] = ""
+ if is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type) and self.admin_state:
+ self.proposed["admin_state"] = self.admin_state
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type) and self.mode:
+ self.proposed["mode"] = self.mode
+ def get_existing(self):
+ """get_existing"""
+ if self.intf_info:
+ self.existing["interface"] = self.intf_info["ifName"]
+ if is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type):
+ self.existing["admin_state"] = self.intf_info["ifAdminStatus"]
+ self.existing["description"] = self.intf_info["ifDescr"]
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type):
+ if self.intf_info["isL2SwitchPort"] == "true":
+ self.existing["mode"] = "layer2"
+ else:
+ self.existing["mode"] = "layer3"
+ def get_end_state(self):
+ """get_end_state"""
+ if self.intf_info:
+ end_info = self.get_interface_dict(self.interface)
+ if end_info:
+ self.end_state["interface"] = end_info["ifName"]
+ if is_admin_state_enable(self.intf_type):
+ self.end_state["admin_state"] = end_info["ifAdminStatus"]
+ self.end_state["description"] = end_info["ifDescr"]
+ if is_portswitch_enalbe(self.intf_type):
+ if end_info["isL2SwitchPort"] == "true":
+ self.end_state["mode"] = "layer2"
+ else:
+ self.end_state["mode"] = "layer3"
+ def work(self):
+ """worker"""
+ self.check_params()
+ # single interface config
+ if self.interface:
+ self.intf_info = self.get_interface_dict(self.interface)
+ self.get_existing()
+ if self.state == 'present':
+ if not self.intf_info:
+ # create interface
+ self.create_interface(self.interface,
+ self.description,
+ self.admin_state,
+ self.mode,
+ self.l2sub)
+ else:
+ # merge interface
+ if self.description or self.admin_state or self.mode:
+ self.merge_interface(self.interface,
+ self.description,
+ self.admin_state,
+ self.mode)
+ elif self.state == 'absent':
+ if self.intf_info:
+ # delete interface
+ self.delete_interface(self.interface)
+ else:
+ # interface does not exists
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: interface does not exists.')
+ else: # default
+ if not self.intf_info:
+ # error, interface does not exists
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: interface does not exists.')
+ else:
+ self.default_interface(self.interface)
+ # interface type config
+ else:
+ self.intfs_info = self.get_interfaces_dict()
+ self.get_existing()
+ if self.state == 'present':
+ if self.intfs_info.get(self.intf_type.lower()):
+ if self.description or self.admin_state or self.mode:
+ self.merge_interfaces(self.intf_type,
+ self.description,
+ self.admin_state,
+ self.mode)
+ elif self.state == 'absent':
+ # delete all interface of this type
+ if self.intfs_info.get(self.intf_type.lower()):
+ self.delete_interfaces(self.intf_type)
+ else:
+ # set interfaces config to default
+ if self.intfs_info.get(self.intf_type.lower()):
+ self.default_interfaces(self.intf_type)
+ else:
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg='Error: no interface in this type.')
+ self.get_proposed()
+ self.get_end_state()
+ self.results['changed'] = self.changed
+ self.results['proposed'] = self.proposed
+ self.results['existing'] = self.existing
+ self.results['end_state'] = self.end_state
+ if self.changed:
+ self.results['updates'] = self.updates_cmd
+ else:
+ self.results['updates'] = list()
+ self.module.exit_json(**self.results)
+def main():
+ """main"""
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ interface=dict(required=False, type='str'),
+ admin_state=dict(choices=['up', 'down'], required=False),
+ description=dict(required=False, default=None),
+ mode=dict(choices=['layer2', 'layer3'], required=False),
+ interface_type=dict(required=False),
+ l2sub=dict(required=False, default=False, type='bool'),
+ state=dict(choices=['absent', 'present', 'default'],
+ default='present', required=False),
+ )
+ argument_spec.update(ce_argument_spec)
+ interface = Interface(argument_spec)
+ interface.work()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()