Inventory with docstrings and notes on how to change

Toshio Kuratomi 10 years ago committed by James Cammarata
parent fa51e8f36d
commit 74f48ed79d

@ -21,68 +21,338 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from . group import Group
from . host import Host
### List of things to change in Inventory
### Replace some lists with sets/frozensets.
### Check where this makes sense to reveal externally
### Rename all caches to *_cache
### Standardize how caches are flushed for all caches if possible
### Think about whether retrieving variables should be methods of the
### Groups/Hosts being queried with caches at that level
### Store things into a VarManager instead of inventory
### Merge list_hosts() and get_hosts()
### Merge list_groups() and groups_list()
### Merge get_variables() and get_host_variables()
### Restrictions:
### Remove get_restriction()
### Prefix restrict_to and lift_restriction with _ and note in docstring that
### only playbook is to use these for implementing failed hosts. This is
### the closest that python has to a "friend function"
### Can we get rid of restrictions altogether?
### If we must keep restrictions, reimplement as a stack of sets. Then
### calling code will push and pop restrictions onto the inventory
### is_file() and basedir() => Change to properties
### Can we move the playbook variable resolving to someplace else? Seems that:
### 1) It can change within a single session
### 2) Inventory shouldn't know about playbook.
### Possibilities:
### Host and groups read the host_vars and group_vars. Both inventory and
### playbook register paths that the hsot_vars and group_vars can read from.
### The VariableManager reads the host_vars and group_vars and keeps them
### layered depending on the context from which it's being asked what
### the value of a variable is
### Either of these results in getting rid of/moving to another class
### Inventory.playbook_basedir() and Inventory.set_playbook_basedir()
### Questiony things:
### Do we want patterns to apply to both groups and hosts or only to hosts?
### Think about whether we could and want to go through the pattern_cache for
### standard lookups
### Is this the current architecture:
### We have a single Inventory per runner.
### The Inventory may be initialized via:
### an ini file
### a directory of ini files
### a script
### a , separated string of hosts
### a list of hosts
### host_vars/*
### group_vars/*
### Do we want to change this so that multiple sources are allowed?
### ansible -i /etc/ansible,./inventory,/opt/ansible/inventory_plugins/,localhost
### What are vars_loaders? What's their scope? Why aren't the parsing of
### inventory files and scripts implemented as a vars_loader?
### If we have add_group(), why no merge_group()?
### group = inven.get_group(name)
### if not group:
### group = Group(name)
### inven.add_group(group)
### vs
### group = Group(name)
### try:
### inven.add_group(group)
### except:
### inven.merge_group(group)
### vs:
### group = Group(name)
### inven.add_or_merge(group)
class Inventory:
Collect variables for hosts and groups from inventory
def __init__(self, host_list=C.DEFAULT_HOST_LIST, vault_password=None):
:kwarg host_list: A filename for an inventory file or script or a list
of hosts
:kwarg vault_password: Password to use if any of the inventory sources
are in an ansible vault
def get_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
Find all hosts matching a pattern string
This also takes into account any inventory restrictions or applied
:kwarg pattern: An fnmatch pattern that hosts must match on. Multiple
patterns may be separated by ";" and ":". Defaults to the special
pattern "all" which means to return all hosts.
:returns: list of hosts
def clear_pattern_cache(self):
# Possibly not needed?
Invalidate the pattern cache
#### Possibly not needed?
# Former docstring:
# Called exclusively by the add_host plugin to allow patterns to be
# recalculated
def groups_for_host(self, host):
Return the groupnames to which a host belongs
:arg host: Name of host to lookup
:returns: list of groupnames
def groups_list(self):
Return a mapping of group name to hostnames which belong to the group
:returns: dict of groupnames mapped to a list of hostnames within that group
def get_groups(self):
Retrieve the Group objects known to the Inventory
:returns: list of :class:`Group`s belonging to the Inventory
def get_host(self, hostname):
Retrieve the Host object for a hostname
:arg hostname: hostname associated with the :class:`Host`
:returns: :class:`Host` object whose hostname was requested
def get_group(self, groupname):
Retrieve the Group object for a groupname
:arg groupname: groupname associated with the :class:`Group`
:returns: :class:`Group` object whose groupname was requested
def get_group_variables(self, groupname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None):
Retrieve the variables set on a group
:arg groupname: groupname to retrieve variables for
:kwarg update_cached: if True, retrieve the variables from the source
and refresh the cache for this variable
:kwarg vault_password: Password to use if any of the inventory sources
are in an ansible vault
:returns: dict mapping group variable names to values
def get_variables(self, hostname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None):
Retrieve the variables set on a host
:arg hostname: hostname to retrieve variables for
:kwarg update_cached: if True, retrieve the variables from the source
and refresh the cache for this variable
:kwarg vault_password: Password to use if any of the inventory sources
are in an ansible vault
:returns: dict mapping host variable names to values
### WARNING: v1 implementation ignores update_cached and vault_password
def get_host_variables(self, hostname, update_cached=False, vault_password=None):
Retrieve the variables set on a host
:arg hostname: hostname to retrieve variables for
:kwarg update_cached: if True, retrieve the variables from the source
and refresh the cache for this variable
:kwarg vault_password: Password to use if any of the inventory sources
are in an ansible vault
:returns: dict mapping host variable names to values
def add_group(self, group):
Add a new group to the inventory
:arg group: Group object to add to the inventory
def list_hosts(self, pattern="all"):
Retrieve a list of hostnames for a pattern
:kwarg pattern: Retrieve hosts which match this pattern. The special
pattern "all" matches every host the inventory knows about.
:returns: list of hostnames
### Notes: Differences with get_hosts:
### get_hosts returns hosts, this returns host names
### This adds the implicit localhost/ as a name but not as
### a host
def list_groups(self):
Retrieve list of groupnames
:returns: list of groupnames
def get_restriction(self):
Accessor for the private _restriction attribute.
### Note: In v1, says to be removed.
### Not used by anything at all.
def restrict_to(self, restriction):
Restrict get and list operations to hosts given in the restriction
:arg restriction:
### The v1 docstring says:
### Used by the main playbook code to exclude failed hosts, don't use
### this for other reasons
def lift_restriction(self):
Remove a restriction
def also_restrict_to(self, restriction):
Restrict get and list operations to hosts in the additional restriction
### Need to explore use case here -- maybe we want to restrict for
### several different reasons. Within a certain scope we restrict
### again for a separate reason?
def lift_also_restriction(self):
Remove an also_restriction
# HACK -- dead host skipping
def subset(self, subset_pattern):
Limits inventory results to a subset of inventory that matches a given
pattern, such as to select a given geographic of numeric slice amongst
a previous 'hosts' selection that only select roles, or vice versa...
pattern, such as to select a subset of a hosts selection that also
belongs to a certain geographic group or numeric slice.
Corresponds to --limit parameter to ansible-playbook
:arg subset_pattern: The pattern to limit with. If this is None it
clears the subset. Multiple patterns may be specified as a comma,
semicolon, or colon separated string.
def lift_restriction(self):
# HACK --
def lift_also_restriction(self):
# HACK -- dead host skipping
def is_file(self):
Did inventory come from a file?
:returns: True if the inventory is file based, False otherwise
def basedir(self):
What directory was inventory read from
:returns: the path to the directory holding the inventory. None if
the inventory is not file based
def src(self):
What's the complete path to the inventory file?
:returns: Complete path to the inventory file. None if inventory is
not file-based
def playbook_basedir(self):
Retrieve the directory of the current playbook
### I want to move this out of inventory
def set_playbook_basedir(self, dir):
Tell Inventory the basedir of the current playbook so Inventory can
look for host_vars and group_vars there.
### I want to move this out of inventory
def get_host_vars(self, host, new_pb_basedir=False):
Loads variables from host_vars/<hostname>
The variables are loaded from subdirectories located either in the
inventory base directory or the playbook base directory. Variables in
the playbook dir will win over the inventory dir if files are in both.
def get_group_vars(self, group, new_pb_basedir=False):
Loads variables from group_vars/<hostname>
The variables are loaded from subdirectories located either in the
inventory base directory or the playbook base directory. Variables in
the playbook dir will win over the inventory dir if files are in both.
