@ -228,9 +228,40 @@ class Inventory(object):
def _match_one_pattern ( self , pattern ) :
Takes a single pattern ( i . e . , not " p1:p2 " ) and returns a list of
matching host names . Does not take negatives or intersections
into account .
Takes a single pattern and returns a list of matching host names .
Ignores intersection ( & ) and exclusion ( ! ) specifiers .
The pattern may be :
1. A regex starting with ~ , e . g . ' ~[abc]* '
2. A shell glob pattern with ? / * / [ chars ] / [ ! chars ] , e . g . ' foo '
3. An ordinary word that matches itself only , e . g . ' foo '
The pattern is matched using the following rules :
1. If it ' s ' all ' , it matches all hosts in all groups.
2. Otherwise , for each known group name :
( a ) if it matches the group name , the results include all hosts
in the group or any of its children .
( b ) otherwise , if it matches any hosts in the group , the results
include the matching hosts .
This means that ' foo* ' may match one or more groups ( thus including all
hosts therein ) but also hosts in other groups .
The built - in groups ' all ' and ' ungrouped ' are special . No pattern can
match these group names ( though ' all ' behaves as though it matches , as
described above ) . The word ' ungrouped ' can match a host of that name ,
and patterns like ' ungr* ' and ' al* ' can match either hosts or groups
other than all and ungrouped .
If the pattern matches one or more group names according to these rules ,
it may have an optional range suffix to select a subset of the results .
This is allowed only if the pattern is not a regex , i . e . ' ~foo[1] ' does
not work ( the [ 1 ] is interpreted as part of the regex ) , but ' foo*[1] '
would work if ' foo* ' matched the name of one or more groups .
Duplicate matches are always eliminated from the results .
if pattern . startswith ( " & " ) or pattern . startswith ( " ! " ) :