@ -1283,15 +1283,13 @@ class YumModule(YumDnf):
obsoletes = {}
for line in out.split('\n'):
line = line.split()
Ignore irrelevant lines:
- '*' in line matches lines like mirror lists: "* base: mirror.corbina.net"
- len(line) != 3 or 6 could be strings like:
"This system is not registered with an entitlement server..."
- len(line) = 6 is package obsoletes
- checking for '.' in line[0] (package name) likely ensures that it is of format:
"package_name.arch" (coreutils.x86_64)
# Ignore irrelevant lines:
# - '*' in line matches lines like mirror lists: "* base: mirror.corbina.net"
# - len(line) != 3 or 6 could be strings like:
# "This system is not registered with an entitlement server..."
# - len(line) = 6 is package obsoletes
# - checking for '.' in line[0] (package name) likely ensures that it is of format:
# "package_name.arch" (coreutils.x86_64)
if '*' in line or len(line) not in [3, 6] or '.' not in line[0]:
@ -1620,30 +1618,29 @@ class YumModule(YumDnf):
if self.state in ('installed', 'present', 'latest'):
""" The need of this entire if conditional has to be changed
this function is the ensure function that is called
in the main section.
This conditional tends to disable/enable repo for
install present latest action, same actually
can be done for remove and absent action
As solution I would advice to cal
try: self.yum_base.repos.disableRepo(disablerepo)
try: self.yum_base.repos.enableRepo(enablerepo)
right before any yum_cmd is actually called regardless
of yum action.
Please note that enable/disablerepo options are general
options, this means that we can call those with any action
option. https://linux.die.net/man/8/yum
This docstring will be removed together when issue: #21619
will be solved.
This has been triggered by: #19587
# The need of this entire if conditional has to be changed
# this function is the ensure function that is called
# in the main section.
# This conditional tends to disable/enable repo for
# install present latest action, same actually
# can be done for remove and absent action
# As solution I would advice to cal
# try: self.yum_base.repos.disableRepo(disablerepo)
# and
# try: self.yum_base.repos.enableRepo(enablerepo)
# right before any yum_cmd is actually called regardless
# of yum action.
# Please note that enable/disablerepo options are general
# options, this means that we can call those with any action
# option. https://linux.die.net/man/8/yum
# This docstring will be removed together when issue: #21619
# will be solved.
# This has been triggered by: #19587
if self.update_cache:
self.module.run_command(self.yum_basecmd + ['clean', 'expire-cache'])