@ -51,18 +51,30 @@ EXAMPLES = """
- name: msg="Match 'Li' on the first column, but return the 3rd column (columns start counting after the match)"
ansible.builtin.debug: msg="The atomic mass of Lithium is {{ lookup('ansible.builtin.csvfile', 'Li file=elements.csv delimiter=, col=2') }}"
- name: Define Values From CSV File, this reads file in one go, but you could also use col= to read each in it's own lookup.
# Contents of bgp_neighbors.csv
- name: Define values from CSV file, this reads file in one go, but you could also use col= to read each in it's own lookup.
loop_ip: "{{ csvline[0] }}"
int_ip: "{{ csvline[1] }}"
int_mask: "{{ csvline[2] }}"
int_name: "{{ csvline[3] }}"
local_as: "{{ csvline[4] }}"
neighbor_as: "{{ csvline[5] }}"
neigh_int_ip: "{{ csvline[6] }}"
'{{ columns[item|int] }}': "{{ csvline }}"
csvline: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.csvfile', bgp_neighbor_ip, file='bgp_neighbors.csv', delimiter=',') }}"
csvline: "{{ lookup('csvfile', bgp_neighbor_ip, file='bgp_neighbors.csv', delimiter=',', col=item) }}"
columns: ['loop_ip', 'int_ip', 'int_mask', 'int_name', 'local_as', 'neighbour_as', 'neight_int_ip']
bgp_neighbor_ip: ''
loop: '{{ range(columns|length|int) }}'
delegate_to: localhost
delegate_facts: true
# Contents of people.csv
# # Last,First,Email,Extension
# Smith,Jane,jsmith@example.com,1234
- name: Specify the column (by keycol) in which the string should be searched
- lookup('ansible.builtin.csvfile', 'Jane', file='people.csv', delimiter=',', col=0, keycol=1) == "Smith"
RETURN = """