-"You can run playbooks that use this on a local machine, or on a Webfaction host, or elsewhere, since the scripts use the remote webfaction API - the location is not important. However, running them on multiple hosts I(simultaneously) is best avoided. If you don't specify I(localhost) as your host, you may want to add C(serial: 1) to the plays."
-"You can run playbooks that use this on a local machine, or on a Webfaction host, or elsewhere, since the scripts use the remote webfaction API - the location is not important. However, running them on multiple hosts I(simultaneously) is best avoided. If you don't specify I(localhost) as your host, you may want to add C(serial: 1) to the plays."
-IfyouareI(deleting)domainsbyusingC(state=absent),thennotethatifyouspecifysubdomains,justthoseparticularsubdomainswillbedeleted.Ifyoudon't specify subdomains, the domain will be deleted.
-"You can run playbooks that use this on a local machine, or on a Webfaction host, or elsewhere, since the scripts use the remote webfaction API - the location is not important. However, running them on multiple hosts I(simultaneously) is best avoided. If you don't specify I(localhost) as your host, you may want to add C(serial: 1) to the plays."
-Sadly,youI(do)needtoknowyourwebfactionhostnamefortheC(host)parameter.Butatleast,unliketheAPI,youdon't need to know the IP address - you can use a DNS name.