short_description: idempotent s3 module putting a file into S3.
short_description: idempotent S3 module putting a file into S3.
- This module allows the user to dictate the presence of a given file in an S3 bucket. If or once the key (file) exists in the bucket, it returns a time-expired download url. This module has a dependency on python-boto.
- This module allows the user to dictate the presence of a given file in an S3 bucket. If or once the key (file) exists in the bucket, it returns a time-expired download URL. This module has a dependency on python-boto.
version_added: "1.1"
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ options:
aliases: []
- the destination in s3, if different from path
- the destination in S3, if different from path
required: false
default: null
aliases: []
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ options:
aliases: []
- force overwrite if a file with the same name already exists. Does not support files uploaded to s3 with multipart upload.
- force overwrite if a file with the same name already exists. Does not support files uploaded to S3 with multipart upload.
required: false
default: false
version_added: "1.2"
@ -63,13 +63,11 @@ author: Lester Wade, Ralph Tice
description: "C(creates), C(removes), and C(chdir) can be specified after the command. For instance, if you only want to run a command if a certain file does not exist, use this."
- If you want to run a command through the shell (say you are using C(<),
C(>), C(|), etc), you actually want the M(shell) module instead. The
M(command) module is much more secure as it's not affected by the user's
- " C(creates), C(removes), and C(chdir) can be specified after the command. For instance, if you only want to run a command if a certain file does not exist, use this."
author: Michael DeHaan
# Example from Ansible Playbooks
- command: /sbin/shutdown -t now
# Run the command if the specified file does not exist
description: Create a new database with name C(acme) and specific encoding and locale settings. If a template different from C(template0) is specified, encoding and locale settings must match those of the template.
- The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or sudo'ing to the C(postgres) account on the host.
- This module uses I(psycopg2), a Python PostgreSQL database adapter. You must ensure that psycopg2 is installed on
@ -93,6 +88,20 @@ requirements: [ psycopg2 ]
author: Lorin Hochstein
# Create a new database with name "acme"
- postgresql_db: db=acme
# Create a new database with name "acme" and specific encoding and locale
# settings. If a template different from "template0" is specified, encoding
# and locale settings must match those of the template.
- This module cannot be used on Debian Squeeze (Version 6) as there is no C(add-apt-repository) in C(python-software-properties)
- A bug in C(apt-add-repository) always adds C(deb) and C(deb-src) types for repositories (see the issue on Launchpad U(, if a repo doesn't have source information (eg MongoDB repo from 10gen) the system will fail while updating repositories.
description: Install I(MyApp) using one of the remote protocols (bzr+,hg+,git+,svn+) or tarballs (zip, gz, bz2) C(pip) supports. You do not have to supply '-e' option in extra_args. For these source names, C(use_mirrors) is ignored and not applicable.
- code: "pip: name=flask virtualenv=/my_app/venv"
description: "Install I(Flask) (U( into the specified I(virtualenv), inheriting none of the globally installed modules"
description: Install specified python requirements and custom Index URL.
- Please note that virtualenv (U( must be installed on the remote host if the virtualenv parameter is specified.
requirements: [ "virtualenv", "pip" ]
author: Matt Wright
# Install (flask) python package.
- pip: name=flask
# Install (flask) python package on version 0.8.
- pip: name=flask version=0.8
# Install (MyApp) using one of the remote protocols (bzr+,hg+,git+,svn+) or tarballs (zip, gz, bz2) (pip) supports. You do not have to supply '-e' option in extra_args. For these source names, (use_mirrors) is ignored and not applicable.
description: Register as user I(joe_user) with password I(somepass) and auto-subscribe to available content.
- code: redhat_subscription action=register activationkey=1-222333444 pool='^(Red Hat Enterprise Server|Red Hat Virtualization)$'
description: Register with activationkey I(1-222333444) and consume subscriptions matching the names I(Red hat Enterprise Server) and I(Red Hat Virtualization)
# Register as user (joe_user) with password (somepass) and auto-subscribe to available content.
description: Register as user I(joe_user) with password I(somepass) and enable channels I(rhel-x86_64-server-6-foo-1) and I(rhel-x86_64-server-6-bar-1).
description: Set kernel.panic to 3 in /tmp/test_sysctl.conf, check if the sysctl key seems writable, but do not reload sysctl, and do not check kernel value after (not needed, because not the real /etc/sysctl.conf updated)
notes: []
requirements: []
author: David "DaviXX" CHANIAL <>