Fix document references in modules (#49892)

* Docs: Fixes internal module reference syntax for seealso
* Updates anchors and links
* Updates seealso in the docs for module **win_chocolatey**.
Dag Wieers 6 years ago committed by Alicia Cozine
parent 651ea5da44
commit 653c3da500

@ -94,4 +94,4 @@ And you use the ``eapi`` variable in your task(s):
Note that while Ansible 2.6 supports the use of ``connection: local`` with ``provider`` dictionaries, this usage will be deprecated in the future and eventually removed.
For more information, see :ref:`Become and Networks<become-network>`
For more information, see :ref:`Become and Networks<become_network>`

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@ Certain network platforms, such as eos and ios, have the concept of different pr
For more information, see the :ref:`using become with network modules<become-network>` guide.
For more information, see the :ref:`using become with network modules<become_network>` guide.
Jump hosts

@ -319,7 +319,7 @@ The deprecation warnings reflect this schedule. The task above, run in Ansible 2
[DEPRECATION WARNING]: Param 'host' is deprecated. See the module docs for more information. This feature will be removed in version 2.9.
Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg.
We recommend using the new connection types ``network_cli`` and ``netconf`` (see below), using standard Ansible connection properties, and setting those properties in inventory by group. As you update your playbooks and inventory files, you can easily make the change to ``become`` for privilege escalation (on platforms that support it). For more information, see the :ref:`using become with network modules<become-network>` guide and the :ref:`platform documentation<platform_options>`.
We recommend using the new connection types ``network_cli`` and ``netconf`` (see below), using standard Ansible connection properties, and setting those properties in inventory by group. As you update your playbooks and inventory files, you can easily make the change to ``become`` for privilege escalation (on platforms that support it). For more information, see the :ref:`using become with network modules<become_network>` guide and the :ref:`platform documentation<platform_options>`.
Adding persistent connection types ``network_cli`` and ``netconf``

@ -235,7 +235,7 @@ To force ``become`` to open a new systemd session that goes through
For more information, see `this systemd issue
.. _become-network:
.. _become_network:
Become and Networks
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Ansible still supports ``enable`` mode with ``connection: local`` for legacy pla
We recommend updating your playbooks to use ``become`` for network-device ``enable`` mode consistently. The use of ``authorize`` and of ``provider`` dictionaries will be deprecated in future. Check the :ref:`platform_options` and :ref:`network_modules` documentation for details.
.. _become-windows:
.. _become_windows:
Become and Windows

@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ See Also
{% for item in seealso %}
{% if item.module is defined and item.description is defined %}
:ref:`Module @{ item.module }@ <@{ item.module }@_module>`
:ref:`@{ item.module }@_module`
@{ item.description | rst_ify }@
{% elif item.module is defined %}
:ref:`@{ item.module }@_module`

@ -15,12 +15,11 @@ ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
module: win_chocolatey
version_added: "1.9"
version_added: '1.9'
short_description: Manage packages using chocolatey
- Manage packages using Chocolatey (U(
- Manage packages using Chocolatey.
- If Chocolatey is missing from the system, the module will install it.
- List of packages can be found at U(
- chocolatey >= 0.10.5 (will be upgraded if older)
@ -55,6 +54,7 @@ options:
- When setting C(x86), will ensure Chocolatey installs the x86 package
even when on an x64 bit OS.
type: str
- default
- x86
@ -204,32 +204,43 @@ options:
- Specific version of the package to be installed.
- When I(state) is set to C(absent), will uninstall the specific version
otherwise all versions of that package will be removed.
- Provide as a string (e.g. C('6.1')), otherwise it is considered to be
a floating-point number and depending on the locale could become C(6,1),
which will cause a failure.
type: str
- Provide the C(version) parameter value as a string (e.g. C('6.1')), otherwise it
is considered to be a floating-point number and depending on the locale could
become C(6,1), which will cause a failure.
- When using verbosity 2 or less (C(-vv)) the C(stdout) output will be restricted.
- When using verbosity 4 (C(-vvvv)) the C(stdout) output will be more verbose.
- When using verbosity 5 (C(-vvvvv)) the C(stdout) output will include debug output.
- This module will install or upgrade Chocolatey when needed.
- When using verbosity 2 or less (C(-vv)) the C(stdout) output will be restricted.
When using verbosity 4 (C(-vvvv)) the C(stdout) output will be more verbose.
When using verbosity 5 (C(-vvvvv)) the C(stdout) output will include debug output.
- Some packages, like hotfixes or updates need an interactive user logon in
order to install. You can use (C(become)) to achieve this, see
- Even if you are connecting as local Administrator, using (C(become)) to
order to install. You can use C(become) to achieve this, see
Even if you are connecting as local Administrator, using C(become) to
become Administrator will give you an interactive user logon, see examples
- If (C(become)) is unavailable, use (M(win_hotfix) to install hotfixes instead
of (M(win_chocolatey)) as (M(win_hotfix)) avoids using wusa.exe which cannot
be run without (C(become)).
- If C(become) is unavailable, use M(win_hotfix) to install hotfixes instead
of M(win_chocolatey) as M(win_hotfix) avoids using C(wusa.exe) which cannot
be run without C(become).
- module: win_chocolatey_config
- module: win_chocolatey_facts
- module: win_chocolatey_feature
- module: win_chocolatey_source
- module: win_feature
- module: win_hotfix
description: Use when C(become) is unavailable, to avoid using C(wusa.exe).
- module: win_package
- module: win_updates
- name: Chocolatey website
description: More information about the Chocolatey tool.
- name: Chocolatey packages
description: An overview of the available Chocolatey packages.
- ref: become_windows
description: Some packages, like hotfixes or updates need an interactive user logon
in order to install. You can use C(become) to achieve this.
- Trond Hindenes (@trondhindenes)
- Peter Mounce (@petemounce)
@ -276,7 +287,7 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
name: git
source: internal_repo
- name: ensure Chocolatey itself is installed and use internal repo as source
- name: Ensure Chocolatey itself is installed and use internal repo as source
name: chocolatey
source: http://someserver/chocolatey
@ -303,7 +314,7 @@ EXAMPLES = r'''
- putty
- windirstat
- name: uninstall multiple packages
- name: Uninstall multiple packages
- procexp
