Normalize text and byte type in the ssh plugin helper method that builds up an ssh command (#17860)

Mostly cleanups to make the code more efficient, more pythonic, and obey
the unicode sandwich strategy more but also Fixes #17832
Toshio Kuratomi 8 years ago committed by GitHub
parent b0cd624aef
commit 64c446d9c0

@ -97,6 +97,8 @@ def _get_config(p, section, key, env_var, default):
return value
if p is not None:
# TODO: Once we branch Ansible-2.2, change to the following in devel
#return to_text(p.get(section, key, raw=True), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
return p.get(section, key, raw=True)
return default
@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ MAX_FILE_SIZE_FOR_DIFF = get_config(p, DEFAULTS, 'max_diff_size', 'ANSIB
ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'ssh_args', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS', '-C -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s')
ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'control_path', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH', "%(directory)s/ansible-ssh-%%h-%%p-%%r")
ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'control_path', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH', u"%(directory)s/ansible-ssh-%%h-%%p-%%r")
ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'pipelining', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_PIPELINING', False, boolean=True)
ANSIBLE_SSH_RETRIES = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'retries', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_RETRIES', 0, integer=True)
ANSIBLE_SSH_EXECUTABLE = get_config(p, 'ssh_connection', 'ssh_executable', 'ANSIBLE_SSH_EXECUTABLE', 'ssh')

@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ class ConnectionBase(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
# ['t\x00\x00\x00', '\x00\x00\x00e\x00\x00\x00']
return [to_text(x.strip()) for x in shlex.split(to_bytes(argstring)) if x.strip()]
except AttributeError:
# In Python3, shlex.split doesn't work on a byte string.
return [to_text(x.strip()) for x in shlex.split(argstring) if x.strip()]

@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ class Connection(ConnectionBase):
def _persistence_controls(command):
def _persistence_controls(b_command):
Takes a command array and scans it for ControlPersist and ControlPath
settings and returns two booleans indicating whether either was found.
@ -97,21 +97,29 @@ class Connection(ConnectionBase):
controlpersist = False
controlpath = False
for arg in command:
if 'controlpersist' in arg.lower():
for b_arg in (a.lower() for a in b_command):
if b'controlpersist' in b_arg:
controlpersist = True
elif 'controlpath' in arg.lower():
elif b'controlpath' in b_arg:
controlpath = True
return controlpersist, controlpath
def _add_args(self, explanation, args):
def _add_args(self, b_command, b_args, explanation):
Adds the given args to self._command and displays a caller-supplied
explanation of why they were added.
Adds arguments to the ssh command and displays a caller-supplied explanation of why.
:arg b_command: A list containing the command to add the new arguments to.
This list will be modified by this method.
:arg b_args: An iterable of new arguments to add. This iterable is used
more than once so it must be persistent (ie: a list is okay but a
StringIO would not)
:arg explanation: A text string containing explaining why the arguments
were added. It will be displayed with a high enough verbosity.
.. note:: This function does its work via side-effect. The b_command list has the new arguments appended.
self._command += args
display.vvvvv('SSH: ' + explanation + ': (%s)' % ')('.join(map(to_text, args)), host=self._play_context.remote_addr)
display.vvvvv(u'SSH: %s: (%s)' % (explanation, ')('.join(to_text(a) for a in b_args)), host=self._play_context.remote_addr)
b_command += b_args
def _build_command(self, binary, *other_args):
@ -119,9 +127,11 @@ class Connection(ConnectionBase):
a command line as an array that can be passed to subprocess.Popen.
self._command = []
b_command = []
## First, the command name.
# First, the command to invoke
# If we want to use password authentication, we have to set up a pipe to
# write the password to sshpass.
@ -131,11 +141,13 @@ class Connection(ConnectionBase):
raise AnsibleError("to use the 'ssh' connection type with passwords, you must install the sshpass program")
self.sshpass_pipe = os.pipe()
self._command += ['sshpass', '-d{0}'.format(self.sshpass_pipe[0])]
b_command += [b'sshpass', b'-d' + to_bytes(self.sshpass_pipe[0], nonstring='simplerepr', errors='surrogate_or_strict')]
self._command += [binary]
b_command += [to_bytes(binary, errors='surrogate_or_strict')]
## Next, additional arguments based on the configuration.
# Next, additional arguments based on the configuration.
# sftp batch mode allows us to correctly catch failed transfers, but can
# be disabled if the client side doesn't support the option. However,
@ -143,98 +155,95 @@ class Connection(ConnectionBase):
# if not using controlpersist and using sshpass
if binary == 'sftp' and C.DEFAULT_SFTP_BATCH_MODE:
if self._play_context.password:
self._add_args('disable batch mode for sshpass', ['-o', 'BatchMode=no'])
self._command += ['-b', '-']
b_args = [b'-o', b'BatchMode=no']
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u'disable batch mode for sshpass')
b_command += [b'-b', b'-']
if self._play_context.verbosity > 3:
self._command += ['-vvv']
# Next, we add [ssh_connection]ssh_args from ansible.cfg.
if self._play_context.ssh_args:
args = self._split_ssh_args(self._play_context.ssh_args)
self._add_args("ansible.cfg set ssh_args", args)
b_args = [to_bytes(a, errors='surrogate_or_strict') for a in
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u"ansible.cfg set ssh_args")
# Now we add various arguments controlled by configuration file settings
# (e.g. host_key_checking) or inventory variables (ansible_ssh_port) or
# a combination thereof.
"ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING/host_key_checking disabled",
("-o", "StrictHostKeyChecking=no")
b_args = (b"-o", b"StrictHostKeyChecking=no")
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u"ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING/host_key_checking disabled")
if self._play_context.port is not None:
"ANSIBLE_REMOTE_PORT/remote_port/ansible_port set",
("-o", "Port={0}".format(self._play_context.port))
b_args = (b"-o", b"Port=" + to_bytes(self._play_context.port, nonstring='simplerepr', errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u"ANSIBLE_REMOTE_PORT/remote_port/ansible_port set")
key = self._play_context.private_key_file
if key:
"ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE/private_key_file/ansible_ssh_private_key_file set",
("-o", "IdentityFile=\"{0}\"".format(os.path.expanduser(key)))
b_args = (b"-o", b'IdentityFile="' + to_bytes(os.path.expanduser(key), errors='surrogate_or_strict') + b'"')
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u"ANSIBLE_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE/private_key_file/ansible_ssh_private_key_file set")
if not self._play_context.password:
"ansible_password/ansible_ssh_pass not set", (
"-o", "KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no",
"-o", "PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey",
"-o", "PasswordAuthentication=no"
b_command, (
b"-o", b"KbdInteractiveAuthentication=no",
b"-o", b"PreferredAuthentications=gssapi-with-mic,gssapi-keyex,hostbased,publickey",
b"-o", b"PasswordAuthentication=no"
u"ansible_password/ansible_ssh_pass not set"
user = self._play_context.remote_user
if user:
"ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER/remote_user/ansible_user/user/-u set",
("-o", "User={0}".format(to_bytes(self._play_context.remote_user)))
(b"-o", b"User=" + to_bytes(self._play_context.remote_user, errors='surrogate_or_strict')),
u"ANSIBLE_REMOTE_USER/remote_user/ansible_user/user/-u set"
"ANSIBLE_TIMEOUT/timeout set",
("-o", "ConnectTimeout={0}".format(self._play_context.timeout))
(b"-o", b"ConnectTimeout=" + to_bytes(self._play_context.timeout, errors='surrogate_or_strict', nonstring='simplerepr')),
u"ANSIBLE_TIMEOUT/timeout set"
# Add in any common or binary-specific arguments from the PlayContext
# (i.e. inventory or task settings or overrides on the command line).
for opt in ['ssh_common_args', binary + '_extra_args']:
for opt in (u'ssh_common_args', u'{0}_extra_args'.format(binary)):
attr = getattr(self._play_context, opt, None)
if attr is not None:
args = self._split_ssh_args(attr)
self._add_args("PlayContext set %s" % opt, args)
b_args = [to_bytes(a, errors='surrogate_or_strict') for a in self._split_ssh_args(attr)]
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u"PlayContext set %s" % opt)
# Check if ControlPersist is enabled and add a ControlPath if one hasn't
# already been set.
controlpersist, controlpath = self._persistence_controls(self._command)
controlpersist, controlpath = self._persistence_controls(b_command)
if controlpersist:
self._persistent = True
if not controlpath:
cpdir = unfrackpath('$HOME/.ansible/cp')
b_cpdir = to_bytes(cpdir)
cpdir = unfrackpath(u'$HOME/.ansible/cp')
b_cpdir = to_bytes(cpdir, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
# The directory must exist and be writable.
makedirs_safe(b_cpdir, 0o700)
if not os.access(b_cpdir, os.W_OK):
raise AnsibleError("Cannot write to ControlPath %s" % to_native(cpdir))
args = ("-o", "ControlPath=" + C.ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH % dict(directory=cpdir))
self._add_args("found only ControlPersist; added ControlPath", args)
## Finally, we add any caller-supplied extras.
b_args = (b"-o", b"ControlPath=" + to_bytes(C.ANSIBLE_SSH_CONTROL_PATH % dict(directory=cpdir), errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
self._add_args(b_command, b_args, u"found only ControlPersist; added ControlPath")
# Finally, we add any caller-supplied extras.
if other_args:
self._command += other_args
b_command += [to_bytes(a) for a in other_args]
cmd = [to_bytes(a) for a in self._command]
return cmd
return b_command
def _send_initial_data(self, fh, in_data):
@ -357,8 +366,10 @@ class Connection(ConnectionBase):
## SSH state machine
# SSH state machine
# Now we read and accumulate output from the running process until it
# exits. Depending on the circumstances, we may also need to write an
# escalation password and/or pipelined input to the process.
