Revert "Disable new git tests until a fix for rhel6/7 is merged."

This reverts commit 197d3dfe97.
Robin Roth 8 years ago
parent c600ab81ee
commit 59bad647b6

@ -596,22 +596,17 @@
depth: 1
version: master
### Commented out while @robinro figures out the best fix to the git module.
### Probably going to disable depth for this operation when on older vresions
### of git to address it (of what we test, currently only rhel6/7 are broken
### (fedora and ubuntu12+ work)
#- name: switch to older branch with depth=1 (uses fetch)
# git:
# repo: '{{ repo_depth_url }}'
# dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
# depth: 1
# version: earlybranch
# register: git_fetch
#- name: ensure the fetch succeeded
# assert:
# that: git_fetch|success
- name: switch to older branch with depth=1 (uses fetch)
repo: '{{ repo_depth_url }}'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
depth: 1
version: earlybranch
register: git_fetch
- name: ensure the fetch succeeded
that: git_fetch|success
- name: clear checkout_dir
file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
