Fix documentation and use urlparse without converting to list. (#60217)

Nathan Swartz 5 years ago committed by Jake Jackson
parent d86968991f
commit 5487f5dc84

@ -293,20 +293,20 @@ class NetAppESeriesModule(object):
if not self.is_web_services_valid_cache:
url_parts = list(urlparse(self.url))
if not url_parts[0] or not url_parts[1]:
url_parts = urlparse(self.url)
if not url_parts.scheme or not url_parts.netloc:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to provide valid API URL. Example: URL [%s]." % self.url)
if url_parts[0] not in ["http", "https"]:
if url_parts.scheme not in ["http", "https"]:
self.module.fail_json(msg="Protocol must be http or https. URL [%s]." % self.url)
self.url = "%s://%s/" % (url_parts[0], url_parts[1])
self.url = "%s://%s/" % (url_parts.scheme, url_parts.netloc)
about_url = self.url + self.DEFAULT_REST_API_ABOUT_PATH
rc, data = request(about_url, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, headers=self.DEFAULT_HEADERS, ignore_errors=True, **self.creds)
if rc != 200:
self.module.warn("Failed to retrieve web services about information! Retrying with secure ports. Array Id [%s]." % self.ssid)
self.url = "https://%s:8443/" % url_parts[1].split(":")[0]
self.url = "https://%s:8443/" % url_parts.netloc.split(":")[0]
about_url = self.url + self.DEFAULT_REST_API_ABOUT_PATH
rc, data = request(about_url, timeout=self.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, headers=self.DEFAULT_HEADERS, **self.creds)
@ -378,7 +378,12 @@ class NetAppESeriesModule(object):
def create_multipart_formdata(files, fields=None, send_8kb=False):
"""Create the data for a multipart/form request."""
"""Create the data for a multipart/form request.
:param list(list) files: list of lists each containing (name, filename, path).
:param list(list) fields: list of lists each containing (key, value).
:param bool send_8kb: only sends the first 8kb of the files (default: False).
boundary = "---------------------------" + "".join([str(random.randint(0, 9)) for x in range(27)])
data_parts = list()
data = None
