diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/core b/lib/ansible/modules/core
index db5668b84c3..9b35a391213 160000
--- a/lib/ansible/modules/core
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/core
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit db5668b84c3a19498b843d0bfe34574aef40c193
+Subproject commit 9b35a391213fe87834af5ebc907109de2bc0005f
diff --git a/v2/ansible/playbook/__init__.py b/v2/ansible/playbook/__init__.py
index 0671c261ff9..6b9cfa6ce69 100644
--- a/v2/ansible/playbook/__init__.py
+++ b/v2/ansible/playbook/__init__.py
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see .
-import v2.utils
+import ansible.utils
class Playbook(object):
def __init__(self, filename):
diff --git a/v2/ansible/playbook/base.py b/v2/ansible/playbook/base.py
index 3b4785ee46b..a16e22f15f7 100644
--- a/v2/ansible/playbook/base.py
+++ b/v2/ansible/playbook/base.py
@@ -15,8 +15,11 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see .
+from errors import AnsibleError
+from playbook.tag import Tag
class Base(object):
- def __init__(self):
- pass
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
diff --git a/v2/ansible/playbook/conditional.py b/v2/ansible/playbook/conditional.py
index 6be68607a05..56028e29eaf 100644
--- a/v2/ansible/playbook/conditional.py
+++ b/v2/ansible/playbook/conditional.py
@@ -15,15 +15,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see .
-import v2.config as C
-from v2.utils import template
-from v2.utils import list_union
class Conditional(object):
def __init__(self, task):
- pass
+ self._task = task
+ self._conditionals = []
def evaluate(self, context):
+ def push(self, conditionals):
+ if not isinstance(conditionals, list):
+ conditionals = [ conditionals ]
+ self._conditionals.extend(conditionals)
diff --git a/v2/ansible/playbook/tag.py b/v2/ansible/playbook/tag.py
index 239038ea884..a992f8dee08 100644
--- a/v2/ansible/playbook/tag.py
+++ b/v2/ansible/playbook/tag.py
@@ -15,19 +15,25 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see .
-from v2.errors import AnsibleError
-from v2.utils import list_union
+from errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.utils import list_union
class Tag(object):
def __init__(self, tags=[]):
- self.tags = tags
+ assert isinstance(tags, list)
+ self._tags = tags
- def push(self, tag):
- if tag not in self.tags:
- self.tags.append(tag)
+ def push(self, tags):
+ if not isinstance(tags, list):
+ tags = [ tags ]
+ for tag in tags:
+ if not isinstance(tag, basestring):
+ tag = str(tag)
+ if tag not in self._tags:
+ self._tags.append(tag)
def get_tags(self):
- return self.tags
+ return self._tags
def merge(self, tags):
# returns a union of the tags, which can be a string,
@@ -38,8 +44,8 @@ class Tag(object):
tags = Tag(tags)
elif not isinstance(tags, Tag):
raise AnsibleError('expected a Tag() instance, instead got %s' % type(tags))
- return utils.list_union(self.tags, tags.get_tags())
+ return utils.list_union(self._tags, tags.get_tags())
def matches(self, tag):
- return tag in self.tags
+ return tag in self._tags
diff --git a/v2/ansible/playbook/task.py b/v2/ansible/playbook/task.py
index 2979ba21465..e8efa7eb0dd 100644
--- a/v2/ansible/playbook/task.py
+++ b/v2/ansible/playbook/task.py
@@ -15,24 +15,289 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see .
-from v2.playbook.base import PlaybookBase
+from playbook.base import Base
+from playbook.conditional import Conditional
+from errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible import utils
+# TODO: it would be fantastic (if possible) if a task new where in the YAML it was defined for describing
+# it in error conditions
+class Task(Base):
+ """
+ A task is a language feature that represents a call to a module, with given arguments and other parameters.
+ A handler is a subclass of a task.
+ Usage:
+ Task.load(datastructure) -> Task
+ Task.something(...)
+ """
+ # =================================================================================
+ # KEYS AND SLOTS: defines what variables in are valid in the data structure and
+ # the object itself
+ 'always_run', 'any_errors_fatal', 'async', 'connection', 'delay', 'delegate_to', 'environment',
+ 'first_available_file', 'ignore_errors', 'include', 'local_action', 'meta', 'name', 'no_log',
+ 'notify', 'poll', 'register', 'remote_user', 'retries', 'run_once', 'su', 'su_pass', 'su_user',
+ 'sudo', 'sudo_pass', 'sudo_user', 'transport', 'until'
+ ]
+ __slots__ = [
+ '_always_run', '_any_errors_fatal', '_async', '_connection', '_delay', '_delegate_to', '_environment',
+ '_first_available_file', '_ignore_errors', '_include', '_local_action', '_meta', '_name', '_no_log',
+ '_notify', '_poll', '_register', '_remote_user', '_retries', '_run_once', '_su', '_su_pass', '_su_user',
+ '_sudo', '_sudo_pass', '_sudo_user', '_transport', '_until'
+ ]
+ # ==================================================================================
-class Task(PlaybookBase):
def __init__(self, block=None, role=None):
- self.ds = None
- self.block = block
- self.role = role
+ ''' constructors a task, without the Task.load classmethod, it will be pretty blank '''
+ self._block = block
+ self._role = role
+ self._reset()
+ super(Task, self).__init__()
+ # TODO: move to BaseObject
+ def _reset(self):
+ ''' clear out the object '''
- def load(self, ds):
- self.ds = ds
- self.name = ""
+ for x in __slots__:
+ setattr(x, None)
+ # ==================================================================================
+ def get_name(self):
+ ''' return the name of the task '''
+ if self._role:
+ return "%s : %s" % (self._role.get_name(), self._name)
+ else:
+ return self._name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ ''' returns a human readable representation of the task '''
+ return "TASK: %s" % self.get_name()
+ # FIXME: does a task have variables?
def get_vars(self):
- return dict()
+ ''' return the variables associated with the task '''
+ raise exception.NotImplementedError()
def get_role(self):
- return self.role
+ '' return the role associated with the task '''
+ return self._role
def get_block(self):
- return self.block
+ ''' return the block the task is in '''
+ return self._block
+ # ==================================================================================
+ # LOAD: functions related to walking the datastructure and storing data
+ def _load_parameters(data):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign any module parameters for this task '''
+ if isinstance(data, dict):
+ return dict(_parameters=data)
+ elif isinstance(data, basestring):
+ return dict(_parameters=utils.parse_kv(data))
+ elif isinstance(data, None):
+ return dict(_parameters='')
+ else:
+ raise AnsibleError("invalid arguments specified, got '%s' (type=%s')" % (data, type(data)))
+ def _load_action(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign the module and parameters if used in 'action/local_action' format '''
+ results = dict()
+ module_name, params = v.strip().split(' ', 1)
+ if module_name not in utils.plugins.module_finder:
+ raise AnsibleError("the specified module '%s' could not be found, check your module path" % module_name)
+ results['_module_name'] = module_name
+ results['_parameters'] = utils.parse_kv(params)
+ if k == 'local_action':
+ if 'delegate_to' in ds:
+ raise AnsibleError("delegate_to cannot be specified with local_action in task: %s" % ds.get('name', v))
+ results['_delegate_to'] = ''
+ if not 'transport' in ds and not 'connection' in ds:
+ results['_transport'] = 'local'
+ return results
+ def _load_module(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign the module and parameters if used in 'module:' format '''
+ results = dict()
+ if self._module_name:
+ raise AnsibleError("the module name (%s) was already specified, '%s' is a duplicate" % (self._module_name, k))
+ elif 'action' in ds:
+ raise AnsibleError("multiple actions specified in task: '%s' and '%s'" % (k, ds.get('name', ds['action'])))
+ results['_module_name'] = k
+ if isinstance(v, dict) and 'args' in ds:
+ raise AnsibleError("can't combine args: and a dict for %s: in task %s" % (k, ds.get('name', "%s: %s" % (k, v))))
+ results['_parameters'] = self._load_parameters(v)
+ return results
+ def _load_loop(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign the module any loop directives that have valid action plugins as names '''
+ results = dict()
+ if isinstance(v, basestring):
+ param = v.strip()
+ if (param.startswith('{{') and param.find('}}') == len(ds[x]) - 2 and param.find('|') == -1):
+ utils.warning("It is unnecessary to use '{{' in loops, leave variables in loop expressions bare.")
+ plugin_name = k.replace("with_","")
+ if plugin_name in utils.plugins.lookup_loader:
+ results['_lookup_plugin'] = plugin_name
+ results['_lookup_terms'] = v
+ else:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError("cannot find lookup plugin named %s for usage in with_%s" % (plugin_name, plugin_name))
+ return results
+ def _load_legacy_when(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' yell about old when syntax being used still '''
+ utils.deprecated("The 'when_' conditional has been removed. Switch to using the regular unified 'when' statements as described on docs.ansible.com.","1.5", removed=True)
+ if self._when:
+ raise errors.AnsibleError("multiple when_* statements specified in task %s" % (ds.get('name', ds.get('action'))))
+ when_name = k.replace("when_","")
+ return dict(_when = "%s %s" % (when_name, v))
+ def _load_when(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign a conditional '''
+ conditionals = self._when.copy()
+ conditionals.push(v)
+ return dict(_when=conditionals)
+ def _load_changed_when(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign a changed_when conditional '''
+ conditionals = self._changed_when.copy()
+ conditionals.push(v)
+ return dict(_changed_when=conditionals)
+ def _load_failed_when(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign a failed_when conditional '''
+ conditionals = self._failed_when.copy()
+ conditionals.push(v)
+ return dict(_failed_when=conditionals)
+ # FIXME: move to BaseObject
+ def _load_tags(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' validate/transmogrify/assign any tags '''
+ new_tags = self.tags.copy()
+ tags = v
+ if isinstance(v, basestring):
+ tags = v.split(',')
+ new_tags.push(v)
+ return dict(_tags=v)
+ def _load_invalid_key(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' handle any key we do not recognize '''
+ raise AnsibleError("%s is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler" % k)
+ def _load_other_valid_key(self, ds, k, v):
+ ''' handle any other attribute we DO recognize '''
+ results = dict()
+ k = "_%s" % k
+ results[k] = v
+ return results
+ def _loader_for_key(self, k):
+ ''' based on the name of a datastructure element, find the code to handle it '''
+ if k in ('action', 'local_action'):
+ return self._load_action
+ elif k in utils.plugins.module_finder:
+ return self._load_module
+ elif k.startswith('with_'):
+ return self._load_loop
+ elif k == 'changed_when':
+ return self._load_changed_when
+ elif k == 'failed_when':
+ return self._load_failed_when
+ elif k == 'when':
+ return self._load_when
+ elif k == 'tags':
+ return self._load_tags
+ elif k not in self.VALID_KEYS:
+ return self._load_invalid_key
+ else:
+ return self._load_other_valid_key
+ @classmethod
+ def load(self, ds, block=None, role=None):
+ ''' walk the datastructure and store/validate parameters '''
+ self = Task(block=block, role=role)
+ return self._load_from_datastructure(ds)
+ # TODO: move to BaseObject
+ def _load_from_datastructure(ds)
+ self._pre_validate(ds)
+ # load the keys from the datastructure
+ for k,v in ds.iteritems():
+ mods = self._loader_for_key(k)(k,v)
+ if (k,v) in mods.iteritems():
+ setattr(self,k,v)
+ self._post_validate()
+ return self
+ # ==================================================================================
+ # PRE-VALIDATION - expected to be uncommonly used, this checks for arguments that
+ # are aliases of each other. Most everything else should be in the LOAD block
+ # or the POST-VALIDATE block.
+ def _pre_validate(self, ds):
+ ''' rarely used function to see if the datastructure has items that mean the same thing '''
+ if 'action' in ds and 'local_action' in ds:
+ raise AnsibleError("the 'action' and 'local_action' attributes can not be used together")
+ # =================================================================================
+ # POST-VALIDATION: checks for internal inconsistency between fields
+ # validation can result in an error but also corrections
+ def _post_validate(self):
+ ''' is the loaded datastructure sane? '''
+ if not self._name:
+ self._name = self._post_validate_fixed_name()
+ # incompatible items
+ self._validate_conflicting_su_and_sudo()
+ self._validate_conflicting_first_available_file_and_loookup()
+ def _post_validate_fixed_name(self):
+ '' construct a name for the task if no name was specified '''
+ flat_params = " ".join(["%s=%s" % (k,v) for k,v in self._parameters.iteritems()])
+ return = "%s %s" % (self._module_name, flat_params)
+ def _post_validate_conflicting_su_and_sudo(self):
+ ''' make sure su/sudo usage doesn't conflict '''
+ conflicting = (self._sudo or self._sudo_user or self._sudo_pass) and (self._su or self._su_user or self._su_pass):
+ if conflicting:
+ raise AnsibleError('sudo params ("sudo", "sudo_user", "sudo_pass") and su params ("su", "su_user", "su_pass") cannot be used together')
+ def _post_validate_conflicting_first_available_file_and_lookup(self):
+ ''' first_available_file (deprecated) predates lookup plugins, and cannot be used with those kinds of loops '''
+ if self._first_available_file and self._lookup_plugin:
+ raise AnsibleError("with_(plugin), and first_available_file are mutually incompatible in a single task")