@ -793,17 +793,13 @@ def create_instances(module, ec2, vpc, override_count=None):
grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups(filters={'vpc_id': vpc_id})
grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups()
if type(group_name) == list:
group_id = [ str(grp.id) for grp in grp_details if str(grp.name) in group_name ]
elif type(group_name) == str:
for grp in grp_details:
if str(group_name) in str(grp):
group_id = [str(grp.id)]
if isinstance(group_name, basestring):
group_name = [group_name]
group_id = [ str(grp.id) for grp in grp_details if str(grp.name) in group_name ]
# Now we try to lookup the group id testing if group exists.
elif group_id:
#wrap the group_id in a list if it's not one already
if type(group_id) == str:
if isinstance(group_id, basestring):
group_id = [group_id]
grp_details = ec2.get_all_security_groups(group_ids=group_id)
group_name = [grp_item.name for grp_item in grp_details]