@ -249,34 +249,29 @@ def user_mod(cursor, user, host, password, encrypted, new_priv, append_privs):
if old_user_mgmt:
cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR %s@%s = %s", (user, host, password))
cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password AS %s", (user, host, password))
cursor.execute("ALTER USER %s@%s IDENTIFIED BY %s", (user, host, password))
changed = True
module.fail_json(msg="encrypted was specified however it does not appear to be a valid hash expecting: *SHA1(SHA1(your_password))")
if old_user_mgmt:
cursor.execute("SELECT PASSWORD(%s)", (password,))
cursor.execute("SELECT CONCAT('*', UCASE(SHA1(UNHEX(SHA1(%s)))))", (password,))
new_pass_hash = cursor.fetchone()
if current_pass_hash[0] != new_pass_hash[0]:
cursor.execute("SET PASSWORD FOR %s@%s = PASSWORD(%s)", (user,host,password))
changed = True
# Handle privileges
if new_priv is not None:
curr_priv = privileges_get(cursor, user,host)
# If the user has privileges on a db.table that doesn't appear at all in
# the new specification, then revoke all privileges on it.
for db_table, priv in curr_priv.iteritems():
# If the user has the GRANT OPTION on a db.table, revoke it first.
if "GRANT" in priv:
grant_option = True
if db_table not in new_priv:
if user != "root" and "PROXY" not in priv and not append_privs:
privileges_revoke(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv,grant_option)
# Handle privileges
if new_priv is not None:
curr_priv = privileges_get(cursor, user,host)
# If the user has privileges on a db.table that doesn't appear at all in
# the new specification, then revoke all privileges on it.
for db_table, priv in curr_priv.iteritems():
# If the user has the GRANT OPTION on a db.table, revoke it first.
if "GRANT" in priv:
grant_option = True
if db_table not in new_priv:
if user != "root" and "PROXY" not in priv and not append_privs:
privileges_revoke(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv,grant_option)
changed = True
# If the user doesn't currently have any privileges on a db.table, then
# we can perform a straight grant operation.
for db_table, priv in new_priv.iteritems():
if db_table not in curr_priv:
privileges_grant(cursor, user,host,db_table,priv)
changed = True
# If the db.table specification exists in both the user's current privileges