* check if need update for internal port
* validate port ip
* os_router modified in local
* my_os_router.py tested upto port not found
* tested need update
* default port attached with subnet getting deleted
* update happened with subnet and port id but rerun update=true?
* update working with portid converted subnetid for match checking
* tested and worked
* extra debug commnets cleaned up
* os_router with port ip tested fine
* deleted test files used wq for my development
* interface type changed for backward compatibility
* check if need update for internal port
* validate port ip
* os_router modified in local
* my_os_router.py tested upto port not found
* tested need update
* default port attached with subnet getting deleted
* update happened with subnet and port id but rerun update=true?
* update working with portid converted subnetid for match checking
* tested and worked
* extra debug commnets cleaned up
* os_router with port ip tested fine
* deleted test files used wq for my development
* check if need update for internal port
* validate port ip
* os_router modified in local
* my_os_router.py tested upto port not found
* tested need update
* default port attached with subnet getting deleted
* update happened with subnet and port id but rerun update=true?
* update working with portid converted subnetid for match checking
* tested and worked
* extra debug commnets cleaned up
* os_router with port ip tested fine
* deleted test files used wq for my development
* interface type changed for backward compatibility
* interface type changed for backward compatibility
* restoring requirement.txt which was deleted accidentally
* isinstance instead of type and white space removal
* trailing spaces removal
* multiple space after keyword 379,441
* fail.json interface type and deug msg changes
* test for membership should be 'not in'