@ -215,9 +215,19 @@ Ansible 1.4 will also make remote environment variables available via facts in t
How do I generate crypted passwords for the user module?
Crypted password values can be generated as follows::
The mkpasswd utility that is available on most Linux systems is a great option::
openssl passwd -salt <salt> -1 <plaintext>
mkpasswd --method=SHA-512
If this utility is not installed on your system (e.g. you are using OS X) then you can still easily
generate these passwords using Python. First, ensure that the `Passlib <https://code.google.com/p/passlib/>`_
password hashing library is installed.
pip install passlib
Once the library is ready, SHA512 password values can then be generated as follows::
python -c "from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt; print sha512_crypt.encrypt('<password>')"
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