@ -273,10 +273,23 @@ Verifying against ``tar.gz`` files is not supported. If your ``requirements.yml`
Signature verification
If a collection has been signed by the Galaxy server, the server will provide ASCII armored, detached signatures to verify the authenticity of the MANIFEST.json before using it to verify the collection's contents. You must opt into signature verification by configuring a keyring for ``ansible-galaxy`` to use and providing the path with the ``--keyring`` option.
If a collection has been signed by the Galaxy server, the server will provide ASCII armored, detached signatures to verify the authenticity of the MANIFEST.json before using it to verify the collection's contents. You must opt into signature verification by :ref:`configuring a keyring <galaxy_gpg_keyring>` for ``ansible-galaxy``, or by providing the path with the ``--keyring`` option.
To import a public key into a keyring for use with ``ansible-galaxy`` use the following step.
In addition to any signatures provided by the Galaxy server, signature sources can also be provided in the requirements file and on the command line. Signature sources should be URIs.
You can manually generate detached signatures for a collection using the ``gpg`` CLI using the following step. This step assume you have generated a GPG private key, but do not cover this process.
Use the ``--signature`` option to verify collection name(s) provided on the CLI with an additional signature. This option can be used multiple times to provide multiple signatures.