Streamlined rolling udpate algorithm. Still need to account for partials, and not waiting for instances if we're mass terminating them.

James Martin 10 years ago committed by Matt Clay
parent 1c5cb83ff3
commit 38d0f31cac

@ -190,9 +190,13 @@ to "replace_instances":
import time
import logging as log
from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import *
#log.basicConfig(filename='/tmp/ansible_ec2_asg.log',level=log.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s: %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')
import boto.ec2.autoscale
@ -265,8 +269,71 @@ def get_properties(autoscaling_group):
if getattr(autoscaling_group, "tags", None):
properties['tags'] = dict((t.key, t.value) for t in autoscaling_group.tags)
return properties
def elb_dreg(asg_connection, module, group_name, instance_id):
region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module)
as_group = asg_connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
props = get_properties(as_group)
count = 1
if as_group.load_balancers and as_group.health_check_type == 'ELB':
elb_connection = connect_to_aws(boto.ec2.elb, region, **aws_connect_params)
except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, e:
exists = True
for lb in as_group.load_balancers:
elb_connection.deregister_instances(lb, instance_id)
log.debug("De-registering {0} from ELB {1}".format(instance_id, lb))
wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
while wait_timeout > time.time() and count > 0:
count = 0
for lb in as_group.load_balancers:
lb_instances = elb_connection.describe_instance_health(lb)
for i in lb_instances:
if i.instance_id == instance_id and i.state == "InService":
count += 1
log.debug("{0}: {1}, {2}".format(i.instance_id, i.state, i.description))
if wait_timeout <= time.time():
# waiting took too long
module.fail_json(msg = "Waited too long for instance to deregister. {0}".format(time.asctime()))
def elb_healthy(asg_connection, elb_connection, module, group_name):
healthy_instances = []
as_group = asg_connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
# get healthy, inservice instances from ASG
instances = []
for instance, settings in props['instance_facts'].items():
if settings['lifecycle_state'] == 'InService' and settings['health_status'] == 'Healthy':
log.debug("ASG considers the following instances InService and Healthy: {0}".format(instances))
log.debug("ELB instance status:")
for lb in as_group.load_balancers:
# we catch a race condition that sometimes happens if the instance exists in the ASG
# but has not yet show up in the ELB
lb_instances = elb_connection.describe_instance_health(lb, instances=instances)
except boto.exception.InvalidInstance, e:
for i in lb_instances:
if i.state == "InService":
log.debug("{0}: {1}".format(i.instance_id, i.state))
return len(healthy_instances)
def wait_for_elb(asg_connection, module, group_name):
region, ec2_url, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module)
@ -277,36 +344,23 @@ def wait_for_elb(asg_connection, module, group_name):
as_group = asg_connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
if as_group.load_balancers and as_group.health_check_type == 'ELB':
log.debug("Waiting for ELB to consider intances healthy.")
elb_connection = connect_to_aws(boto.ec2.elb, region, **aws_connect_params)
except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound, e:
wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
healthy_instances = {}
healthy_instances = elb_healthy(asg_connection, elb_connection, module, group_name)
while len(healthy_instances.keys()) < as_group.min_size and wait_timeout > time.time():
as_group = asg_connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
# get healthy, inservice instances from ASG
instances = []
for instance, settings in props['instance_facts'].items():
if settings['lifecycle_state'] == 'InService' and settings['health_status'] == 'Healthy':
for lb in as_group.load_balancers:
# we catch a race condition that sometimes happens if the instance exists in the ASG
# but has not yet show up in the ELB
lb_instances = elb_connection.describe_instance_health(lb, instances=instances)
except boto.exception.InvalidInstance, e:
for i in lb_instances:
if i.state == "InService":
healthy_instances[i.instance_id] = i.state
while healthy_instances < as_group.min_size and wait_timeout > time.time():
healthy_instances = elb_healthy(asg_connection, elb_connection, module, group_name)
log.debug("ELB thinks {0} instances are healthy.".format(healthy_instances))
if wait_timeout <= time.time():
# waiting took too long
module.fail_json(msg = "Waited too long for ELB instances to be healthy. %s" % time.asctime())
log.debug("Waiting complete. ELB thinks {0} instances are healthy.".format(healthy_instances))
def create_autoscaling_group(connection, module):
group_name = module.params.get('name')
@ -364,7 +418,7 @@ def create_autoscaling_group(connection, module):
if wait_for_instances == True:
wait_for_new_instances(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_capacity, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_new_inst(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_capacity, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_elb(connection, module, group_name)
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
asg_properties = get_properties(as_group)
@ -430,7 +484,7 @@ def create_autoscaling_group(connection, module):
if wait_for_instances == True:
wait_for_new_instances(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_capacity, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_new_inst(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_capacity, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_elb(connection, module, group_name)
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
@ -471,6 +525,15 @@ def get_chunks(l, n):
for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i+n]
def update_size(group, max_size, min_size, dc):
log.debug("setting ASG sizes")
log.debug("minimum size: {0}, desired_capacity: {1}, max size: {2}".format(min_size, dc, max_size ))
group.max_size = max_size
group.min_size = min_size
group.desired_capacity = dc
def replace(connection, module):
batch_size = module.params.get('replace_batch_size')
wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
@ -478,91 +541,191 @@ def replace(connection, module):
max_size = module.params.get('max_size')
min_size = module.params.get('min_size')
desired_capacity = module.params.get('desired_capacity')
# FIXME: we need some more docs about this feature
lc_check = module.params.get('lc_check')
replace_instances = module.params.get('replace_instances')
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
wait_for_new_instances(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, as_group.min_size, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_new_inst(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, as_group.min_size, 'viable_instances')
props = get_properties(as_group)
instances = props['instances']
replaceable = 0
if replace_instances:
instances = replace_instances
for k in props['instance_facts'].keys():
if k in instances:
if props['instance_facts'][k]['launch_config_name'] != props['launch_config_name']:
replaceable += 1
if replaceable == 0:
# check to see if instances are replaceable if checking launch configs
new_instances, old_instances = get_instances_by_lc(props, lc_check, instances)
num_new_inst_needed = desired_capacity - len(new_instances)
if lc_check:
if num_new_inst_needed == 0 and old_instances:
log.debug("No new instances needed, but old instances are present. Removing old instances")
terminate_batch(connection, module, old_instances, instances, True)
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
changed = True
return(changed, props)
# we don't want to spin up extra instances if not necessary
if num_new_inst_needed < batch_size:
log.debug("Overriding batch size to {0}".format(num_new_inst_needed))
batch_size = num_new_inst_needed
if not old_instances:
changed = False
return(changed, props)
# set temporary settings and wait for them to be reached
# This should get overriden if the number of instances left is less than the batch size.
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
as_group.max_size = max_size + batch_size
as_group.min_size = min_size + batch_size
as_group.desired_capacity = desired_capacity + batch_size
wait_for_new_instances(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, as_group.min_size, 'viable_instances')
update_size(as_group, max_size + batch_size, min_size + batch_size, desired_capacity + batch_size)
wait_for_new_inst(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, as_group.min_size, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_elb(connection, module, group_name)
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
instances = props['instances']
if replace_instances:
instances = replace_instances
log.debug("beginning main loop")
for i in get_chunks(instances, batch_size):
terminate_batch(connection, module, i)
wait_for_new_instances(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, as_group.min_size, 'viable_instances')
# break out of this loop if we have enough new instances
break_early, desired_size, term_instances = terminate_batch(connection, module, i, instances, False)
wait_for_term_inst(connection, module, term_instances)
wait_for_new_inst(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_size, 'viable_instances')
wait_for_elb(connection, module, group_name)
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
# return settings to normal
as_group.max_size = max_size
as_group.min_size = min_size
as_group.desired_capacity = desired_capacity
if break_early:
log.debug("breaking loop")
update_size(as_group, max_size, min_size, desired_capacity)
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
asg_properties = get_properties(as_group)
log.debug("Rolling update complete.")
return(changed, asg_properties)
def terminate_batch(connection, module, replace_instances):
group_name = module.params.get('name')
wait_timeout = int(module.params.get('wait_timeout'))
lc_check = module.params.get('lc_check')
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
def get_instances_by_lc(props, lc_check, initial_instances):
# check to make sure instances given are actually in the given ASG
# and they have a non-current launch config
new_instances = []
old_instances = []
# old instances are those that have the old launch config
if lc_check:
for i in props['instances']:
if props['instance_facts'][i]['launch_config_name'] == props['launch_config_name']:
log.debug("Comparing initial instances with current: {0}".format(initial_instances))
for i in props['instances']:
if i not in initial_instances:
log.debug("New instances: {0}, {1}".format(len(new_instances), new_instances))
log.debug("Old instances: {0}, {1}".format(len(old_instances), old_instances))
return new_instances, old_instances
def list_purgeable_instances(props, lc_check, replace_instances, initial_instances):
instances_to_terminate = []
instances = ( inst_id for inst_id in replace_instances if inst_id in props['instances'])
# check to make sure instances given are actually in the given ASG
# and they have a non-current launch config
if lc_check:
for i in instances:
if props['instance_facts'][i]['launch_config_name'] != props['launch_config_name']:
old_instances = instances
for i in instances:
if i in initial_instances:
return instances_to_terminate
# set all instances given to unhealthy
for instance_id in old_instances:
def terminate_batch(connection, module, replace_instances, initial_instances, leftovers=False):
batch_size = module.params.get('replace_batch_size')
min_size = module.params.get('min_size')
desired_capacity = module.params.get('desired_capacity')
group_name = module.params.get('name')
wait_timeout = int(module.params.get('wait_timeout'))
lc_check = module.params.get('lc_check')
decrement_capacity = False
break_loop = False
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
desired_size = as_group.min_size
new_instances, old_instances = get_instances_by_lc(props, lc_check, initial_instances)
num_new_inst_needed = desired_capacity - len(new_instances)
# check to make sure instances given are actually in the given ASG
# and they have a non-current launch config
instances_to_terminate = list_purgeable_instances(props, lc_check, replace_instances, initial_instances)
log.debug("new instances needed: {0}".format(num_new_inst_needed))
log.debug("new instances: {0}".format(new_instances))
log.debug("old instances: {0}".format(old_instances))
log.debug("batch instances: {0}".format(",".join(instances_to_terminate)))
if num_new_inst_needed == 0:
decrement_capacity = True
if as_group.min_size != min_size:
as_group.min_size = min_size
log.debug("Updating minimum size back to original of {0}".format(min_size))
#if are some leftover old instances, but we are already at capacity with new ones
# we don't want to decrement capacity
if leftovers:
decrement_capacity = False
break_loop = True
instances_to_terminate = old_instances
desired_size = min_size
log.debug("No new instances needed")
if num_new_inst_needed < batch_size and num_new_inst_needed !=0 :
instances_to_terminate = instances_to_terminate[:num_new_inst_needed]
decrement_capacity = False
break_loop = False
log.debug("{0} new instances needed".format(num_new_inst_needed))
log.debug("decrementing capacity: {0}".format(decrement_capacity))
for instance_id in instances_to_terminate:
elb_dreg(connection, module, group_name, instance_id)
log.debug("terminating instance: {0}".format(instance_id))
connection.terminate_instance(instance_id, decrement_capacity=decrement_capacity)
# we wait to make sure the machines we marked as Unhealthy are
# no longer in the list
return break_loop, desired_size, instances_to_terminate
def wait_for_term_inst(connection, module, term_instances):
batch_size = module.params.get('replace_batch_size')
wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout')
group_name = module.params.get('name')
lc_check = module.params.get('lc_check')
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
count = 1
wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
while wait_timeout > time.time() and count > 0:
log.debug("waiting for instances to terminate")
count = 0
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
instance_facts = props['instance_facts']
instances = ( i for i in instance_facts if i in old_instances)
instances = ( i for i in instance_facts if i in term_instances)
for i in instances:
if ( instance_facts[i]['lifecycle_state'] == 'Terminating'
or instance_facts[i]['health_status'] == 'Unhealthy' ):
lifecycle = instance_facts[i]['lifecycle_state']
health = instance_facts[i]['health_status']
log.debug("Instance {0} has state of {1},{2}".format(i,lifecycle,health ))
if lifecycle == 'Terminating' or healthy == 'Unhealthy':
count += 1
@ -570,21 +733,24 @@ def terminate_batch(connection, module, replace_instances):
# waiting took too long
module.fail_json(msg = "Waited too long for old instances to terminate. %s" % time.asctime())
def wait_for_new_instances(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_size, prop):
def wait_for_new_inst(module, connection, group_name, wait_timeout, desired_size, prop):
# make sure we have the latest stats after that last loop.
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
log.debug("Waiting for {0} = {1}, currently {2}".format(prop, desired_size, props[prop]))
# now we make sure that we have enough instances in a viable state
wait_timeout = time.time() + wait_timeout
while wait_timeout > time.time() and desired_size > props[prop]:
log.debug("Waiting for {0} = {1}, currently {2}".format(prop, desired_size, props[prop]))
as_group = connection.get_all_groups(names=[group_name])[0]
props = get_properties(as_group)
if wait_timeout <= time.time():
# waiting took too long
module.fail_json(msg = "Waited too long for new instances to become viable. %s" % time.asctime())
log.debug("Reached {0}: {1}".format(prop, desired_size))
return props
def main():
