Update playbooks_conditionals.rst (#43055)

+label: docsite_pr
Yuma Inaura (稲浦悠馬) 6 years ago committed by Alicia Cozine
parent d12a045847
commit 2655fd2cbd

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Multiple conditions that all need to be true (a logical 'and') can also be speci
- ansible_distribution == "CentOS"
- ansible_distribution_major_version == "6"
A number of Jinja2 "filters" can also be used in when statements, some of which are unique
A number of Jinja2 "tests" and "filters" can also be used in when statements, some of which are unique
and provided by Ansible. Suppose we want to ignore the error of one statement and then
decide to do something conditionally based on success or failure::
