@ -249,7 +249,8 @@ options:
- C(root_password) - Password to be set for user specified by C(user_name) parameter.
- C(authorized_ssh_keys) - Use this SSH keys to login to Virtual Machine.
- C(regenerate_ssh_keys) - If I(True) SSH keys will be regenerated on Virtual Machine.
- C(custom_script) - Cloud-init script which will be executed on Virtual Machine when deployed.
- C(custom_script) - Cloud-init script which will be executed on Virtual Machine when deployed. This is appended to the end of the
cloud-init script generated by any other options.
- C(dns_servers) - DNS servers to be configured on Virtual Machine.
- C(dns_search) - DNS search domains to be configured on Virtual Machine.
- C(nic_boot_protocol) - Set boot protocol of the network interface of Virtual Machine. Can be one of C(none), C(dhcp) or C(static).