Merge pull request #12308 from jtyr/comment_filter_v2

Resurrection of the comment filter
Brian Coca 9 years ago
commit 1fed03a6bd

@ -352,6 +352,73 @@ override those in `b`, and so on.
This behaviour does not depend on the value of the `hash_behaviour`
setting in `ansible.cfg`.
.. _comment_filter:
Comment Filter
.. versionadded:: 2.0
The `comment` filter allows to decorate the text with a chosen comment
style. For example the following::
{{ "Plain style (default)" | comment }}
will produce the this output::
# Plain style (default)
Similar way can be applied style for C (``//...``), C block
(``/*...*/``), Erlang (``%...``) and XML (``<!--...-->``)::
{{ "C style" | comment('c') }}
{{ "C block style" | comment('cblock') }}
{{ "Erlang style" | comment('erlang') }}
{{ "XML style" | comment('xml') }}
It is also possible to fully customize the comment style::
{{ "Custom style" | comment('plain', prefix='#######\n#', postfix='#\n#######\n ###\n #') }}
That will create the following output::
# Custom style
The filter can also be applied to any Ansible variable. For example to
make the output of the ``ansible_managed`` variable more readable, we can
change the definition in the ``ansible.cfg`` file to this::
ansible_managed = This file is managed by Ansible.%n
template: {file}
date: %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
user: {uid}
host: {host}
and then use the variable with the `comment` filter::
{{ ansible_managed | comment }}
which will produce this output::
# This file is managed by Ansible.
# template: /home/ansible/env/dev/ansible_managed/roles/role1/templates/test.j2
# date: 2015-09-10 11:02:58
# user: ansible
# host: myhost
.. _other_useful_filters:
Other Useful Filters

@ -248,6 +248,83 @@ def combine(*terms, **kwargs):
return dict(itertools.chain(*map(iteritems, terms)))
def comment(text, style='plain', **kw):
# Predefined comment types
comment_styles = {
'plain': {
'decoration': '# '
'erlang': {
'decoration': '% '
'c': {
'decoration': '// '
'cblock': {
'beginning': '/*',
'decoration': ' * ',
'end': ' */'
'xml': {
'beginning': '<!--',
'decoration': ' - ',
'end': '-->'
# Pointer to the right comment type
style_params = comment_styles[style]
if 'decoration' in kw:
prepostfix = kw['decoration']
prepostfix = style_params['decoration']
# Default params
p = {
'newline': '\n',
'beginning': '',
'prefix': (prepostfix).rstrip(),
'prefix_count': 1,
'decoration': '',
'postfix': (prepostfix).rstrip(),
'postfix_count': 1,
'end': ''
# Update default params
# Compose substrings for the final string
str_beginning = ''
if p['beginning']:
str_beginning = "%s%s" % (p['beginning'], p['newline'])
str_prefix = str(
"%s%s" % (p['prefix'], p['newline'])) * int(p['prefix_count'])
str_text = ("%s%s" % (
# Prepend each line of the text with the decorator
p['newline'], "%s%s" % (p['newline'], p['decoration'])))).replace(
# Remove trailing spaces when only decorator is on the line
"%s%s" % (p['decoration'], p['newline']),
"%s%s" % (p['decoration'].rstrip(), p['newline']))
str_postfix = p['newline'].join(
[''] + [p['postfix'] for x in range(p['postfix_count'])])
str_end = ''
if p['end']:
str_end = "%s%s" % (p['newline'], p['end'])
# Return the final string
return "%s%s%s%s%s" % (
class FilterModule(object):
''' Ansible core jinja2 filters '''
@ -320,4 +397,7 @@ class FilterModule(object):
# merge dicts
'combine': combine,
# comment-style decoration
'comment': comment,
