If you would like to contribute to ``ansible-base`` by adding a new feature or fixing a bug, `create a fork <https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/>`_ of the ansible/ansible repository and develop against a new feature branch using the ``devel`` branch as a starting point. When you you have a good working code change, you can submit a pull request to the Ansible repository by selecting your feature branch as a source and the Ansible devel branch as a target.
If you would like to contribute to ``ansible-base`` by adding a new feature or fixing a bug, `create a fork <https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo/>`_ of the ansible/ansible repository and develop against a new feature branch using the ``devel`` branch as a starting point. When you have a good working code change, you can submit a pull request to the Ansible repository by selecting your feature branch as a source and the Ansible devel branch as a target.
If you want to contribute a module to an :ref:`Ansible collection <contributing_maintained_collections>`, review our :ref:`submission checklist <developing_modules_checklist>`, :ref:`programming tips <developing_modules_best_practices>`, and :ref:`strategy for maintaining Python 2 and Python 3 compatibility <developing_python_3>`, as well as information about :ref:`testing <developing_testing>` before you open a pull request.