- ANSIBLE_NO_LOG - Address issue where ANSIBLE_NO_LOG was ignored (CVE-2024-0690)
- Run all handlers with the same ``listen`` topic, even when notified from another handler (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/82363).
- ``ansible-galaxy role import`` - fix using the ``role_name`` in a standalone role's ``galaxy_info`` metadata by disabling automatic removal of the ``ansible-role-`` prefix. This matches the behavior of the Galaxy UI which also no longer implicitly removes the ``ansible-role-`` prefix. Use the ``--role-name`` option or add a ``role_name`` to the ``galaxy_info`` dictionary in the role's ``meta/main.yml`` to use an alternate role name.
- ``ansible-test sanity --test runtime-metadata`` - add ``action_plugin`` as a valid field for modules in the schema (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/82562).
- ansible-config init will now dedupe ini entries from plugins.
- ansible-galaxy role import - exit with 1 when the import fails (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/82175).
- ansible-galaxy role install - normalize tarfile paths and symlinks using ``ansible.utils.path.unfrackpath`` and consider them valid as long as the realpath is in the tarfile's role directory (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/81965).
- delegate_to when set to an empty or undefined variable will now give a proper error.
- dwim functions for lookups should be better at detectging role context even in abscense of tasks/main.
- roles, code cleanup and performance optimization of dependencies, now cached, and ``public`` setting is now determined once, at role instantiation.
- roles, the ``static`` property is now correctly set, this will fix issues with ``public`` and ``DEFAULT_PRIVATE_ROLE_VARS`` controls on exporting vars.
- unsafe data - Enable directly using ``AnsibleUnsafeText`` with Python ``pathlib`` (https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/82414)