@ -70,11 +70,10 @@ class AnsiblePlugin(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
:arg var_options: Dict with either 'conneciton variables'
:arg direct: Dict with 'direct assignment'
self._options = C.config.get_plugin_options(get_plugin_class(self), self._load_name, keys=task_keys, variables=var_options, direct=direct)
if not self._options:
# load config options if we have not done so already, if vars provided we should be mostly done
self._options = C.config.get_plugin_options(get_plugin_class(self), self._load_name, keys=task_keys, variables=var_options, direct=direct)
# allow extras/wildcards from vars that are not directly consumed in configuration
# this is needed to support things like winrm that can have extended protocol options we don't direclty handle
if self.allow_extras and var_options and '_extras' in var_options:
self.set_option('_extras', var_options['_extras'])