# coding: utf-8
# (c) 2015, Toshio Kuratomi <tkuratomi@ansible.com>
# This file is part of Ansible
# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with Ansible. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from __future__ import annotations
from ansible.parsing.splitter import split_args, parse_kv
from ansible.errors import AnsibleParserError
import pytest
SPLIT_DATA: tuple[tuple[str | None, list[str], dict[str, str]], ...] = (
{u'_raw_params': u'a'}),
{u'a': u'b'}),
(u'a="foo bar"',
[u'a="foo bar"'],
{u'a': u'foo bar'}),
(u'"foo bar baz"',
[u'"foo bar baz"'],
{u'_raw_params': '"foo bar baz"'}),
(u'foo bar baz',
[u'foo', u'bar', u'baz'],
{u'_raw_params': u'foo bar baz'}),
(u'a=b c="foo bar"',
[u'a=b', u'c="foo bar"'],
{u'a': u'b', u'c': u'foo bar'}),
(u'a="echo \\"hello world\\"" b=bar',
[u'a="echo \\"hello world\\""', u'b=bar'],
{u'a': u'echo "hello world"', u'b': u'bar'}),
{u'a': u'nest\'ed'}),
(u' ',
[u' '],
{u'_raw_params': u' '}),
(u'\\ ',
[u' '],
{u'_raw_params': u' '}),
{u'_raw_params': u'a=escaped'}),
{u'a': u'multi\nline'}),
{u'a': u'blank\n\nline'}),
{u'a': u'blank\n\n\nlines'}),
(u'a="a long\nmessage\\\nabout a thing\n"',
[u'a="a long\nmessage\\\nabout a thing\n"'],
{u'a': u'a long\nmessage\\\nabout a thing\n'}),
(u'a="multiline\nmessage1\\\n" b="multiline\nmessage2\\\n"',
[u'a="multiline\nmessage1\\\n"', u'b="multiline\nmessage2\\\n"'],
{u'a': 'multiline\nmessage1\\\n', u'b': u'multiline\nmessage2\\\n'}),
(u'line \\\ncontinuation',
[u'line', u'continuation'],
{u'_raw_params': u'line continuation'}),
(u'not jinja}}',
[u'not', u'jinja}}'],
{u'_raw_params': u'not jinja}}'}),
{u'a': u'{{multiline\njinja}}'}),
{u'a': u'{{jinja}}'}),
(u'a={{ jinja }}',
[u'a={{ jinja }}'],
{u'a': u'{{ jinja }}'}),
(u'a={% jinja %}',
[u'a={% jinja %}'],
{u'a': u'{% jinja %}'}),
(u'a={# jinja #}',
[u'a={# jinja #}'],
{u'a': u'{# jinja #}'}),
{u'a': u'{{jinja}}'}),
(u'a={{ jinja }}{{jinja2}}',
[u'a={{ jinja }}{{jinja2}}'],
{u'a': u'{{ jinja }}{{jinja2}}'}),
(u'a="{{ jinja }}{{jinja2}}"',
[u'a="{{ jinja }}{{jinja2}}"'],
{u'a': u'{{ jinja }}{{jinja2}}'}),
(u'a={{jinja}} b={{jinja2}}',
[u'a={{jinja}}', u'b={{jinja2}}'],
{u'a': u'{{jinja}}', u'b': u'{{jinja2}}'}),
(u'a="{{jinja}}\n" b="{{jinja2}}\n"',
[u'a="{{jinja}}\n"', u'b="{{jinja2}}\n"'],
{u'a': u'{{jinja}}\n', u'b': u'{{jinja2}}\n'}),
(u'a="café eñyei"',
[u'a="café eñyei"'],
{u'a': u'café eñyei'}),
(u'a=café b=eñyei',
[u'a=café', u'b=eñyei'],
{u'a': u'café', u'b': u'eñyei'}),
(u'a={{ foo | some_filter(\' \', " ") }} b=bar',
[u'a={{ foo | some_filter(\' \', " ") }}', u'b=bar'],
{u'a': u'{{ foo | some_filter(\' \', " ") }}', u'b': u'bar'}),
(u'One\n Two\n Three\n',
[u'One\n ', u'Two\n ', u'Three\n'],
{u'_raw_params': u'One\n Two\n Three\n'}),
(u'\nOne\n Two\n Three\n',
[u'\n', u'One\n ', u'Two\n ', u'Three\n'],
{u'_raw_params': u'\nOne\n Two\n Three\n'}),
(u'raw=yes', {u'_raw_params': u'raw=yes'}),
(u'creates=something', {u'creates': u'something'}),
SPLIT_ARGS = tuple((test[0], test[1]) for test in SPLIT_DATA)
PARSE_KV = tuple((test[0], test[2]) for test in SPLIT_DATA)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args, expected", SPLIT_ARGS, ids=[str(arg[0]) for arg in SPLIT_ARGS])
def test_split_args(args, expected):
assert split_args(args) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args, expected", PARSE_KV, ids=[str(arg[0]) for arg in PARSE_KV])
def test_parse_kv(args, expected):
assert parse_kv(args) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args, expected", PARSE_KV_CHECK_RAW, ids=[str(arg[0]) for arg in PARSE_KV_CHECK_RAW])
def test_parse_kv_check_raw(args, expected):
assert parse_kv(args, check_raw=True) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", PARSER_ERROR)
def test_split_args_error(args):
with pytest.raises(AnsibleParserError):
@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", PARSER_ERROR)
def test_parse_kv_error(args):
with pytest.raises(AnsibleParserError):