You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
"""Installed collections management package."""
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import errno
import fnmatch
import json
import operator
import os
import shutil
import stat
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import threading
import time
import yaml
from collections import namedtuple
from contextlib import contextmanager
from distutils.version import LooseVersion
from hashlib import sha256
from io import BytesIO
from yaml.error import YAMLError
import queue
except ImportError:
import Queue as queue # Python 2
import ansible.constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.galaxy import get_collections_galaxy_meta_info
from ansible.galaxy.api import CollectionVersionMetadata, GalaxyError
from ansible.galaxy.user_agent import user_agent
from ansible.module_utils import six
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_bytes, to_native, to_text
from ansible.utils.collection_loader import AnsibleCollectionRef
from ansible.utils.display import Display
from ansible.utils.galaxy import scm_archive_collection
from ansible.utils.hashing import secure_hash, secure_hash_s
from ansible.utils.version import SemanticVersion
from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url
urlparse = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse
urldefrag = six.moves.urllib.parse.urldefrag
urllib_error = six.moves.urllib.error
display = Display()
ModifiedContent = namedtuple('ModifiedContent', ['filename', 'expected', 'installed'])
class CollectionRequirement:
_FILE_MAPPING = [(b'MANIFEST.json', 'manifest_file'), (b'FILES.json', 'files_file')]
def __init__(self, namespace, name, b_path, api, versions, requirement, force, parent=None, metadata=None,
files=None, skip=False, allow_pre_releases=False):
"""Represents a collection requirement, the versions that are available to be installed as well as any
dependencies the collection has.
:param namespace: The collection namespace.
:param name: The collection name.
:param b_path: Byte str of the path to the collection tarball if it has already been downloaded.
:param api: The GalaxyAPI to use if the collection is from Galaxy.
:param versions: A list of versions of the collection that are available.
:param requirement: The version requirement string used to verify the list of versions fit the requirements.
:param force: Whether the force flag applied to the collection.
:param parent: The name of the parent the collection is a dependency of.
:param metadata: The galaxy.api.CollectionVersionMetadata that has already been retrieved from the Galaxy
:param files: The files that exist inside the collection. This is based on the FILES.json file inside the
collection artifact.
:param skip: Whether to skip installing the collection. Should be set if the collection is already installed
and force is not set.
:param allow_pre_releases: Whether to skip pre-release versions of collections.
self.namespace = namespace = name
self.b_path = b_path
self.api = api
self._versions = set(versions)
self.force = force
self.skip = skip
self.required_by = []
self.allow_pre_releases = allow_pre_releases
self._metadata = metadata
self._files = files
self.add_requirement(parent, requirement)
def __str__(self):
return to_native("%s.%s" % (self.namespace,
def __unicode__(self):
return u"%s.%s" % (self.namespace,
def metadata(self):
return self._metadata
def versions(self):
if self.allow_pre_releases:
return self._versions
return set(v for v in self._versions if v == '*' or not SemanticVersion(v).is_prerelease)
def versions(self, value):
self._versions = set(value)
def pre_releases(self):
return set(v for v in self._versions if SemanticVersion(v).is_prerelease)
def latest_version(self):
return max([v for v in self.versions if v != '*'], key=SemanticVersion)
except ValueError: # ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
return '*'
def dependencies(self):
if not self._metadata:
if len(self.versions) > 1:
return {}
dependencies = self._metadata.dependencies
if dependencies is None:
return {}
return dependencies
def artifact_info(b_path):
"""Load the manifest data from the MANIFEST.json and FILES.json. If the files exist, return a dict containing the keys 'files_file' and 'manifest_file'.
:param b_path: The directory of a collection.
info = {}
for b_file_name, property_name in CollectionRequirement._FILE_MAPPING:
b_file_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_file_name)
if not os.path.exists(b_file_path):
with open(b_file_path, 'rb') as file_obj:
info[property_name] = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleError("Collection file at '%s' does not contain a valid json string." % to_native(b_file_path))
return info
def galaxy_metadata(b_path):
"""Generate the manifest data from the galaxy.yml file.
If the galaxy.yml exists, return a dictionary containing the keys 'files_file' and 'manifest_file'.
:param b_path: The directory of a collection.
b_galaxy_path = get_galaxy_metadata_path(b_path)
info = {}
if os.path.exists(b_galaxy_path):
collection_meta = _get_galaxy_yml(b_galaxy_path)
info['files_file'] = _build_files_manifest(b_path, collection_meta['namespace'], collection_meta['name'], collection_meta['build_ignore'])
info['manifest_file'] = _build_manifest(**collection_meta)
return info
def collection_info(b_path, fallback_metadata=False):
info = CollectionRequirement.artifact_info(b_path)
if info or not fallback_metadata:
return info
return CollectionRequirement.galaxy_metadata(b_path)
def add_requirement(self, parent, requirement):
self.required_by.append((parent, requirement))
new_versions = set(v for v in self.versions if self._meets_requirements(v, requirement, parent))
if len(new_versions) == 0:
if self.skip:
force_flag = '--force-with-deps' if parent else '--force'
version = self.latest_version if self.latest_version != '*' else 'unknown'
msg = "Cannot meet requirement %s:%s as it is already installed at version '%s'. Use %s to overwrite" \
% (to_text(self), requirement, version, force_flag)
raise AnsibleError(msg)
elif parent is None:
msg = "Cannot meet requirement %s for dependency %s" % (requirement, to_text(self))
msg = "Cannot meet dependency requirement '%s:%s' for collection %s" \
% (to_text(self), requirement, parent)
collection_source = to_text(self.b_path, nonstring='passthru') or self.api.api_server
req_by = "\n".join(
"\t%s - '%s:%s'" % (to_text(p) if p else 'base', to_text(self), r)
for p, r in self.required_by
versions = ", ".join(sorted(self.versions, key=SemanticVersion))
if not self.versions and self.pre_releases:
pre_release_msg = (
'\nThis collection only contains pre-releases. Utilize `--pre` to install pre-releases, or '
'explicitly provide the pre-release version.'
pre_release_msg = ''
raise AnsibleError(
"%s from source '%s'. Available versions before last requirement added: %s\nRequirements from:\n%s%s"
% (msg, collection_source, versions, req_by, pre_release_msg)
self.versions = new_versions
def download(self, b_path):
download_url = self._metadata.download_url
artifact_hash = self._metadata.artifact_sha256
headers = {}
self.api._add_auth_token(headers, download_url, required=False)
b_collection_path = _download_file(download_url, b_path, artifact_hash, self.api.validate_certs,
return to_text(b_collection_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
def install(self, path, b_temp_path):
if self.skip:
display.display("Skipping '%s' as it is already installed" % to_text(self))
# Install if it is not
collection_path = os.path.join(path, self.namespace,
b_collection_path = to_bytes(collection_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
display.display("Installing '%s:%s' to '%s'" % (to_text(self), self.latest_version, collection_path))
if self.b_path is None:
self.b_path =
if os.path.exists(b_collection_path):
if os.path.isfile(self.b_path):
self.install_artifact(b_collection_path, b_temp_path)
display.display("%s (%s) was installed successfully" % (to_text(self), self.latest_version))
def install_artifact(self, b_collection_path, b_temp_path):
with, mode='r') as collection_tar:
files_member_obj = collection_tar.getmember('FILES.json')
with _tarfile_extract(collection_tar, files_member_obj) as (dummy, files_obj):
files = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
_extract_tar_file(collection_tar, 'MANIFEST.json', b_collection_path, b_temp_path)
_extract_tar_file(collection_tar, 'FILES.json', b_collection_path, b_temp_path)
for file_info in files['files']:
file_name = file_info['name']
if file_name == '.':
if file_info['ftype'] == 'file':
_extract_tar_file(collection_tar, file_name, b_collection_path, b_temp_path,
_extract_tar_dir(collection_tar, file_name, b_collection_path)
except Exception:
# Ensure we don't leave the dir behind in case of a failure.
b_namespace_path = os.path.dirname(b_collection_path)
if not os.listdir(b_namespace_path):
def install_scm(self, b_collection_output_path):
"""Install the collection from source control into given dir.
Generates the Ansible collection artifact data from a galaxy.yml and installs the artifact to a directory.
This should follow the same pattern as build_collection, but instead of creating an artifact, install it.
:param b_collection_output_path: The installation directory for the collection artifact.
:raises AnsibleError: If no collection metadata found.
b_collection_path = self.b_path
b_galaxy_path = get_galaxy_metadata_path(b_collection_path)
if not os.path.exists(b_galaxy_path):
raise AnsibleError("The collection galaxy.yml path '%s' does not exist." % to_native(b_galaxy_path))
info = CollectionRequirement.galaxy_metadata(b_collection_path)
collection_manifest = info['manifest_file']
collection_meta = collection_manifest['collection_info']
file_manifest = info['files_file']
_build_collection_dir(b_collection_path, b_collection_output_path, collection_manifest, file_manifest)
collection_name = "%s.%s" % (collection_manifest['collection_info']['namespace'],
display.display('Created collection for %s at %s' % (collection_name, to_text(b_collection_output_path)))
def set_latest_version(self):
self.versions = set([self.latest_version])
def verify(self, remote_collection, path, b_temp_tar_path):
if not self.skip:
display.display("'%s' has not been installed, nothing to verify" % (to_text(self)))
collection_path = os.path.join(path, self.namespace,
b_collection_path = to_bytes(collection_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
display.vvv("Verifying '%s:%s'." % (to_text(self), self.latest_version))
display.vvv("Installed collection found at '%s'" % collection_path)
display.vvv("Remote collection found at '%s'" % remote_collection.metadata.download_url)
# Compare installed version versus requirement version
if self.latest_version != remote_collection.latest_version:
err = "%s has the version '%s' but is being compared to '%s'" % (to_text(self), self.latest_version, remote_collection.latest_version)
modified_content = []
# Verify the manifest hash matches before verifying the file manifest
expected_hash = _get_tar_file_hash(b_temp_tar_path, 'MANIFEST.json')
self._verify_file_hash(b_collection_path, 'MANIFEST.json', expected_hash, modified_content)
manifest = _get_json_from_tar_file(b_temp_tar_path, 'MANIFEST.json')
# Use the manifest to verify the file manifest checksum
file_manifest_data = manifest['file_manifest_file']
file_manifest_filename = file_manifest_data['name']
expected_hash = file_manifest_data['chksum_%s' % file_manifest_data['chksum_type']]
# Verify the file manifest before using it to verify individual files
self._verify_file_hash(b_collection_path, file_manifest_filename, expected_hash, modified_content)
file_manifest = _get_json_from_tar_file(b_temp_tar_path, file_manifest_filename)
# Use the file manifest to verify individual file checksums
for manifest_data in file_manifest['files']:
if manifest_data['ftype'] == 'file':
expected_hash = manifest_data['chksum_%s' % manifest_data['chksum_type']]
self._verify_file_hash(b_collection_path, manifest_data['name'], expected_hash, modified_content)
if modified_content:
display.display("Collection %s contains modified content in the following files:" % to_text(self))
for content_change in modified_content:
display.display(' %s' % content_change.filename)
display.vvv(" Expected: %s\n Found: %s" % (content_change.expected, content_change.installed))
display.vvv("Successfully verified that checksums for '%s:%s' match the remote collection" % (to_text(self), self.latest_version))
def _verify_file_hash(self, b_path, filename, expected_hash, error_queue):
b_file_path = to_bytes(os.path.join(to_text(b_path), filename), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if not os.path.isfile(b_file_path):
actual_hash = None
with open(b_file_path, mode='rb') as file_object:
actual_hash = _consume_file(file_object)
if expected_hash != actual_hash:
error_queue.append(ModifiedContent(filename=filename, expected=expected_hash, installed=actual_hash))
def _get_metadata(self):
if self._metadata:
self._metadata = self.api.get_collection_version_metadata(self.namespace,, self.latest_version)
def _meets_requirements(self, version, requirements, parent):
Supports version identifiers can be '==', '!=', '>', '>=', '<', '<=', '*'. Each requirement is delimited by ','
op_map = {
'==': operator.eq,
'=': operator.eq,
'<=': operator.le,
for req in list(requirements.split(',')):
op_pos = 2 if len(req) > 1 and req[1] == '=' else 1
op = op_map.get(req[:op_pos])
requirement = req[op_pos:]
if not op:
requirement = req
op = operator.eq
# In the case we are checking a new requirement on a base requirement (parent != None) we can't accept
# version as '*' (unknown version) unless the requirement is also '*'.
if parent and version == '*' and requirement != '*':
display.warning("Failed to validate the collection requirement '%s:%s' for %s when the existing "
"install does not have a version set, the collection may not work."
% (to_text(self), req, parent))
elif requirement == '*' or version == '*':
if not op(SemanticVersion(version), SemanticVersion.from_loose_version(LooseVersion(requirement))):
return True
# The loop was broken early, it does not meet all the requirements
return False
def from_tar(b_path, force, parent=None):
if not tarfile.is_tarfile(b_path):
raise AnsibleError("Collection artifact at '%s' is not a valid tar file." % to_native(b_path))
info = {}
with, mode='r') as collection_tar:
for b_member_name, property_name in CollectionRequirement._FILE_MAPPING:
n_member_name = to_native(b_member_name)
member = collection_tar.getmember(n_member_name)
except KeyError:
raise AnsibleError("Collection at '%s' does not contain the required file %s."
% (to_native(b_path), n_member_name))
with _tarfile_extract(collection_tar, member) as (dummy, member_obj):
info[property_name] = json.loads(to_text(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleError("Collection tar file member %s does not contain a valid json string."
% n_member_name)
meta = info['manifest_file']['collection_info']
files = info['files_file']['files']
namespace = meta['namespace']
name = meta['name']
version = meta['version']
meta = CollectionVersionMetadata(namespace, name, version, None, None, meta['dependencies'])
if SemanticVersion(version).is_prerelease:
allow_pre_release = True
allow_pre_release = False
return CollectionRequirement(namespace, name, b_path, None, [version], version, force, parent=parent,
metadata=meta, files=files, allow_pre_releases=allow_pre_release)
def from_path(b_path, force, parent=None, fallback_metadata=False, skip=True):
info = CollectionRequirement.collection_info(b_path, fallback_metadata)
allow_pre_release = False
if 'manifest_file' in info:
manifest = info['manifest_file']['collection_info']
namespace = manifest['namespace']
name = manifest['name']
version = to_text(manifest['version'], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
_v = SemanticVersion()
if _v.is_prerelease:
allow_pre_release = True
except ValueError:
display.warning("Collection at '%s' does not have a valid version set, falling back to '*'. Found "
"version: '%s'" % (to_text(b_path), version))
version = '*'
dependencies = manifest['dependencies']
if fallback_metadata:
warning = "Collection at '%s' does not have a galaxy.yml or a MANIFEST.json file, cannot detect version."
warning = "Collection at '%s' does not have a MANIFEST.json file, cannot detect version."
display.warning(warning % to_text(b_path))
parent_dir, name = os.path.split(to_text(b_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
namespace = os.path.split(parent_dir)[1]
version = '*'
dependencies = {}
meta = CollectionVersionMetadata(namespace, name, version, None, None, dependencies)
files = info.get('files_file', {}).get('files', {})
return CollectionRequirement(namespace, name, b_path, None, [version], version, force, parent=parent,
metadata=meta, files=files, skip=skip, allow_pre_releases=allow_pre_release)
def from_name(collection, apis, requirement, force, parent=None, allow_pre_release=False):
namespace, name = collection.split('.', 1)
galaxy_meta = None
for api in apis:
if not (requirement == '*' or requirement.startswith('<') or requirement.startswith('>') or
# Exact requirement
allow_pre_release = True
if requirement.startswith('='):
requirement = requirement.lstrip('=')
Support galaxy v3/autohub API in ansible-galaxy (#60982) * Add galaxy collections API v3 support Issue: ansible/galaxy-dev#60 - Determine if server supports v3 Use 'available_versions' from `GET /api` to determine if 'v3' api is available on the server. - Support v3 pagination style ie, 'limit/offset style', with the paginated responses based on v2 galaxy uses pagination that is more or less 'django rest framework style' or 'page/page_size style', based on the default drf pagination described at - Support galaxy v3 style error response The error objects returned by the galaxy v3 api are based on the JSONAPI response/errors format ( This handles that style response. At least for publish_collection for now. Needs extracting/generalizing. Handle HTTPError in CollectionRequirement.from_name() with _handle_http_error(). It will raise AnsibleError based on the json in an error response. - Update unit tests update test/unit/galaxy/test_collection* to paramaterize calls to test against mocked v2 and v3 servers apis. Update artifacts_versions_json() to tale an api version paramater. Add error_json() for generating v3/v3 style error responses. So now, the urls generated and the pagination schema of the response will use the v3 version if the passed in GalaxyAPI 'galaxy_api' instance has 'v3' in it's available_api_versions * Move checking of server avail versions to needs to know the server api versions supported before it makes collection related calls, so the 'lazy' server version check in api.GalaxyAPI is never called and isn't set, so 'v3' servers weren't found. Update unit tests to mock the return value of the request instead of GalaxyAPI itself.
5 years ago
resp = api.get_collection_version_metadata(namespace, name, requirement)
galaxy_meta = resp
versions = [resp.version]
versions = api.get_collection_versions(namespace, name)
except GalaxyError as err:
if err.http_code != 404:
versions = []
# Automation Hub doesn't return a 404 but an empty version list so we check that to align both AH and
# Galaxy when the collection is not available on that server.
if not versions:
display.vvv("Collection '%s' is not available from server %s %s" % (collection,,
display.vvv("Collection '%s' obtained from server %s %s" % (collection,, api.api_server))
raise AnsibleError("Failed to find collection %s:%s" % (collection, requirement))
req = CollectionRequirement(namespace, name, None, api, versions, requirement, force, parent=parent,
metadata=galaxy_meta, allow_pre_releases=allow_pre_release)
return req
def build_collection(collection_path, output_path, force):
"""Creates the Ansible collection artifact in a .tar.gz file.
:param collection_path: The path to the collection to build. This should be the directory that contains the
galaxy.yml file.
:param output_path: The path to create the collection build artifact. This should be a directory.
:param force: Whether to overwrite an existing collection build artifact or fail.
:return: The path to the collection build artifact.
b_collection_path = to_bytes(collection_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
b_galaxy_path = get_galaxy_metadata_path(b_collection_path)
if not os.path.exists(b_galaxy_path):
raise AnsibleError("The collection galaxy.yml path '%s' does not exist." % to_native(b_galaxy_path))
info = CollectionRequirement.galaxy_metadata(b_collection_path)
collection_manifest = info['manifest_file']
collection_meta = collection_manifest['collection_info']
file_manifest = info['files_file']
collection_output = os.path.join(output_path, "%s-%s-%s.tar.gz" % (collection_meta['namespace'],
b_collection_output = to_bytes(collection_output, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if os.path.exists(b_collection_output):
if os.path.isdir(b_collection_output):
raise AnsibleError("The output collection artifact '%s' already exists, "
"but is a directory - aborting" % to_native(collection_output))
elif not force:
raise AnsibleError("The file '%s' already exists. You can use --force to re-create "
"the collection artifact." % to_native(collection_output))
_build_collection_tar(b_collection_path, b_collection_output, collection_manifest, file_manifest)
return collection_output
def download_collections(collections, output_path, apis, validate_certs, no_deps, allow_pre_release):
"""Download Ansible collections as their tarball from a Galaxy server to the path specified and creates a requirements
file of the downloaded requirements to be used for an install.
:param collections: The collections to download, should be a list of tuples with (name, requirement, Galaxy Server).
:param output_path: The path to download the collections to.
:param apis: A list of GalaxyAPIs to query when search for a collection.
:param validate_certs: Whether to validate the certificate if downloading a tarball from a non-Galaxy host.
:param no_deps: Ignore any collection dependencies and only download the base requirements.
:param allow_pre_release: Do not ignore pre-release versions when selecting the latest.
with _tempdir() as b_temp_path:
display.display("Process install dependency map")
with _display_progress():
dep_map = _build_dependency_map(collections, [], b_temp_path, apis, validate_certs, True, True, no_deps,
requirements = []
display.display("Starting collection download process to '%s'" % output_path)
with _display_progress():
for name, requirement in dep_map.items():
collection_filename = "%s-%s-%s.tar.gz" % (requirement.namespace,,
dest_path = os.path.join(output_path, collection_filename)
requirements.append({'name': collection_filename, 'version': requirement.latest_version})
display.display("Downloading collection '%s' to '%s'" % (name, dest_path))
if requirement.api is None and requirement.b_path and os.path.isfile(requirement.b_path):
shutil.copy(requirement.b_path, to_bytes(dest_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
elif requirement.api is None and requirement.b_path:
temp_path = to_text(b_temp_path, errors='surrogate_or_string')
temp_download_path = build_collection(requirement.b_path, temp_path, True)
shutil.move(to_bytes(temp_download_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'),
to_bytes(dest_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
b_temp_download_path =
shutil.move(b_temp_download_path, to_bytes(dest_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
display.display("%s (%s) was downloaded successfully" % (name, requirement.latest_version))
requirements_path = os.path.join(output_path, 'requirements.yml')
display.display("Writing requirements.yml file of downloaded collections to '%s'" % requirements_path)
with open(to_bytes(requirements_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), mode='wb') as req_fd:
req_fd.write(to_bytes(yaml.safe_dump({'collections': requirements}), errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
def publish_collection(collection_path, api, wait, timeout):
"""Publish an Ansible collection tarball into an Ansible Galaxy server.
:param collection_path: The path to the collection tarball to publish.
:param api: A GalaxyAPI to publish the collection to.
:param wait: Whether to wait until the import process is complete.
:param timeout: The time in seconds to wait for the import process to finish, 0 is indefinite.
import_uri = api.publish_collection(collection_path)
if wait:
# Galaxy returns a url fragment which differs between v2 and v3. The second to last entry is
# always the task_id, though.
# v2: {"task": ""}
# v3: {"task": "/api/automation-hub/v3/imports/collections/838d1308-a8f4-402c-95cb-7823f3806cd8/"}
task_id = None
for path_segment in reversed(import_uri.split('/')):
if path_segment:
task_id = path_segment
if not task_id:
raise AnsibleError("Publishing the collection did not return valid task info. Cannot wait for task status. Returned task info: '%s'" % import_uri)
display.display("Collection has been published to the Galaxy server %s %s" % (, api.api_server))
with _display_progress():
api.wait_import_task(task_id, timeout)
display.display("Collection has been successfully published and imported to the Galaxy server %s %s"
% (, api.api_server))
display.display("Collection has been pushed to the Galaxy server %s %s, not waiting until import has "
"completed due to --no-wait being set. Import task results can be found at %s"
% (, api.api_server, import_uri))
def install_collections(collections, output_path, apis, validate_certs, ignore_errors, no_deps, force, force_deps,
"""Install Ansible collections to the path specified.
:param collections: The collections to install, should be a list of tuples with (name, requirement, Galaxy server).
:param output_path: The path to install the collections to.
:param apis: A list of GalaxyAPIs to query when searching for a collection.
:param validate_certs: Whether to validate the certificates if downloading a tarball.
:param ignore_errors: Whether to ignore any errors when installing the collection.
:param no_deps: Ignore any collection dependencies and only install the base requirements.
:param force: Re-install a collection if it has already been installed.
:param force_deps: Re-install a collection as well as its dependencies if they have already been installed.
existing_collections = find_existing_collections(output_path, fallback_metadata=True)
with _tempdir() as b_temp_path:
display.display("Process install dependency map")
with _display_progress():
dependency_map = _build_dependency_map(collections, existing_collections, b_temp_path, apis,
validate_certs, force, force_deps, no_deps,
display.display("Starting collection install process")
with _display_progress():
for collection in dependency_map.values():
collection.install(output_path, b_temp_path)
except AnsibleError as err:
if ignore_errors:
display.warning("Failed to install collection %s but skipping due to --ignore-errors being set. "
"Error: %s" % (to_text(collection), to_text(err)))
def validate_collection_name(name):
"""Validates the collection name as an input from the user or a requirements file fit the requirements.
:param name: The input name with optional range specifier split by ':'.
:return: The input value, required for argparse validation.
collection, dummy, dummy = name.partition(':')
if AnsibleCollectionRef.is_valid_collection_name(collection):
return name
raise AnsibleError("Invalid collection name '%s', "
Add ansible-galaxy collection list command (#65022) * Start adding ansible-galaxy collection list options * Working list all collections and list a specific collection * Nuke debugging cruft * Use to_text to get a string of the FQCN for sorting * Improve collection output formatting - add header - display collection name and version in separate columns - width of columns is dynamic based on collection name and version length * Make role list output match collection output list - add header - add columns for role name and version - make column width dynamic based on name and version length * remove debug statemnt and extra header * Revert "Make role list output match collection output list" This reverts commit a0b3db47bb3b198aafd34c1f1be5b6561af2f928. * Add validate_collection_path function Utility function for ensuring a collection target ends with 'ansible_collection' * Use validate_collection_path * Do not warn if a specific collection in found in any search path * Fix extraneous warning and remove duplicate code Do not warn when listing a specific collection and it does not exist in other collection paths. Restructure the code that loops through collection paths to remove duplicate conditional code. * Indicate role path was found * Use new function name * WIP Save Point * Use separate functions for role and collection list * Wrap error message There may be a better way to do this besides hard coding a line break, but this does make the message a lot more readable. * Add validate_collection_path function (#66441) * Add validate_collection_path function Utility function for ensuring a collection target ends with 'ansible_collection' * Fix bad syntax * Correct docstring * Bikeshed the names * Properly list a single role * Simplify _display_warnings() Only display warnings. Move exception raise back to each caller. * Move private methods to private functions They don't need self, so it makes sense to have them as functions Get rid of _display_warnings() function since it doesn't do anything worthy of an independent function. * Add integration tests for ansible-galaxy collection list * Fix docs sanity test * Fix bug where ansible_collections dir does not exist The path may exist, but if there is no ansible_collections dir inside that path, an exception was raised in find_existing_collections(). Add integration test for this scenario * Put execute_list() method back * Add some informational messages for debugging * Add unit tests Units tests for the various private methods in support of collection list * Start adding unit tests for test_execute_list * Display collection path when listing specific collection * Add unit tests for listing all collections and specific collection - Create fixture for creating test objects - Add function for controlling os.path.isdir results * Set defaults for minimum collection widths Ensure that collections with small FQCNs display correctly. Add unit tests * Split up unit tests and fix fixtures Add more fixtures for mocking objects during the specific collection tests * Change help message for -p in list subcommand Give accurate description of what it actually does rather than trying to use language shared between sub commands. * Disable colorized output in unit test * Add docs for collection list * Fix integration test on macOS The temp file path is really long on macOS, so the warning message gets wrapped across multiple lines. That make seth grep fail. Switch to matching on a smaller part of the warning. * Recreate common path options for collections Improve help about what the '-p' option does and how it works. * Remove unnecessary elif after continue statements * Account for duplicate paths in collections_searh_paths If someone specifies the same path via '-p' that is the COLLECTIONS_PATHS, do not list the collections twice. * Docs updates
4 years ago
"name must be in the format <namespace>.<collection>. \n"
"Please make sure namespace and collection name contains "
"characters from [a-zA-Z0-9_] only." % name)
def validate_collection_path(collection_path):
"""Ensure a given path ends with 'ansible_collections'
:param collection_path: The path that should end in 'ansible_collections'
:return: collection_path ending in 'ansible_collections' if it does not already.
if os.path.split(collection_path)[1] != 'ansible_collections':
return os.path.join(collection_path, 'ansible_collections')
return collection_path
def verify_collections(collections, search_paths, apis, validate_certs, ignore_errors, allow_pre_release=False):
with _display_progress():
with _tempdir() as b_temp_path:
for collection in collections:
local_collection = None
b_collection = to_bytes(collection[0], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if os.path.isfile(b_collection) or urlparse(collection[0]).scheme.lower() in ['http', 'https'] or len(collection[0].split('.')) != 2:
raise AnsibleError(message="'%s' is not a valid collection name. The format is expected." % collection[0])
collection_name = collection[0]
namespace, name = collection_name.split('.')
collection_version = collection[1]
# Verify local collection exists before downloading it from a galaxy server
for search_path in search_paths:
b_search_path = to_bytes(os.path.join(search_path, namespace, name), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if os.path.isdir(b_search_path):
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(to_text(b_search_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), 'MANIFEST.json')):
raise AnsibleError(
message="Collection %s does not appear to have a MANIFEST.json. " % collection_name +
"A MANIFEST.json is expected if the collection has been built and installed via ansible-galaxy."
local_collection = CollectionRequirement.from_path(b_search_path, False)
if local_collection is None:
raise AnsibleError(message='Collection %s is not installed in any of the collection paths.' % collection_name)
# Download collection on a galaxy server for comparison
remote_collection = CollectionRequirement.from_name(collection_name, apis, collection_version, False, parent=None,
except AnsibleError as e:
if e.message == 'Failed to find collection %s:%s' % (collection[0], collection[1]):
raise AnsibleError('Failed to find remote collection %s:%s on any of the galaxy servers' % (collection[0], collection[1]))
download_url = remote_collection.metadata.download_url
headers = {}
remote_collection.api._add_auth_token(headers, download_url, required=False)
b_temp_tar_path = _download_file(download_url, b_temp_path, None, validate_certs, headers=headers)
local_collection.verify(remote_collection, search_path, b_temp_tar_path)
except AnsibleError as err:
if ignore_errors:
display.warning("Failed to verify collection %s but skipping due to --ignore-errors being set. "
"Error: %s" % (collection[0], to_text(err)))
def _tempdir():
b_temp_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=to_bytes(C.DEFAULT_LOCAL_TMP, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
yield b_temp_path
def _tarfile_extract(tar, member):
tar_obj = tar.extractfile(member)
yield member, tar_obj
def _display_progress():
display_wheel = sys.stdout.isatty() if config_display is None else config_display
if not display_wheel:
def progress(display_queue, actual_display):
actual_display.debug("Starting display_progress display thread")
t = threading.current_thread()
while True:
for c in "|/-\\":
actual_display.display(c + "\b", newline=False)
# Display a message from the main thread
while True:
method, args, kwargs = display_queue.get(block=False, timeout=0.1)
except queue.Empty:
func = getattr(actual_display, method)
func(*args, **kwargs)
if getattr(t, "finish", False):
actual_display.debug("Received end signal for display_progress display thread")
class DisplayThread(object):
def __init__(self, display_queue):
self.display_queue = display_queue
def __getattr__(self, attr):
def call_display(*args, **kwargs):
self.display_queue.put((attr, args, kwargs))
return call_display
# Temporary override the global display class with our own which add the calls to a queue for the thread to call.
global display
old_display = display
display_queue = queue.Queue()
display = DisplayThread(display_queue)
t = threading.Thread(target=progress, args=(display_queue, old_display))
t.daemon = True
t.finish = True
except Exception:
# The exception is re-raised so we can sure the thread is finished and not using the display anymore
display = old_display
def _get_galaxy_yml(b_galaxy_yml_path):
meta_info = get_collections_galaxy_meta_info()
mandatory_keys = set()
string_keys = set()
list_keys = set()
dict_keys = set()
for info in meta_info:
if info.get('required', False):
key_list_type = {
'str': string_keys,
'list': list_keys,
'dict': dict_keys,
}[info.get('type', 'str')]
all_keys = frozenset(list(mandatory_keys) + list(string_keys) + list(list_keys) + list(dict_keys))
with open(b_galaxy_yml_path, 'rb') as g_yaml:
galaxy_yml = yaml.safe_load(g_yaml)
except YAMLError as err:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to parse the galaxy.yml at '%s' with the following error:\n%s"
% (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), to_native(err)))
set_keys = set(galaxy_yml.keys())
missing_keys = mandatory_keys.difference(set_keys)
if missing_keys:
raise AnsibleError("The collection galaxy.yml at '%s' is missing the following mandatory keys: %s"
% (to_native(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(sorted(missing_keys))))
extra_keys = set_keys.difference(all_keys)
if len(extra_keys) > 0:
display.warning("Found unknown keys in collection galaxy.yml at '%s': %s"
% (to_text(b_galaxy_yml_path), ", ".join(extra_keys)))
# Add the defaults if they have not been set
for optional_string in string_keys:
if optional_string not in galaxy_yml:
galaxy_yml[optional_string] = None
for optional_list in list_keys:
list_val = galaxy_yml.get(optional_list, None)
if list_val is None:
galaxy_yml[optional_list] = []
elif not isinstance(list_val, list):
galaxy_yml[optional_list] = [list_val]
for optional_dict in dict_keys:
if optional_dict not in galaxy_yml:
galaxy_yml[optional_dict] = {}
# license is a builtin var in Python, to avoid confusion we just rename it to license_ids
galaxy_yml['license_ids'] = galaxy_yml['license']
del galaxy_yml['license']
return galaxy_yml
def _build_files_manifest(b_collection_path, namespace, name, ignore_patterns):
# We always ignore .pyc and .retry files as well as some well known version control directories. The ignore
# patterns can be extended by the build_ignore key in galaxy.yml
b_ignore_patterns = [
b'tests/output', # Ignore ansible-test result output directory.
to_bytes('{0}-{1}-*.tar.gz'.format(namespace, name)), # Ignores previously built artifacts in the root dir.
b_ignore_patterns += [to_bytes(p) for p in ignore_patterns]
b_ignore_dirs = frozenset([b'CVS', b'.bzr', b'.hg', b'.git', b'.svn', b'__pycache__', b'.tox'])
entry_template = {
'name': None,
'ftype': None,
'chksum_type': None,
'chksum_sha256': None,
manifest = {
'files': [
'name': '.',
'ftype': 'dir',
'chksum_type': None,
'chksum_sha256': None,
def _walk(b_path, b_top_level_dir):
for b_item in os.listdir(b_path):
b_abs_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_item)
b_rel_base_dir = b'' if b_path == b_top_level_dir else b_path[len(b_top_level_dir) + 1:]
b_rel_path = os.path.join(b_rel_base_dir, b_item)
rel_path = to_text(b_rel_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if os.path.isdir(b_abs_path):
if any(b_item == b_path for b_path in b_ignore_dirs) or \
any(fnmatch.fnmatch(b_rel_path, b_pattern) for b_pattern in b_ignore_patterns):
display.vvv("Skipping '%s' for collection build" % to_text(b_abs_path))
if os.path.islink(b_abs_path):
b_link_target = os.path.realpath(b_abs_path)
if not _is_child_path(b_link_target, b_top_level_dir):
display.warning("Skipping '%s' as it is a symbolic link to a directory outside the collection"
% to_text(b_abs_path))
manifest_entry = entry_template.copy()
manifest_entry['name'] = rel_path
manifest_entry['ftype'] = 'dir'
if not os.path.islink(b_abs_path):
_walk(b_abs_path, b_top_level_dir)
if any(fnmatch.fnmatch(b_rel_path, b_pattern) for b_pattern in b_ignore_patterns):
display.vvv("Skipping '%s' for collection build" % to_text(b_abs_path))
# Handling of file symlinks occur in _build_collection_tar, the manifest for a symlink is the same for
# a normal file.
manifest_entry = entry_template.copy()
manifest_entry['name'] = rel_path
manifest_entry['ftype'] = 'file'
manifest_entry['chksum_type'] = 'sha256'
manifest_entry['chksum_sha256'] = secure_hash(b_abs_path, hash_func=sha256)
_walk(b_collection_path, b_collection_path)
return manifest
def _build_manifest(namespace, name, version, authors, readme, tags, description, license_ids, license_file,
dependencies, repository, documentation, homepage, issues, **kwargs):
manifest = {
'collection_info': {
'namespace': namespace,
'name': name,
'version': version,
'authors': authors,
'readme': readme,
'tags': tags,
'description': description,
'license': license_ids,
'license_file': license_file if license_file else None, # Handle galaxy.yml having an empty string (None)
'dependencies': dependencies,
'repository': repository,
'documentation': documentation,
'homepage': homepage,
'issues': issues,
'file_manifest_file': {
'name': 'FILES.json',
'ftype': 'file',
'chksum_type': 'sha256',
'chksum_sha256': None, # Filled out in _build_collection_tar
return manifest
def _build_collection_tar(b_collection_path, b_tar_path, collection_manifest, file_manifest):
"""Build a tar.gz collection artifact from the manifest data."""
files_manifest_json = to_bytes(json.dumps(file_manifest, indent=True), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
collection_manifest['file_manifest_file']['chksum_sha256'] = secure_hash_s(files_manifest_json, hash_func=sha256)
collection_manifest_json = to_bytes(json.dumps(collection_manifest, indent=True), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
with _tempdir() as b_temp_path:
b_tar_filepath = os.path.join(b_temp_path, os.path.basename(b_tar_path))
with, mode='w:gz') as tar_file:
# Add the MANIFEST.json and FILES.json file to the archive
for name, b in [('MANIFEST.json', collection_manifest_json), ('FILES.json', files_manifest_json)]:
b_io = BytesIO(b)
tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(name)
tar_info.size = len(b)
tar_info.mtime = time.time()
tar_info.mode = 0o0644
tar_file.addfile(tarinfo=tar_info, fileobj=b_io)
for file_info in file_manifest['files']:
if file_info['name'] == '.':
# arcname expects a native string, cannot be bytes
filename = to_native(file_info['name'], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
b_src_path = os.path.join(b_collection_path, to_bytes(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
def reset_stat(tarinfo):
if tarinfo.type != tarfile.SYMTYPE:
existing_is_exec = tarinfo.mode & stat.S_IXUSR
tarinfo.mode = 0o0755 if existing_is_exec or tarinfo.isdir() else 0o0644
tarinfo.uid = tarinfo.gid = 0
tarinfo.uname = tarinfo.gname = ''
return tarinfo
if os.path.islink(b_src_path):
b_link_target = os.path.realpath(b_src_path)
if _is_child_path(b_link_target, b_collection_path):
b_rel_path = os.path.relpath(b_link_target, start=os.path.dirname(b_src_path))
tar_info = tarfile.TarInfo(filename)
tar_info.type = tarfile.SYMTYPE
tar_info.linkname = to_native(b_rel_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
tar_info = reset_stat(tar_info)
# Dealing with a normal file, just add it by name.
tar_file.add(os.path.realpath(b_src_path), arcname=filename, recursive=False, filter=reset_stat)
shutil.copy(b_tar_filepath, b_tar_path)
collection_name = "%s.%s" % (collection_manifest['collection_info']['namespace'],
display.display('Created collection for %s at %s' % (collection_name, to_text(b_tar_path)))
def _build_collection_dir(b_collection_path, b_collection_output, collection_manifest, file_manifest):
"""Build a collection directory from the manifest data.
This should follow the same pattern as _build_collection_tar.
os.makedirs(b_collection_output, mode=0o0755)
files_manifest_json = to_bytes(json.dumps(file_manifest, indent=True), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
collection_manifest['file_manifest_file']['chksum_sha256'] = secure_hash_s(files_manifest_json, hash_func=sha256)
collection_manifest_json = to_bytes(json.dumps(collection_manifest, indent=True), errors='surrogate_or_strict')
# Write contents to the files
for name, b in [('MANIFEST.json', collection_manifest_json), ('FILES.json', files_manifest_json)]:
b_path = os.path.join(b_collection_output, to_bytes(name, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
with open(b_path, 'wb') as file_obj, BytesIO(b) as b_io:
shutil.copyfileobj(b_io, file_obj)
os.chmod(b_path, 0o0644)
base_directories = []
for file_info in file_manifest['files']:
if file_info['name'] == '.':
src_file = os.path.join(b_collection_path, to_bytes(file_info['name'], errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
dest_file = os.path.join(b_collection_output, to_bytes(file_info['name'], errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
if any(src_file.startswith(directory) for directory in base_directories):
existing_is_exec = os.stat(src_file).st_mode & stat.S_IXUSR
mode = 0o0755 if existing_is_exec else 0o0644
if os.path.isdir(src_file):
mode = 0o0755
shutil.copytree(src_file, dest_file)
shutil.copyfile(src_file, dest_file)
os.chmod(dest_file, mode)
def find_existing_collections(path, fallback_metadata=False):
collections = []
b_path = to_bytes(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
for b_namespace in os.listdir(b_path):
b_namespace_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_namespace)
if os.path.isfile(b_namespace_path):
for b_collection in os.listdir(b_namespace_path):
b_collection_path = os.path.join(b_namespace_path, b_collection)
if os.path.isdir(b_collection_path):
req = CollectionRequirement.from_path(b_collection_path, False, fallback_metadata=fallback_metadata)
display.vvv("Found installed collection %s:%s at '%s'" % (to_text(req), req.latest_version,
return collections
def _build_dependency_map(collections, existing_collections, b_temp_path, apis, validate_certs, force, force_deps,
no_deps, allow_pre_release=False):
dependency_map = {}
# First build the dependency map on the actual requirements
for name, version, source, req_type in collections:
_get_collection_info(dependency_map, existing_collections, name, version, source, b_temp_path, apis,
validate_certs, (force or force_deps), allow_pre_release=allow_pre_release, req_type=req_type)
checked_parents = set([to_text(c) for c in dependency_map.values() if c.skip])
while len(dependency_map) != len(checked_parents):
while not no_deps: # Only parse dependencies if no_deps was not set
parents_to_check = set(dependency_map.keys()).difference(checked_parents)
deps_exhausted = True
for parent in parents_to_check:
parent_info = dependency_map[parent]
if parent_info.dependencies:
deps_exhausted = False
for dep_name, dep_requirement in parent_info.dependencies.items():
_get_collection_info(dependency_map, existing_collections, dep_name, dep_requirement,
parent_info.api, b_temp_path, apis, validate_certs, force_deps,
parent=parent, allow_pre_release=allow_pre_release)
# No extra dependencies were resolved, exit loop
if deps_exhausted:
# Now we have resolved the deps to our best extent, now select the latest version for collections with
# multiple versions found and go from there
deps_not_checked = set(dependency_map.keys()).difference(checked_parents)
for collection in deps_not_checked:
if no_deps or len(dependency_map[collection].dependencies) == 0:
return dependency_map
def _collections_from_scm(collection, requirement, b_temp_path, force, parent=None):
"""Returns a list of collections found in the repo. If there is a galaxy.yml in the collection then just return
the specific collection. Otherwise, check each top-level directory for a galaxy.yml.
:param collection: URI to a git repo
:param requirement: The version of the artifact
:param b_temp_path: The temporary path to the archive of a collection
:param force: Whether to overwrite an existing collection or fail
:param parent: The name of the parent collection
:raises AnsibleError: if nothing found
:return: List of CollectionRequirement objects
:rtype: list
reqs = []
name, version, path, fragment = parse_scm(collection, requirement)
b_repo_root = to_bytes(name, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
b_collection_path = os.path.join(b_temp_path, b_repo_root)
if fragment:
b_fragment = to_bytes(fragment, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
b_collection_path = os.path.join(b_collection_path, b_fragment)
b_galaxy_path = get_galaxy_metadata_path(b_collection_path)
err = ("%s appears to be an SCM collection source, but the required galaxy.yml was not found. "
"Append #path/to/collection/ to your URI (before the comma separated version, if one is specified) "
"to point to a directory containing the galaxy.yml or directories of collections" % collection)
display.vvvvv("Considering %s as a possible path to a collection's galaxy.yml" % b_galaxy_path)
if os.path.exists(b_galaxy_path):
return [CollectionRequirement.from_path(b_collection_path, force, parent, fallback_metadata=True, skip=False)]
if not os.path.isdir(b_collection_path) or not os.listdir(b_collection_path):
raise AnsibleError(err)
for b_possible_collection in os.listdir(b_collection_path):
b_collection = os.path.join(b_collection_path, b_possible_collection)
if not os.path.isdir(b_collection):
b_galaxy = get_galaxy_metadata_path(b_collection)
display.vvvvv("Considering %s as a possible path to a collection's galaxy.yml" % b_galaxy)
if os.path.exists(b_galaxy):
reqs.append(CollectionRequirement.from_path(b_collection, force, parent, fallback_metadata=True, skip=False))
if not reqs:
raise AnsibleError(err)
return reqs
def _get_collection_info(dep_map, existing_collections, collection, requirement, source, b_temp_path, apis,
validate_certs, force, parent=None, allow_pre_release=False, req_type=None):
dep_msg = ""
if parent:
dep_msg = " - as dependency of %s" % parent
display.vvv("Processing requirement collection '%s'%s" % (to_text(collection), dep_msg))
b_tar_path = None
is_file = (
req_type == 'file' or
(not req_type and os.path.isfile(to_bytes(collection, errors='surrogate_or_strict')))
is_url = (
req_type == 'url' or
(not req_type and urlparse(collection).scheme.lower() in ['http', 'https'])
is_scm = (
req_type == 'git' or
(not req_type and not b_tar_path and collection.startswith(('git+', 'git@')))
if is_file:
display.vvvv("Collection requirement '%s' is a tar artifact" % to_text(collection))
b_tar_path = to_bytes(collection, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
elif is_url:
display.vvvv("Collection requirement '%s' is a URL to a tar artifact" % collection)
b_tar_path = _download_file(collection, b_temp_path, None, validate_certs)
except urllib_error.URLError as err:
raise AnsibleError("Failed to download collection tar from '%s': %s"
% (to_native(collection), to_native(err)))
if is_scm:
if not collection.startswith('git'):
collection = 'git+' + collection
name, version, path, fragment = parse_scm(collection, requirement)
b_tar_path = scm_archive_collection(path, name=name, version=version)
with, mode='r') as collection_tar:
# Ignore requirement if it is set (it must follow semantic versioning, unlike a git version, which is any tree-ish)
# If the requirement was the only place version was set, requirement == version at this point
if requirement not in {"*", ""} and requirement != version:
"The collection {0} appears to be a git repository and two versions were provided: '{1}', and '{2}'. "
"The version {2} is being disregarded.".format(collection, version, requirement)
requirement = "*"
reqs = _collections_from_scm(collection, requirement, b_temp_path, force, parent)
for req in reqs:
collection_info = get_collection_info_from_req(dep_map, req)
update_dep_map_collection_info(dep_map, existing_collections, collection_info, parent, requirement)
if b_tar_path:
req = CollectionRequirement.from_tar(b_tar_path, force, parent=parent)
collection_info = get_collection_info_from_req(dep_map, req)
display.vvvv("Collection requirement '%s' is the name of a collection" % collection)
if collection in dep_map:
collection_info = dep_map[collection]
collection_info.add_requirement(parent, requirement)
apis = [source] if source else apis
collection_info = CollectionRequirement.from_name(collection, apis, requirement, force, parent=parent,
update_dep_map_collection_info(dep_map, existing_collections, collection_info, parent, requirement)
def get_collection_info_from_req(dep_map, collection):
collection_name = to_text(collection)
if collection_name in dep_map:
collection_info = dep_map[collection_name]
collection_info.add_requirement(None, collection.latest_version)
collection_info = collection
return collection_info
def update_dep_map_collection_info(dep_map, existing_collections, collection_info, parent, requirement):
existing = [c for c in existing_collections if to_text(c) == to_text(collection_info)]
if existing and not collection_info.force:
# Test that the installed collection fits the requirement
existing[0].add_requirement(parent, requirement)
collection_info = existing[0]
dep_map[to_text(collection_info)] = collection_info
def parse_scm(collection, version):
if ',' in collection:
collection, version = collection.split(',', 1)
elif version == '*' or not version:
version = 'HEAD'
if collection.startswith('git+'):
path = collection[4:]
path = collection
path, fragment = urldefrag(path)
fragment = fragment.strip(os.path.sep)
if path.endswith(os.path.sep + '.git'):
name = path.split(os.path.sep)[-2]
elif '://' not in path and '@' not in path:
name = path
name = path.split('/')[-1]
if name.endswith('.git'):
name = name[:-4]
return name, version, path, fragment
def _download_file(url, b_path, expected_hash, validate_certs, headers=None):
urlsplit = os.path.splitext(to_text(url.rsplit('/', 1)[1]))
b_file_name = to_bytes(urlsplit[0], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
b_file_ext = to_bytes(urlsplit[1], errors='surrogate_or_strict')
b_file_path = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=b_path, prefix=b_file_name, suffix=b_file_ext, delete=False).name
display.display("Downloading %s to %s" % (url, to_text(b_path)))
# Galaxy redirs downloads to S3 which reject the request if an Authorization header is attached so don't redir that
resp = open_url(to_native(url, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), validate_certs=validate_certs, headers=headers,
unredirected_headers=['Authorization'], http_agent=user_agent())
with open(b_file_path, 'wb') as download_file:
actual_hash = _consume_file(resp, download_file)
if expected_hash:
display.vvvv("Validating downloaded file hash %s with expected hash %s" % (actual_hash, expected_hash))
if expected_hash != actual_hash:
raise AnsibleError("Mismatch artifact hash with downloaded file")
return b_file_path
def _extract_tar_dir(tar, dirname, b_dest):
""" Extracts a directory from a collection tar. """
member_names = [to_native(dirname, errors='surrogate_or_strict')]
# Create list of members with and without trailing separator
if not member_names[-1].endswith(os.path.sep):
member_names.append(member_names[-1] + os.path.sep)
# Try all of the member names and stop on the first one that are able to successfully get
for member in member_names:
tar_member = tar.getmember(member)
except KeyError:
# If we still can't find the member, raise a nice error.
raise AnsibleError("Unable to extract '%s' from collection" % to_native(member, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
b_dir_path = os.path.join(b_dest, to_bytes(dirname, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
b_parent_path = os.path.dirname(b_dir_path)
os.makedirs(b_parent_path, mode=0o0755)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
if tar_member.type == tarfile.SYMTYPE:
b_link_path = to_bytes(tar_member.linkname, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if not _is_child_path(b_link_path, b_dest, link_name=b_dir_path):
raise AnsibleError("Cannot extract symlink '%s' in collection: path points to location outside of "
"collection '%s'" % (to_native(dirname), b_link_path))
os.symlink(b_link_path, b_dir_path)
if not os.path.isdir(b_dir_path):
os.mkdir(b_dir_path, 0o0755)
def _extract_tar_file(tar, filename, b_dest, b_temp_path, expected_hash=None):
""" Extracts a file from a collection tar. """
with _get_tar_file_member(tar, filename) as (tar_member, tar_obj):
if tar_member.type == tarfile.SYMTYPE:
actual_hash = _consume_file(tar_obj)
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=b_temp_path, delete=False) as tmpfile_obj:
actual_hash = _consume_file(tar_obj, tmpfile_obj)
if expected_hash and actual_hash != expected_hash:
raise AnsibleError("Checksum mismatch for '%s' inside collection at '%s'"
% (to_native(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), to_native(
b_dest_filepath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(b_dest, to_bytes(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict')))
b_parent_dir = os.path.dirname(b_dest_filepath)
if not _is_child_path(b_parent_dir, b_dest):
raise AnsibleError("Cannot extract tar entry '%s' as it will be placed outside the collection directory"
% to_native(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
if not os.path.exists(b_parent_dir):
# Seems like Galaxy does not validate if all file entries have a corresponding dir ftype entry. This check
# makes sure we create the parent directory even if it wasn't set in the metadata.
os.makedirs(b_parent_dir, mode=0o0755)
if tar_member.type == tarfile.SYMTYPE:
b_link_path = to_bytes(tar_member.linkname, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if not _is_child_path(b_link_path, b_dest, link_name=b_dest_filepath):
raise AnsibleError("Cannot extract symlink '%s' in collection: path points to location outside of "
"collection '%s'" % (to_native(filename), b_link_path))
os.symlink(b_link_path, b_dest_filepath)
shutil.move(to_bytes(, errors='surrogate_or_strict'), b_dest_filepath)
# Default to rw-r--r-- and only add execute if the tar file has execute.
tar_member = tar.getmember(to_native(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
new_mode = 0o644
if stat.S_IMODE(tar_member.mode) & stat.S_IXUSR:
new_mode |= 0o0111
os.chmod(b_dest_filepath, new_mode)
def _get_tar_file_member(tar, filename):
n_filename = to_native(filename, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
member = tar.getmember(n_filename)
except KeyError:
raise AnsibleError("Collection tar at '%s' does not contain the expected file '%s'." % (
return _tarfile_extract(tar, member)
def _get_json_from_tar_file(b_path, filename):
file_contents = ''
with, mode='r') as collection_tar:
with _get_tar_file_member(collection_tar, filename) as (dummy, tar_obj):
bufsize = 65536
data =
while data:
file_contents += to_text(data)
data =
return json.loads(file_contents)
def _get_tar_file_hash(b_path, filename):
with, mode='r') as collection_tar:
with _get_tar_file_member(collection_tar, filename) as (dummy, tar_obj):
return _consume_file(tar_obj)
def _is_child_path(path, parent_path, link_name=None):
""" Checks that path is a path within the parent_path specified. """
b_path = to_bytes(path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
if link_name and not os.path.isabs(b_path):
# If link_name is specified, path is the source of the link and we need to resolve the absolute path.
b_link_dir = os.path.dirname(to_bytes(link_name, errors='surrogate_or_strict'))
b_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(b_link_dir, b_path))
b_parent_path = to_bytes(parent_path, errors='surrogate_or_strict')
return b_path == b_parent_path or b_path.startswith(b_parent_path + to_bytes(os.path.sep))
def _consume_file(read_from, write_to=None):
bufsize = 65536
sha256_digest = sha256()
data =
while data:
if write_to is not None:
data =
return sha256_digest.hexdigest()
def get_galaxy_metadata_path(b_path):
b_default_path = os.path.join(b_path, b'galaxy.yml')
candidate_names = [b'galaxy.yml', b'galaxy.yaml']
for b_name in candidate_names:
b_path = os.path.join(b_path, b_name)
if os.path.exists(b_path):
return b_path
return b_default_path