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.\" Title: ansible
.\" Author: [see the "AUTHOR" section]
.\" Generator: DocBook XSL Stylesheets v1.76.1 <>
.\" Date: 03/23/2012
.\" Manual: System administration commands
.\" Source: Ansible 0.0.1
.\" Language: English
.TH "ANSIBLE" "1" "03/23/2012" "Ansible 0\&.0\&.1" "System administration commands"
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.\" disable justification (adjust text to left margin only)
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ansible \- run a command somewhere else
ansible <host\-pattern> [\-f forks] [\-m module_name] [\-a args]
\fBAnsible\fR is an extra\-simple tool/framework/API for doing \*(Aqremote things\*(Aq over SSH\&.
.RS 4
A name of a group in the inventory file, a shell\-like glob selecting hosts in inventory file, or any combination of the two separated by semicolons\&.
\fB\-i\fR \fIPATH\fR, \fB\-\-inventory=\fR\fIPATH\fR
.RS 4
to the inventory hosts file, which defaults to
\fB\-f\fR \fINUM\fR, \fB\-\-forks=\fR\fINUM\fR
.RS 4
Level of parallelism\&.
is specified as an integer, the default is 5\&.
\fB\-m\fR \fINAME\fR, \fB\-\-module\-name=\fR\fINAME\fR
.RS 4
Execute the module called
\fB\-M\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR, \fB\-\-module\-path=\fR\fIDIRECTORY\fR
.RS 4
to load modules from\&. The default is
\fB\-a\fR \*(Aq\fIARGUMENTS\fR\*(Aq, \fB\-\-args=\fR\*(Aq\fIARGUMENTS\fR\*(Aq
.RS 4
to pass to the module\&.
\fB\-k\fR, \fB\-\-ask\-pass\fR
.RS 4
Prompt for the SSH password instead of assuming key\-based authentication with ssh\-agent\&.
\fB\-o\fR, \fB\-\-one\-line\fR
.RS 4
Try to output everything on one line\&.
\fB\-t\fR \fIDIRECTORY\fR, \fB\-\-tree=\fR\fIDIRECTORY\fR
.RS 4
Save contents in this output
\fIDIRECTORY\fR, with the results saved in a file named after each host\&.
\fB\-T\fR \fISECONDS\fR, \fB\-\-timeout=\fR\fISECONDS\fR
.RS 4
Connection timeout to use when trying to talk to hosts, in
\fB\-B\fR \fINUM\fR, \fB\-\-background=\fR\fINUM\fR
.RS 4
Run commands in the background, killing the task after
\fB\-P\fR \fINUM\fR, \fB\-\-poll=\fR\fINUM\fR
.RS 4
Poll a background job every
seconds\&. Requires
\fB\-u\fR \fIUSERNAME\fR, \fB\-\-remote\-user=\fR\fIUSERNAME\fR
.RS 4
Use this remote
instead of root\&.
Ansible stores the hosts it can potentially operate on in an inventory file\&. The syntax is one host per line\&. Groups headers are allowed and are included on their own line, enclosed in square brackets\&.
/etc/ansible/hosts \(em Default inventory file
/usr/share/ansible/ \(em Default module library
The following environment variables may specified\&.
ANSIBLE_HOSTS \(em Override the default ansible hosts file
ANSIBLE_LIBRARY \(em Override the default ansible module library path
Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan\&. See the AUTHORS file for a complete list of contributors\&.
Copyright \(co 2012, Michael DeHaan
Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License\&.
Extensive documentation as well as IRC and mailing list info is available on the ansible home page: https://ansible\&.github\&.com/