``httptester`` is a docker container used to host certain resources required by :doc:`testing_integration`. This is to avoid CI tests requiring external resources (such as git or package repos) which, if temporarily unavailable, would cause tests to fail.
HTTP Testing endpoint which provides the following capabilities:
* httpbin
* nginx
Source files can be found at `test/utils/docker/httptester/ <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/test/utils/docker/httptester>`_
Both ways of building ``docker`` utilize the ``nginx:alpine`` image, but can
be customized for ``Fedora``, ``Red Hat``, ``CentOS``, ``Ubuntu``,
``Debian`` and other variants of ``Alpine``
When utilizing ``packer`` or configuring with ``ansible-playbook``,
the services will not automatically start on launch, and will have to be
If you have sometime to improve ``httptester`` please add a comment on the `Testing Working Group Agenda <https://github.com/ansible/community/blob/master/meetings/README.md>`_ to avoid duplicated effort.