INVENTORY ?= inventory
VARS_FILE ?= integration_config.yml
# Create a semi-random string for use when testing cloud-based resources
i f n d e f C L O U D _ R E S O U R C E _ P R E F I X
CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX := $( shell python -c "import string,random; print 'ansible-testing-' + ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for _ in xrange(8));" )
e n d i f
all : non_destructive destructive check_mode test_hash
non_destructive :
ansible-playbook non_destructive.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -e @$( VARS_FILE) -v $( TEST_FLAGS)
destructive :
ansible-playbook destructive.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -e @$( VARS_FILE) -v $( TEST_FLAGS)
check_mode :
ansible-playbook check_mode.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -e @$( VARS_FILE) -v --check $( TEST_FLAGS)
test_hash :
ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR = replace ansible-playbook test_hash.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -v -e '{"test_hash":{"extra_args":"this is an extra arg"}}'
ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR = merge ansible-playbook test_hash.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -v -e '{"test_hash":{"extra_args":"this is an extra arg"}}'
cloud : amazon rackspace
cloud_cleanup : amazon_cleanup rackspace_cleanup
amazon_cleanup :
python -y --match= " ^ $( CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX) "
rackspace_cleanup :
@echo "FIXME - not yet implemented"
@# python -y --match= " ^ $( CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX) "
credentials.yml :
@echo "No credentials.yml file found. A file named 'credentials.yml' is needed to provide credentials needed to run cloud tests. See sample 'credentials.template' file."
@exit 1
amazon : credentials .yml
ansible-playbook amazon.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -e @$( VARS_FILE) -e @credentials.yml -e " resource_prefix= $( CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX) " -v $( TEST_FLAGS) ; \
RC = $$ ? ; \
CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX = " $( CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX) " make amazon_cleanup ; \
exit $$ RC;
rackspace : credentials .yml
ansible-playbook rackspace.yml -i $( INVENTORY) -e @$( VARS_FILE) -e @credentials.yml -e " resource_prefix= $( CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX) " -v $( TEST_FLAGS) ; \
RC = $$ ? ; \
CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX = " $( CLOUD_RESOURCE_PREFIX) " make rackspace_cleanup ; \
exit $$ RC;