duplicated code into one or more module utilities and import them into your modules. For example, if you have your own custom modules that import a ``my_shared_code`` library, you can place that into a ``./module_utils/my_shared_code.py`` file like this:
When you run ``ansible-playbook``, Ansible will merge any files in your local ``module_utils`` directories into the ``ansible.module_utils`` namespace in the order defined by the :ref:`Ansible search path <ansible_search_path>`.
You can generally tell what a module utility does from its name and/or its location. Generic utilities (shared code used by many different kinds of modules) live in the main ansible/ansible codebase, in the ``common`` subdirectory or in the root directory of ``lib/ansible/module_utils``. Utilities used by a particular set of modules generally live in the same collection as those modules. For example:
Ansible ships with an extensive library of ``module_utils`` files. You can find the module utility source code in the ``lib/ansible/module_utils`` directory under your main Ansible path. We describe the most widely used utilities below. For more details on any specific module utility, please see the `source code for module_utils <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/tree/devel/lib/ansible/module_utils>`_.
-``common/parameters.py`` - Helper functions for dealing with module parameters
-``common/sys_info.py`` - Functions for getting distribution and platform information
-``common/validation.py`` - Helper functions for validating module parameters against a module argument spec
-``facts/`` - Directory of utilities for modules that return facts. See `PR 23012 <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/23012>`_ for more information
-``json_utils.py`` - Utilities for filtering unrelated output around module JSON output, like leading and trailing lines
-``powershell/`` - Directory of definitions and helper functions for Windows PowerShell modules
-``pycompat24.py`` - Exception workaround for Python 2.4
-``service.py`` - Utilities to enable modules to work with Linux services (placeholder, not in use)
-``six/__init__.py`` - Bundled copy of the `Six Python library <https://pypi.org/project/six/>`_ to aid in writing code compatible with both Python 2 and Python 3
For a list of migrated content with destination collections, see the `runtime.yml file <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/lib/ansible/config/ansible_builtin_runtime.yml>`_.