- Ansible will not support Python 2.4 nor 2.5 on the target hosts anymore. Going forward, Python 2.6+ will be required on targets, as already is the case on the controller.
- Show available options (ini entry, yaml, env var, etc)
- Proposal found in ansible/proposals issue `#35 <https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/35>`_.
- Initial PR of code found in ansible/ansible PR `#12797 <https://github.com/ansible/ansible/pull/12797>`_.
-**Inventory Overhaul**
- Current inventory is overtly complex, non modular and mostly still a legacy from inception. We also want to add a common set of features to most inventory sources but are hampered by the current code base.
- Proposal found in ansible/proposals issue `#41 <https://github.com/ansible/proposals/issues/41>`_.