If you're a developer, one of the most valuable things you can do is look at the github issues list and help fix bugs. We almost always prioritize bug fixing over
feature development, so clearing bugs out of the way is one of the best things you can do.
Even if you're not a developer, helping test pull requests for bug fixes and features is still immensely valuable.
This goes for testing new features as well as testing bugfixes.
In many cases, code should add tests that prove it works but that's not ALWAYS possible and tests are not always comprehensive, especially when a user doesn't have access
to a wide variety of platforms, or that is using an API or web service.
In these cases, live testing against real equipment can be more valuable than automation that runs against simulated interfaces.
In any case, things should always be tested manually the first time too.
Thankfully helping test ansible is pretty straightforward, assuming you are already used to how ansible works.
Get Started with A Source Checkout
You can do this by checking out ansible, making a test branch off the main one, merging a GitHub issue, testing,
and then commenting on that particular issue on GitHub. Here's how:
Testing source code from GitHub pull requests sent to us does have some inherent risk, as the source code
sent may have mistakes or malicious code that could have a negative impact on your system. We recommend
doing all testing on a virtual machine, whether a cloud instance, or locally. Some users like Vagrant
or Docker for this, but they are optional. It is also useful to have virtual machines of different Linux or
other flavors, since some features (apt vs. yum, for example) are specific to those OS versions.
First, you will need to configure your testing environment with the necessary tools required to run our test
suites. You will need at least::
python-nosetests (sometimes named python-nose)
If you want to run the full integration test suite you'll also need the following packages installed::
Second, if you haven't already, clone the Ansible source code from GitHub::
Next, find the pull request you'd like to test and make note of the line at the top which describes the source
and destination repositories. It will look something like this::
Someuser wants to merge 1 commit into ansible:devel from someuser:feature_branch_name
It is important that the PR request target be ansible:devel, as we do not accept pull requests into any other branch. Dot releases are cherry-picked manually by ansible staff.
The username and branch at the end are the important parts, which will be turned into git commands as follows::
The first command creates and switches to a new branch named testing_PRXXXX, where the XXXX is the actual issue number associated with the pull request (for example, 1234). This branch is based on the devel branch. The second command pulls the new code from the users feature branch into the newly created branch.
If the GitHub user interface shows that the pull request will not merge cleanly, we do not recommend proceeding if you are not somewhat familiar with git and coding, as you will have to resolve a merge conflict. This is the responsibility of the original pull request contributor.
Some users do not create feature branches, which can cause problems when they have multiple, un-related commits in their version of `devel`. If the source looks like `someuser:devel`, make sure there is only one commit listed on the pull request.
Finding a Pull Request for Ansible Modules
Ansible modules are in separate repositories, which are managed as Git submodules. Here's a step by step process for checking out a PR for an Ansible extras module, for instance:
Ansible does provide integration tests for cloud-based modules as well, however we do not recommend using them for some users
due to the associated costs from the cloud providers. As such, typically it's better to run specific parts of the integration battery
and skip these tests.
Integration tests aren't the end all beat all - in many cases what is fixed might not *HAVE* a test, so determining if it works means
checking the functionality of the system and making sure it does what it said it would do.
Pull requests for bug-fixes should reference the bug issue number they are fixing.
We encourage users to provide playbook examples for bugs that show how to reproduce the error, and these playbooks should be used to verify the bugfix does resolve
the issue if available. You may wish to also do your own review to poke the corners of the change.
Since some reproducers can be quite involved, you might wish to create a testing directory with the issue # as a sub-