This role is an example of using the ** Lenovo module in the context of CNOS switch configuration. This module allows you to view the switch information. It executes the **display running-config** CLI command on a switch and returns a file containing all the system information of the target network device.
The results of the operation can be viewed in results directory.
For more details, see [Lenovo modules for Ansible: cnos_showrun](
## Requirements
- Ansible version 2.2 or later ([Ansible installation documentation](
- Lenovo switches running CNOS version or later
- an SSH connection to the Lenovo switch (SSH must be enabled on the network device)
## Role Variables
Available variables are listed below, along with description.
The following are mandatory inventory variables:
Variable | Description
--- | ---
`ansible_connection` | Has to be `network_cli`
`ansible_network_os` | Has to be `cnos`
`ansible_ssh_user` | Specifies the username used to log into the switch
`ansible_ssh_pass` | Specifies the password used to log into the switch
`enablePassword` | Configures the password used to enter Global Configuration command mode on the switch (this is an optional parameter)
`hostname` | Searches the hosts file at */etc/ansible/hosts* and identifies the IP address of the switch on which the role is going to be applied
`deviceType` | Specifies the type of device from where the configuration will be backed up (**g8272_cnos** - G8272, **g8296_cnos** - G8296, **g8332_cnos** - G8332, **NE10032** - NE10032, **NE1072T** - NE1072T, **NE1032** - NE1032, **NE1032T** - NE1032T, **NE2572** - NE2572, **NE0152T** - NE0152T)
- username.iptables - Configures the firewall and blocks all ports except those needed for web server and SSH access.
- username.common - Performs common server configuration.
- - This modules needs to be present in the *library* directory of the role.
- - This module needs to be present in the PYTHONPATH environment variable set in the Ansible system.
- /etc/ansible/hosts - You must edit the */etc/ansible/hosts* file with the device information of the switches designated as leaf switches. You may refer to *cnos_showrun_sample_hosts* for a sample configuration.
Ansible keeps track of all network elements that it manages through a hosts file. Before the execution of a playbook, the hosts file must be set up.
Open the */etc/ansible/hosts* file with root privileges. Most of the file is commented out by using **#**. You can also comment out the entries you will be adding by using **#**. You need to copy the content of the hosts file for the role into the */etc/ansible/hosts* file. The hosts file for the role is located in the main directory of the role.
**Note:** You need to change the IP addresses to fit your specific topology. You also need to change the `<username>` and `<password>` to the appropriate values used to log into the specific Lenovo network devices.
## Example Playbook
To execute an Ansible playbook, use the following command:
`-vvv` is an optional verbose command that helps identify what is happening during playbook execution. The playbook for each role is located in the main directory of the solution.
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Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Ansible. If not, see <>.