""" Provides compatibility with first-generation host delegation options in ansible-test. """
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import collections . abc as c
import dataclasses
import enum
import os
import types
import typing as t
from . . constants import (
from . . util import (
ApplicationError ,
display ,
filter_args ,
sorted_versions ,
str_to_version ,
from . . docker_util import (
docker_available ,
from . . completion import (
docker_completion ,
remote_completion ,
filter_completion ,
from . . host_configs import (
ControllerConfig ,
ControllerHostConfig ,
DockerConfig ,
FallbackDetail ,
FallbackReason ,
HostConfig ,
HostContext ,
HostSettings ,
NativePythonConfig ,
NetworkInventoryConfig ,
NetworkRemoteConfig ,
OriginConfig ,
PosixRemoteConfig ,
VirtualPythonConfig ,
WindowsInventoryConfig ,
WindowsRemoteConfig ,
from . . data import (
data_context ,
def filter_python ( version : t . Optional [ str ] , versions : t . Optional [ c . Sequence [ str ] ] ) - > t . Optional [ str ] :
""" If a Python version is given and is in the given version list, return that Python version, otherwise return None. """
return version if version in versions else None
def controller_python ( version : t . Optional [ str ] ) - > t . Optional [ str ] :
""" If a Python version is given and is supported by the controller, return that Python version, otherwise return None. """
return filter_python ( version , CONTROLLER_PYTHON_VERSIONS )
def get_fallback_remote_controller ( ) - > str :
""" Return the remote fallback platform for the controller. """
platform = ' freebsd ' # lower cost than RHEL and macOS
candidates = [ item for item in filter_completion ( remote_completion ( ) ) . values ( ) if item . controller_supported and item . platform == platform ]
fallback = sorted ( candidates , key = lambda value : str_to_version ( value . version ) , reverse = True ) [ 0 ]
return fallback . name
def get_option_name ( name : str ) - > str :
""" Return a command-line option name from the given option name. """
if name == ' targets ' :
name = ' target '
return f ' -- { name . replace ( " _ " , " - " ) } '
class PythonVersionUnsupportedError ( ApplicationError ) :
""" A Python version was requested for a context which does not support that version. """
def __init__ ( self , context : str , version : str , versions : c . Iterable [ str ] ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( f ' Python { version } is not supported by environment ` { context } `. Supported Python version(s) are: { " , " . join ( versions ) } ' )
class PythonVersionUnspecifiedError ( ApplicationError ) :
""" A Python version was not specified for a context which is unknown, thus the Python version is unknown. """
def __init__ ( self , context : str ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( f ' A Python version was not specified for environment ` { context } `. Use the `--python` option to specify a Python version. ' )
class ControllerNotSupportedError ( ApplicationError ) :
""" Option(s) were specified which do not provide support for the controller and would be ignored because they are irrelevant for the target. """
def __init__ ( self , context : str ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( f ' Environment ` { context } ` does not provide a Python version supported by the controller. ' )
class OptionsConflictError ( ApplicationError ) :
""" Option(s) were specified which conflict with other options. """
def __init__ ( self , first : c . Iterable [ str ] , second : c . Iterable [ str ] ) - > None :
super ( ) . __init__ ( f ' Options ` { " " . join ( first ) } ` cannot be combined with options ` { " " . join ( second ) } `. ' )
@dataclasses.dataclass ( frozen = True )
class LegacyHostOptions :
""" Legacy host options used prior to the availability of separate controller and target host configuration. """
python : t . Optional [ str ] = None
python_interpreter : t . Optional [ str ] = None
local : t . Optional [ bool ] = None
venv : t . Optional [ bool ] = None
venv_system_site_packages : t . Optional [ bool ] = None
remote : t . Optional [ str ] = None
remote_provider : t . Optional [ str ] = None
remote_arch : t . Optional [ str ] = None
docker : t . Optional [ str ] = None
docker_privileged : t . Optional [ bool ] = None
docker_seccomp : t . Optional [ str ] = None
docker_memory : t . Optional [ int ] = None
windows : t . Optional [ list [ str ] ] = None
platform : t . Optional [ list [ str ] ] = None
platform_collection : t . Optional [ list [ tuple [ str , str ] ] ] = None
platform_connection : t . Optional [ list [ tuple [ str , str ] ] ] = None
inventory : t . Optional [ str ] = None
def create ( namespace : t . Union [ argparse . Namespace , types . SimpleNamespace ] ) - > LegacyHostOptions :
""" Create legacy host options from the given namespace. """
kwargs = { field . name : getattr ( namespace , field . name , None ) for field in dataclasses . fields ( LegacyHostOptions ) }
if kwargs [ ' python ' ] == ' default ' :
kwargs [ ' python ' ] = None
return LegacyHostOptions ( * * kwargs )
def purge_namespace ( namespace : t . Union [ argparse . Namespace , types . SimpleNamespace ] ) - > None :
""" Purge legacy host options fields from the given namespace. """
for field in dataclasses . fields ( LegacyHostOptions ) :
if hasattr ( namespace , field . name ) :
delattr ( namespace , field . name )
def purge_args ( args : list [ str ] ) - > list [ str ] :
""" Purge legacy host options from the given command line arguments. """
fields : tuple [ dataclasses . Field , . . . ] = dataclasses . fields ( LegacyHostOptions )
filters : dict [ str , int ] = { get_option_name ( field . name ) : 0 if field . type is t . Optional [ bool ] else 1 for field in fields }
return filter_args ( args , filters )
def get_options_used ( self ) - > tuple [ str , . . . ] :
""" Return a tuple of the command line options used. """
fields : tuple [ dataclasses . Field , . . . ] = dataclasses . fields ( self )
options = tuple ( sorted ( get_option_name ( field . name ) for field in fields if getattr ( self , field . name ) ) )
return options
class TargetMode ( enum . Enum ) :
""" Type of provisioning to use for the targets. """
WINDOWS_INTEGRATION = enum . auto ( ) # windows-integration
NETWORK_INTEGRATION = enum . auto ( ) # network-integration
POSIX_INTEGRATION = enum . auto ( ) # integration
SANITY = enum . auto ( ) # sanity
UNITS = enum . auto ( ) # units
SHELL = enum . auto ( ) # shell
NO_TARGETS = enum . auto ( ) # coverage
def one_host ( self ) - > bool :
""" Return True if only one host (the controller) should be used, otherwise return False. """
return self in ( TargetMode . SANITY , TargetMode . UNITS , TargetMode . NO_TARGETS )
def no_fallback ( self ) - > bool :
""" Return True if no fallback is acceptable for the controller (due to options not applying to the target), otherwise return False. """
return self in ( TargetMode . WINDOWS_INTEGRATION , TargetMode . NETWORK_INTEGRATION , TargetMode . NO_TARGETS )
def multiple_pythons ( self ) - > bool :
""" Return True if multiple Python versions are allowed, otherwise False. """
return self in ( TargetMode . SANITY , TargetMode . UNITS )
def has_python ( self ) - > bool :
""" Return True if this mode uses Python, otherwise False. """
return self in ( TargetMode . POSIX_INTEGRATION , TargetMode . SANITY , TargetMode . UNITS , TargetMode . SHELL )
def convert_legacy_args (
argv : list [ str ] ,
args : t . Union [ argparse . Namespace , types . SimpleNamespace ] ,
mode : TargetMode ,
) - > HostSettings :
""" Convert pre-split host arguments in the given namespace to their split counterparts. """
old_options = LegacyHostOptions . create ( args )
old_options . purge_namespace ( args )
new_options = [
' --controller ' ,
' --target ' ,
' --target-python ' ,
' --target-posix ' ,
' --target-windows ' ,
' --target-network ' ,
used_old_options = old_options . get_options_used ( )
used_new_options = [ name for name in new_options if name in argv ]
if used_old_options :
if used_new_options :
raise OptionsConflictError ( used_old_options , used_new_options )
controller , targets , controller_fallback = get_legacy_host_config ( mode , old_options )
if controller_fallback :
if mode . one_host :
display . info ( controller_fallback . message , verbosity = 1 )
else :
display . warning ( controller_fallback . message )
used_default_pythons = mode in ( TargetMode . SANITY , TargetMode . UNITS ) and not native_python ( old_options )
else :
controller = args . controller or OriginConfig ( )
controller_fallback = None
if mode == TargetMode . NO_TARGETS :
targets = [ ]
used_default_pythons = False
elif args . targets :
targets = args . targets
used_default_pythons = False
else :
targets = default_targets ( mode , controller )
used_default_pythons = mode in ( TargetMode . SANITY , TargetMode . UNITS )
args . controller = controller
args . targets = targets
if used_default_pythons :
control_targets = t . cast ( list [ ControllerConfig ] , targets )
skipped_python_versions = sorted_versions ( list ( set ( SUPPORTED_PYTHON_VERSIONS ) - { target . python . version for target in control_targets } ) )
else :
skipped_python_versions = [ ]
filtered_args = old_options . purge_args ( argv )
filtered_args = filter_args ( filtered_args , { name : 1 for name in new_options } )
host_settings = HostSettings (
controller = controller ,
targets = targets ,
skipped_python_versions = skipped_python_versions ,
filtered_args = filtered_args ,
controller_fallback = controller_fallback ,
return host_settings
def controller_targets (
mode : TargetMode ,
options : LegacyHostOptions ,
controller : ControllerHostConfig ,
) - > list [ HostConfig ] :
""" Return the configuration for controller targets. """
python = native_python ( options )
targets : list [ HostConfig ]
if python :
targets = [ ControllerConfig ( python = python ) ]
else :
targets = default_targets ( mode , controller )
return targets
def native_python ( options : LegacyHostOptions ) - > t . Optional [ NativePythonConfig ] :
""" Return a NativePythonConfig for the given version if it is not None, otherwise return None. """
if not options . python and not options . python_interpreter :
return None
return NativePythonConfig ( version = options . python , path = options . python_interpreter )
def get_legacy_host_config (
mode : TargetMode ,
options : LegacyHostOptions ,
) - > tuple [ ControllerHostConfig , list [ HostConfig ] , t . Optional [ FallbackDetail ] ] :
Returns controller and target host configs derived from the provided legacy host options .
The goal is to match the original behavior , by using non - split testing whenever possible .
When the options support the controller , use the options for the controller and use ControllerConfig for the targets .
When the options do not support the controller , use the options for the targets and use a default controller config influenced by the options .
venv_fallback = ' venv/default '
docker_fallback = ' default '
remote_fallback = get_fallback_remote_controller ( )
controller_fallback : t . Optional [ tuple [ str , str , FallbackReason ] ] = None
controller : t . Optional [ ControllerHostConfig ]
targets : list [ HostConfig ]
if options . venv :
if controller_python ( options . python ) or not options . python :
controller = OriginConfig ( python = VirtualPythonConfig ( version = options . python or ' default ' , system_site_packages = options . venv_system_site_packages ) )
else :
controller_fallback = f ' origin:python= { venv_fallback } ' , f ' --venv --python { options . python } ' , FallbackReason . PYTHON
controller = OriginConfig ( python = VirtualPythonConfig ( version = ' default ' , system_site_packages = options . venv_system_site_packages ) )
if mode in ( TargetMode . SANITY , TargetMode . UNITS ) :
python = native_python ( options )
if python :
control_targets = [ ControllerConfig ( python = python ) ]
else :
control_targets = controller . get_default_targets ( HostContext ( controller_config = controller ) )
# Target sanity tests either have no Python requirements or manage their own virtual environments.
# Thus, there is no point in setting up virtual environments ahead of time for them.
if mode == TargetMode . UNITS :
targets = [ ControllerConfig ( python = VirtualPythonConfig ( version = target . python . version , path = target . python . path ,
system_site_packages = options . venv_system_site_packages ) ) for target in control_targets ]
else :
targets = t . cast ( list [ HostConfig ] , control_targets )
else :
targets = [ ControllerConfig ( python = VirtualPythonConfig ( version = options . python or ' default ' ,
system_site_packages = options . venv_system_site_packages ) ) ]
elif options . docker :
docker_config = filter_completion ( docker_completion ( ) ) . get ( options . docker )
if docker_config :
if options . python and options . python not in docker_config . supported_pythons :
raise PythonVersionUnsupportedError ( f ' --docker { options . docker } ' , options . python , docker_config . supported_pythons )
if docker_config . controller_supported :
if controller_python ( options . python ) or not options . python :
controller = DockerConfig ( name = options . docker , python = native_python ( options ) ,
privileged = options . docker_privileged , seccomp = options . docker_seccomp , memory = options . docker_memory )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
controller_fallback = f ' docker: { options . docker } ' , f ' --docker { options . docker } --python { options . python } ' , FallbackReason . PYTHON
controller = DockerConfig ( name = options . docker )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
controller_fallback = f ' docker: { docker_fallback } ' , f ' --docker { options . docker } ' , FallbackReason . ENVIRONMENT
controller = DockerConfig ( name = docker_fallback )
targets = [ DockerConfig ( name = options . docker , python = native_python ( options ) ,
privileged = options . docker_privileged , seccomp = options . docker_seccomp , memory = options . docker_memory ) ]
else :
if not options . python :
raise PythonVersionUnspecifiedError ( f ' --docker { options . docker } ' )
if controller_python ( options . python ) :
controller = DockerConfig ( name = options . docker , python = native_python ( options ) ,
privileged = options . docker_privileged , seccomp = options . docker_seccomp , memory = options . docker_memory )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
controller_fallback = f ' docker: { docker_fallback } ' , f ' --docker { options . docker } --python { options . python } ' , FallbackReason . PYTHON
controller = DockerConfig ( name = docker_fallback )
targets = [ DockerConfig ( name = options . docker , python = native_python ( options ) ,
privileged = options . docker_privileged , seccomp = options . docker_seccomp , memory = options . docker_memory ) ]
elif options . remote :
remote_config = filter_completion ( remote_completion ( ) ) . get ( options . remote )
context , reason = None , None
if remote_config :
if options . python and options . python not in remote_config . supported_pythons :
raise PythonVersionUnsupportedError ( f ' --remote { options . remote } ' , options . python , remote_config . supported_pythons )
if remote_config . controller_supported :
if controller_python ( options . python ) or not options . python :
controller = PosixRemoteConfig ( name = options . remote , python = native_python ( options ) , provider = options . remote_provider ,
arch = options . remote_arch )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
controller_fallback = f ' remote: { options . remote } ' , f ' --remote { options . remote } --python { options . python } ' , FallbackReason . PYTHON
controller = PosixRemoteConfig ( name = options . remote , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
context , reason = f ' --remote { options . remote } ' , FallbackReason . ENVIRONMENT
controller = None
targets = [ PosixRemoteConfig ( name = options . remote , python = native_python ( options ) , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch ) ]
elif mode == TargetMode . SHELL and options . remote . startswith ( ' windows/ ' ) :
if options . python and options . python not in CONTROLLER_PYTHON_VERSIONS :
raise ControllerNotSupportedError ( f ' --python { options . python } ' )
controller = OriginConfig ( python = native_python ( options ) )
targets = [ WindowsRemoteConfig ( name = options . remote , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch ) ]
else :
if not options . python :
raise PythonVersionUnspecifiedError ( f ' --remote { options . remote } ' )
if controller_python ( options . python ) :
controller = PosixRemoteConfig ( name = options . remote , python = native_python ( options ) , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
context , reason = f ' --remote { options . remote } --python { options . python } ' , FallbackReason . PYTHON
controller = None
targets = [ PosixRemoteConfig ( name = options . remote , python = native_python ( options ) , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch ) ]
if not controller :
if docker_available ( ) :
controller_fallback = f ' docker: { docker_fallback } ' , context , reason
controller = DockerConfig ( name = docker_fallback )
else :
controller_fallback = f ' remote: { remote_fallback } ' , context , reason
controller = PosixRemoteConfig ( name = remote_fallback )
else : # local/unspecified
# There are several changes in behavior from the legacy implementation when using no delegation (or the `--local` option).
# These changes are due to ansible-test now maintaining consistency between its own Python and that of controller Python subprocesses.
# 1) The `--python-interpreter` option (if different from sys.executable) now affects controller subprocesses and triggers re-execution of ansible-test.
# Previously this option was completely ignored except when used with the `--docker` or `--remote` options.
# 2) The `--python` option now triggers re-execution of ansible-test if it differs from sys.version_info.
# Previously it affected Python subprocesses, but not ansible-test itself.
if controller_python ( options . python ) or not options . python :
controller = OriginConfig ( python = native_python ( options ) )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
else :
controller_fallback = ' origin:python=default ' , f ' --python { options . python } ' , FallbackReason . PYTHON
controller = OriginConfig ( )
targets = controller_targets ( mode , options , controller )
if controller_fallback :
controller_option , context , reason = controller_fallback
if mode . no_fallback :
raise ControllerNotSupportedError ( context )
fallback_detail = FallbackDetail (
reason = reason ,
message = f ' Using `--controller { controller_option } ` since ` { context } ` does not support the controller. ' ,
else :
fallback_detail = None
if mode . one_host and any ( not isinstance ( target , ControllerConfig ) for target in targets ) :
raise ControllerNotSupportedError ( controller_fallback [ 1 ] )
if mode == TargetMode . NO_TARGETS :
targets = [ ]
else :
targets = handle_non_posix_targets ( mode , options , targets )
return controller , targets , fallback_detail
def handle_non_posix_targets (
mode : TargetMode ,
options : LegacyHostOptions ,
targets : list [ HostConfig ] ,
) - > list [ HostConfig ] :
""" Return a list of non-POSIX targets if the target mode is non-POSIX. """
if mode == TargetMode . WINDOWS_INTEGRATION :
if options . windows :
targets = [ WindowsRemoteConfig ( name = f ' windows/ { version } ' , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch )
for version in options . windows ]
else :
targets = [ WindowsInventoryConfig ( path = options . inventory ) ]
elif mode == TargetMode . NETWORK_INTEGRATION :
if options . platform :
network_targets = [ NetworkRemoteConfig ( name = platform , provider = options . remote_provider , arch = options . remote_arch ) for platform in options . platform ]
for platform , collection in options . platform_collection or [ ] :
for entry in network_targets :
if entry . platform == platform :
entry . collection = collection
for platform , connection in options . platform_connection or [ ] :
for entry in network_targets :
if entry . platform == platform :
entry . connection = connection
targets = t . cast ( list [ HostConfig ] , network_targets )
else :
targets = [ NetworkInventoryConfig ( path = options . inventory ) ]
return targets
def default_targets (
mode : TargetMode ,
controller : ControllerHostConfig ,
) - > list [ HostConfig ] :
""" Return a list of default targets for the given target mode. """
targets : list [ HostConfig ]
if mode == TargetMode . WINDOWS_INTEGRATION :
targets = [ WindowsInventoryConfig ( path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( data_context ( ) . content . integration_path , ' inventory.winrm ' ) ) ) ]
elif mode == TargetMode . NETWORK_INTEGRATION :
targets = [ NetworkInventoryConfig ( path = os . path . abspath ( os . path . join ( data_context ( ) . content . integration_path , ' inventory.networking ' ) ) ) ]
elif mode . multiple_pythons :
targets = t . cast ( list [ HostConfig ] , controller . get_default_targets ( HostContext ( controller_config = controller ) ) )
else :
targets = [ ControllerConfig ( ) ]
return targets