You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

348 lines
14 KiB

# Copyright: (c) 2012, Jan-Piet Mens <jpmens ()>
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
from import MutableMapping, MutableSet, MutableSequence
from pathlib import Path
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.release import __version__ as ansible_version
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError, AnsibleParserError, AnsiblePluginNotFound
from ansible.module_utils.six import string_types
from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
from ansible.parsing.plugin_docs import read_docstring
from ansible.parsing.yaml.loader import AnsibleLoader
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
def merge_fragment(target, source):
for key, value in source.items():
if key in target:
# assumes both structures have same type
if isinstance(target[key], MutableMapping):
elif isinstance(target[key], MutableSet):
elif isinstance(target[key], MutableSequence):
value = sorted(frozenset(value + target[key]))
raise Exception("Attempt to extend a documentation fragment, invalid type for %s" % key)
7 years ago
target[key] = value
def _process_versions_and_dates(fragment, is_module, return_docs, callback):
def process_deprecation(deprecation, top_level=False):
collection_name = 'removed_from_collection' if top_level else 'collection_name'
if not isinstance(deprecation, MutableMapping):
if (is_module or top_level) and 'removed_in' in deprecation: # used in module deprecations
callback(deprecation, 'removed_in', collection_name)
if 'removed_at_date' in deprecation:
callback(deprecation, 'removed_at_date', collection_name)
if not (is_module or top_level) and 'version' in deprecation: # used in plugin option deprecations
callback(deprecation, 'version', collection_name)
def process_option_specifiers(specifiers):
for specifier in specifiers:
if not isinstance(specifier, MutableMapping):
if 'version_added' in specifier:
callback(specifier, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection')
if isinstance(specifier.get('deprecated'), MutableMapping):
def process_options(options):
for option in options.values():
if not isinstance(option, MutableMapping):
if 'version_added' in option:
callback(option, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection')
if not is_module:
if isinstance(option.get('env'), list):
if isinstance(option.get('ini'), list):
if isinstance(option.get('vars'), list):
if isinstance(option.get('deprecated'), MutableMapping):
if isinstance(option.get('suboptions'), MutableMapping):
def process_return_values(return_values):
for return_value in return_values.values():
if not isinstance(return_value, MutableMapping):
if 'version_added' in return_value:
callback(return_value, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection')
if isinstance(return_value.get('contains'), MutableMapping):
def process_attributes(attributes):
for attribute in attributes.values():
if not isinstance(attribute, MutableMapping):
if 'version_added' in attribute:
callback(attribute, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection')
if not fragment:
if return_docs:
if 'version_added' in fragment:
callback(fragment, 'version_added', 'version_added_collection')
if isinstance(fragment.get('deprecated'), MutableMapping):
process_deprecation(fragment['deprecated'], top_level=True)
if isinstance(fragment.get('options'), MutableMapping):
if isinstance(fragment.get('attributes'), MutableMapping):
def add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(fragment, collection_name, is_module, return_docs=False):
def add(options, option, collection_name_field):
if collection_name_field not in options:
options[collection_name_field] = collection_name
_process_versions_and_dates(fragment, is_module, return_docs, add)
def remove_current_collection_from_versions_and_dates(fragment, collection_name, is_module, return_docs=False):
def remove(options, option, collection_name_field):
if options.get(collection_name_field) == collection_name:
del options[collection_name_field]
_process_versions_and_dates(fragment, is_module, return_docs, remove)
def add_fragments(doc, filename, fragment_loader, is_module=False):
fragments = doc.pop('extends_documentation_fragment', [])
if isinstance(fragments, string_types):
fragments = [fragments]
unknown_fragments = []
# doc_fragments are allowed to specify a fragment var other than DOCUMENTATION
# with a . separator; this is complicated by collections-hosted doc_fragments that
# use the same separator. Assume it's collection-hosted normally first, try to load
# as-specified. If failure, assume the right-most component is a var, split it off,
# and retry the load.
for fragment_slug in fragments:
fragment_name = fragment_slug
fragment_var = 'DOCUMENTATION'
fragment_class = fragment_loader.get(fragment_name)
if fragment_class is None and '.' in fragment_slug:
splitname = fragment_slug.rsplit('.', 1)
fragment_name = splitname[0]
fragment_var = splitname[1].upper()
fragment_class = fragment_loader.get(fragment_name)
if fragment_class is None:
fragment_yaml = getattr(fragment_class, fragment_var, None)
if fragment_yaml is None:
if fragment_var != 'DOCUMENTATION':
# if it's asking for something specific that's missing, that's an error
fragment_yaml = '{}' # TODO: this is still an error later since we require 'options' below...
fragment = AnsibleLoader(fragment_yaml, file_name=filename).get_single_data()
real_fragment_name = getattr(fragment_class, 'ansible_name')
real_collection_name = '.'.join(real_fragment_name.split('.')[0:2]) if '.' in real_fragment_name else ''
add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(fragment, real_collection_name, is_module=is_module)
if 'notes' in fragment:
notes = fragment.pop('notes')
if notes:
if 'notes' not in doc:
doc['notes'] = []
if 'seealso' in fragment:
seealso = fragment.pop('seealso')
if seealso:
if 'seealso' not in doc:
doc['seealso'] = []
if 'options' not in fragment and 'attributes' not in fragment:
raise Exception("missing options or attributes in fragment (%s), possibly misformatted?: %s" % (fragment_name, filename))
# ensure options themselves are directly merged
for doc_key in ['options', 'attributes']:
if doc_key in fragment:
if doc_key in doc:
merge_fragment(doc[doc_key], fragment.pop(doc_key))
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("%s %s (%s) of unknown type: %s" % (to_native(e), doc_key, fragment_name, filename))
doc[doc_key] = fragment.pop(doc_key)
# merge rest of the sections
merge_fragment(doc, fragment)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleError("%s (%s) of unknown type: %s" % (to_native(e), fragment_name, filename))
if unknown_fragments:
raise AnsibleError('unknown doc_fragment(s) in file {0}: {1}'.format(filename, to_native(', '.join(unknown_fragments))))
def get_docstring(filename, fragment_loader, verbose=False, ignore_errors=False, collection_name=None, is_module=None, plugin_type=None):
DOCUMENTATION can be extended using documentation fragments loaded by the PluginLoader from the doc_fragments plugins.
if is_module is None:
if plugin_type is None:
is_module = False
is_module = (plugin_type == 'module')
# TODO deprecate is_module argument, now that we have 'type'
Temporary (#31677) * allow shells to have per host options, remote_tmp added language to shell removed module lang setting from general as plugins have it now use get to avoid bad powershell plugin more resilient tmp discovery, fall back to `pwd` add shell to docs fixed options for when frags are only options added shell set ops in t_e and fixed option frags normalize tmp dir usag4e - pass tmpdir/tmp/temp options as env var to commands, making it default for tempfile - adjusted ansiballz tmpdir - default local tempfile usage to the configured local tmp - set env temp in action add options to powershell shift temporary to internal envvar/params ensure tempdir is set if we pass var ensure basic and url use expected tempdir ensure localhost uses local tmp give /var/tmp priority, less perms issues more consistent tempfile mgmt for ansiballz made async_dir configurable better action handling, allow for finally rm tmp fixed tmp issue and no more tempdir in ballz hostvarize world readable and admin users always set shell tempdir added comment to discourage use of exception/flow control * Mostly revert expand_user as it's not quite working. This was an additional feature anyhow. Kept the use of pwd as a fallback but moved it to a second ssh connection. This is not optimal but getting that to work in a single ssh connection was part of the problem holding this up. (cherry picked from commit 395b714120522f15e4c90a346f5e8e8d79213aca) * fixed script and other action plugins ensure tmpdir deletion allow for connections that don't support new options (legacy, 3rd party) fixed tests
6 years ago
data = read_docstring(filename, verbose=verbose, ignore_errors=ignore_errors)
Ansible Config part2 (#27448) * Ansible Config part2 - made dump_me nicer, added note this is not prod - moved internal key removal function to vars - carry tracebacks in errors we can now show tracebacks for plugins on vvv - show inventory plugin tracebacks on vvv - minor fixes to cg groups plugin - draft config from plugin docs - made search path warning 'saner' (top level dirs only) - correctly display config entries and others - removed unneeded code - commented out some conn plugin specific from base.yml - also deprecated sudo/su - updated ssh conn docs - shared get option method for connection plugins - note about needing eval for defaults - tailored yaml ext - updated strategy entry - for connection pliugins, options load on plugin load - allow for long types in definitions - better display in ansible-doc - cleaned up/updated source docs and base.yml - added many descriptions - deprecated include toggles as include is - draft backwards compat get_config - fixes to ansible-config, added --only-changed - some code reoorg - small license headers - show default in doc type - pushed module utils details to 5vs - work w/o config file - PEPE ATE! - moved loader to it's own file - fixed rhn_register test - fixed boto requirement in make tests - I ate Pepe - fixed dynamic eval of defaults - better doc code skip ipaddr filter tests when missing netaddr removed devnull string from config better becoem resolution * killed extra space with extreeme prejudice cause its an affront against all that is holy that 2 spaces touch each other! shippable timing out on some images, but merging as it passes most
7 years ago
if data.get('doc', False):
# add collection name to versions and dates
if collection_name is not None:
add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(data['doc'], collection_name, is_module=is_module)
# add fragments to documentation
add_fragments(data['doc'], filename, fragment_loader=fragment_loader, is_module=is_module)
if data.get('returndocs', False):
# add collection name to versions and dates
if collection_name is not None:
add_collection_to_versions_and_dates(data['returndocs'], collection_name, is_module=is_module, return_docs=True)
return data['doc'], data['plainexamples'], data['returndocs'], data['metadata']
def get_versioned_doclink(path):
returns a versioned documentation link for the current Ansible major.minor version; used to generate
in-product warning/error links to the configured DOCSITE_ROOT_URL
:param path: relative path to a document under docs/docsite/rst;
:return: absolute URL to the specified doc for the current version of Ansible
path = to_native(path)
base_url = C.config.get_config_value('DOCSITE_ROOT_URL')
if not base_url.endswith('/'):
base_url += '/'
if path.startswith('/'):
path = path[1:]
split_ver = ansible_version.split('.')
if len(split_ver) < 3:
raise RuntimeError('invalid version ({0})'.format(ansible_version))
doc_version = '{0}.{1}'.format(split_ver[0], split_ver[1])
# check to see if it's a X.Y.0 non-rc prerelease or dev release, if so, assume devel (since the X.Y doctree
# isn't published until beta-ish)
if split_ver[2].startswith('0'):
# exclude rc; we should have the X.Y doctree live by rc1
if any((pre in split_ver[2]) for pre in ['a', 'b']) or len(split_ver) > 3 and 'dev' in split_ver[3]:
doc_version = 'devel'
return '{0}{1}/{2}'.format(base_url, doc_version, path)
except Exception as ex:
return '(unable to create versioned doc link for path {0}: {1})'.format(path, to_native(ex))
def _find_adjacent(path, plugin, extensions):
found = None
adjacent = Path(path)
plugin_base_name = plugin.split('.')[-1]
if adjacent.stem != plugin_base_name:
# this should only affect filters/tests
adjacent = adjacent.with_name(plugin_base_name)
for ext in extensions:
candidate = adjacent.with_suffix(ext)
if candidate.exists():
found = to_native(candidate)
return found
def find_plugin_docfile(plugin, plugin_type, loader):
''' if the plugin lives in a non-python file (eg, win_X.ps1), require the corresponding 'sidecar' file for docs '''
context = loader.find_plugin_with_context(plugin, ignore_deprecated=False, check_aliases=True)
if (not context or not context.resolved) and plugin_type in ('filter', 'test'):
# should only happen for filters/test
plugin_obj, context = loader.get_with_context(plugin)
if not context or not context.resolved:
raise AnsiblePluginNotFound('%s was not found' % (plugin), plugin_load_context=context)
docfile = Path(context.plugin_resolved_path)
if docfile.suffix not in C.DOC_EXTENSIONS:
# only look for adjacent if plugin file does not support documents
filename = _find_adjacent(docfile, plugin, C.DOC_EXTENSIONS)
filename = to_native(docfile)
if filename is None:
raise AnsibleError('%s cannot contain DOCUMENTATION nor does it have a companion documentation file' % (plugin))
return filename, context.plugin_resolved_collection
def get_plugin_docs(plugin, plugin_type, loader, fragment_loader, verbose):
docs = []
# find plugin doc file, if it doesn't exist this will throw error, we let it through
# can raise exception and short circuit when 'not found'
filename, collection_name = find_plugin_docfile(plugin, plugin_type, loader)
docs = get_docstring(filename, fragment_loader, verbose=verbose, collection_name=collection_name, plugin_type=plugin_type)
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError('%s did not contain a DOCUMENTATION attribute (%s)' % (plugin, filename), orig_exc=e)
# no good? try adjacent
if not docs[0]:
newfile = _find_adjacent(filename, plugin, C.DOC_EXTENSIONS)
if newfile:
docs = get_docstring(newfile, fragment_loader, verbose=verbose, collection_name=collection_name, plugin_type=plugin_type)
filename = newfile
except Exception as e:
raise AnsibleParserError('Adjacent file %s did not contain a DOCUMENTATION attribute (%s)' % (plugin, filename), orig_exc=e)
# add extra data to docs[0] (aka 'DOCUMENTATION')
if docs[0] is None:
raise AnsibleParserError('No documentation available for %s (%s)' % (plugin, filename))
docs[0]['filename'] = filename
docs[0]['collection'] = collection_name
return docs