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# Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project
#Requires -Module Ansible.ModuleUtils.Legacy
$parsed_args = Parse-Args $args
$sleep_delay_sec = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $parsed_args -name "sleep_delay_sec" -type "int" -default 0
$fail_mode = Get-AnsibleParam -obj $parsed_args -name "fail_mode" -type "str" -default "success" -validateset "success","graceful","exception"
If($fail_mode -isnot [array]) {
$fail_mode = @($fail_mode)
$result = @{
changed = $true
module_pid = $pid
module_tempdir = $PSScriptRoot
If($sleep_delay_sec -gt 0) {
Sleep -Seconds $sleep_delay_sec
$result["slept_sec"] = $sleep_delay_sec
If($fail_mode -contains "leading_junk") {
Write-Output "leading junk before module output"
If($fail_mode -contains "graceful") {
Fail-Json $result "failed gracefully"
Try {
If($fail_mode -contains "exception") {
Throw "failing via exception"
Exit-Json $result
If($fail_mode -contains "trailing_junk") {
Write-Output "trailing junk after module output"