"""Wrapper around git command-line tools."""
from __future__ import annotations
import re
import typing as t
from .util import (
class Git:
"""Wrapper around git command-line tools."""
def __init__(self, root=None): # type: (t.Optional[str]) -> None
self.git = 'git'
self.root = root
def get_diff(self, args, git_options=None): # type: (t.List[str], t.Optional[t.List[str]]) -> t.List[str]
"""Run `git diff` and return the result as a list."""
cmd = ['diff'] + args
if git_options is None:
git_options = ['-c', 'core.quotePath=']
return self.run_git_split(git_options + cmd, '\n', str_errors='replace')
def get_diff_names(self, args): # type: (t.List[str]) -> t.List[str]
"""Return a list of file names from the `git diff` command."""
cmd = ['diff', '--name-only', '--no-renames', '-z'] + args
return self.run_git_split(cmd, '\0')
def get_submodule_paths(self): # type: () -> t.List[str]
"""Return a list of submodule paths recursively."""
cmd = ['submodule', 'status', '--recursive']
output = self.run_git_split(cmd, '\n')
submodule_paths = [re.search(r'^.[0-9a-f]+ (?P<path>[^ ]+)', line).group('path') for line in output]
# status is returned for all submodules in the current git repository relative to the current directory
# when the current directory is not the root of the git repository this can yield relative paths which are not below the current directory
# this can occur when multiple collections are in a git repo and some collections are submodules when others are not
# specifying "." as the path to enumerate would limit results to the current directory, but can cause the git command to fail with the error:
# error: pathspec '.' did not match any file(s) known to git
# this can occur when the current directory contains no files tracked by git
# instead we'll filter out the relative paths, since we're only interested in those at or below the current directory
submodule_paths = [path for path in submodule_paths if not path.startswith('../')]
return submodule_paths
def get_file_names(self, args): # type: (t.List[str]) -> t.List[str]
"""Return a list of file names from the `git ls-files` command."""
cmd = ['ls-files', '-z'] + args
return self.run_git_split(cmd, '\0')
def get_branches(self): # type: () -> t.List[str]
"""Return the list of branches."""
cmd = ['for-each-ref', 'refs/heads/', '--format', '%(refname:strip=2)']
return self.run_git_split(cmd)
def get_branch(self): # type: () -> str
"""Return the current branch name."""
cmd = ['symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD']
return self.run_git(cmd).strip()
def get_rev_list(self, commits=None, max_count=None): # type: (t.Optional[t.List[str]], t.Optional[int]) -> t.List[str]
"""Return the list of results from the `git rev-list` command."""
cmd = ['rev-list']
if commits:
cmd += commits
cmd += ['HEAD']
if max_count:
cmd += ['--max-count', '%s' % max_count]
return self.run_git_split(cmd)
def get_branch_fork_point(self, branch): # type: (str) -> str
"""Return a reference to the point at which the given branch was forked."""
cmd = ['merge-base', '--fork-point', branch]
return self.run_git(cmd).strip()
def is_valid_ref(self, ref): # type: (str) -> bool
"""Return True if the given reference is valid, otherwise return False."""
cmd = ['show', ref]
self.run_git(cmd, str_errors='replace')
return True
except SubprocessError:
return False
def run_git_split(self, cmd, separator=None, str_errors='strict'): # type: (t.List[str], t.Optional[str], str) -> t.List[str]
"""Run the given `git` command and return the results as a list."""
output = self.run_git(cmd, str_errors=str_errors).strip(separator)
if not output:
return []
return output.split(separator)
def run_git(self, cmd, str_errors='strict'): # type: (t.List[str], str) -> str
"""Run the given `git` command and return the results as a string."""
return raw_command([self.git] + cmd, cwd=self.root, capture=True, str_errors=str_errors)[0]