You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
825 B

# shellcheck disable=SC1015,SC1016
egrep -r '[‘’“”]' . \
--exclude-dir .git \
--exclude-dir .tox \
| grep -v \
-e './test/sanity/code-smell/' \
-e './docs/docsite/rst/dev_guide/testing/sanity/no-smart-quotes.rst' \
-e './test/integration/targets/unicode/unicode.yml' \
-e '\.doctree matches$' \
-e '\.pickle matches$' \
-e './docs/docsite/_build/html/'
if [ $? -ne 1 ]; then
printf 'The file(s) listed above have non-ascii quotes.\n'
# shellcheck disable=SC1015,SC1016
printf 'Make sure all files use " and '"'"' as quotation marks\n'
printf 'These sed commands may be of help to you:\n'
# shellcheck disable=SC1015,SC1016
printf " sed 's/[”“]/\"/g' \$FILENAME -i && sed \"s/[]/'/g\" \$FILENAME -i\\n"
exit 1