- The 2.3 Ansible Core is just a little different than the past two major releases we've done. In addition to feature work, we're using part of the time for this release to reduce some of our backlog in other areas than pure development.
-*Administration:* Clean up our GitHub repos and move to one repo so that contributions, tickets, submissions, etc are centralized and easier for both the community and the Core Team to manage.
-*Metadata:* Move to a Metadata based system for modules. This has been discussed here: https://github.com/ansible/proposals/blob/master/modules-management.md
-*Documentation:* We're aware that Docs have issues. Scott Butler, aka Dharmabumstead will be leading the charge on how he and we as a community can clean them up.
-*Backlog & Stability:* We're spending some of the cycles for 2.3 trying to reduce our ticket/PR backlog, and clean up some particular areas of the project that the community has expressed particular frustrations about.
-*Python 3:* The community and Toshio have done TONS of work getting Python 3 working. Still more to go...
-*Features:* We still have some cool stuff coming. Check it out below. For people on the Networking side of the world, the Persistent Connection Manager will be a *huge* feature and performance gain.
- We want all tests to pass (majority do but there’s 10-20 that still need fixes)
- If users report bugs on python3, these should be fixed and will prioritize our work on porting other modules.
- Still have to solve the python3-only and python2-only modules. Thinking of doing this via metadata. Will mean we have to use metadata at the module_common level. Will also mean we don’t support py2-only or py3-only old style python modules.
- Note: Most of the currently tested ansible features now run. But there’s still a lot of code that’s untested.
-*Static Code Analysis:* Create custom pylint extensions to automate detection of common Ansible specific issues reported during code review. Automate feedback on PRs for new code only to avoid noise from existing code which does not pass.
-*Test Reliability:* Eliminate transient test failures by fixing unreliable tests. Reduce network dependencies by moving network resources into httptester.
-*Enable Remaining Tests:* Implement fixes for OS X, FreeBSD and Python 3 to enable the remaining blacklisted tests for CI.
-*Windows Server 2016:* Add Windows Server 2016 to CI when official AMIs become available.
-*Repository Consolidation:* Update CI to maintain and improve upon existing functionality after repository consolidation.