# This file is distributed under the same license as the Ansible package.
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#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/cloud_guides.rst:5
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guides.rst:12
msgid "Public Cloud Guides"
msgstr "パブリッククラウドガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/cloud_guides.rst:7
msgid "The guides in this section cover using Ansible with a range of public cloud platforms. They explore particular use cases in greater depth and provide a more \"top-down\" explanation of some basic features."
msgid "The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) allows application requirements to define the network. This architecture simplifies, optimizes, and accelerates the entire application deployment life cycle."
msgid "The APIC manages the scalable ACI multi-tenant fabric. The APIC provides a unified point of automation and management, policy programming, application deployment, and health monitoring for the fabric. The APIC, which is implemented as a replicated synchronized clustered controller, optimizes performance, supports any application anywhere, and provides unified operation of the physical and virtual infrastructure."
msgid "The APIC enables network administrators to easily define the optimal network for applications. Data center operators can clearly see how applications consume network resources, easily isolate and troubleshoot application and infrastructure problems, and monitor and profile resource usage patterns."
msgid "The Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller (APIC) API enables applications to directly connect with a secure, shared, high-performance resource pool that includes network, compute, and storage capabilities."
msgstr "APIC (Cisco Application Policy Infrastructure Controller) API を使用すると、アプリケーションと、ネットワーク、コンピュート、およびストレージの機能を含む、安全で共有されている高性能リソースプールを直接接続できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:27
msgid "ACI Fabric"
msgstr "ACI Fabric"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:28
msgid "The Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) Fabric includes Cisco Nexus 9000 Series switches with the APIC to run in the leaf/spine ACI fabric mode. These switches form a \"fat-tree\" network by connecting each leaf node to each spine node; all other devices connect to the leaf nodes. The APIC manages the ACI fabric."
msgid "The ACI fabric provides consistent low-latency forwarding across high-bandwidth links (40 Gbps, with a 100-Gbps future capability). Traffic with the source and destination on the same leaf switch is handled locally, and all other traffic travels from the ingress leaf to the egress leaf through a spine switch. Although this architecture appears as two hops from a physical perspective, it is actually a single Layer 3 hop because the fabric operates as a single Layer 3 switch."
msgid "The ACI fabric object-oriented operating system (OS) runs on each Cisco Nexus 9000 Series node. It enables programming of objects for each configurable element of the system. The ACI fabric OS renders policies from the APIC into a concrete model that runs in the physical infrastructure. The concrete model is analogous to compiled software; it is the form of the model that the switch operating system can execute."
msgid "All the switch nodes contain a complete copy of the concrete model. When an administrator creates a policy in the APIC that represents a configuration, the APIC updates the logical model. The APIC then performs the intermediate step of creating a fully elaborated policy that it pushes into all the switch nodes where the concrete model is updated."
msgid "The APIC is responsible for fabric activation, switch firmware management, network policy configuration, and instantiation. While the APIC acts as the centralized policy and network management engine for the fabric, it is completely removed from the data path, including the forwarding topology. Therefore, the fabric can still forward traffic even when communication with the APIC is lost."
msgid "A complete list of existing ACI modules is available on the content tab of the `ACI collection on Ansible Galaxy <https://galaxy.ansible.com/cisco/aci>`_."
msgid "A module can also be used to query a specific object."
msgstr "モジュールは、特定のオブジェクトのクエリーにも使用できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:89
msgid "Or query all objects."
msgstr "または、すべてのオブジェクトをクエリーします。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:102
msgid "After registering the return values of the aci_tenant task as shown above, you can access all tenant information from variable ``all_tenants``."
msgid "As originally designed, Ansible modules are shipped to and run on the remote target(s), however the ACI modules (like most network-related modules) do not run on the network devices or controller (in this case the APIC), but they talk directly to the APIC's REST interface."
msgid "For this very reason, the modules need to run on the local Ansible controller (or are delegated to another system that *can* connect to the APIC)."
msgid "Because we run the modules on the Ansible controller gathering facts will not work. That is why when using these ACI modules it is mandatory to disable facts gathering. You can do this globally in your ``ansible.cfg`` or by adding ``gather_facts: no`` to every play."
msgid "If one would forget to add this directive, Ansible will attempt to connect to the APIC using SSH and attempt to copy the module and run it remotely. This will fail with a clear error, yet may be confusing to some."
msgid "Another option frequently used, is to tie the ``local`` connection method to this target so that every subsequent task for this target will use the local connection method (hence run it locally, rather than use SSH)."
msgid "In this case the inventory may look like this:"
msgstr "この場合、インベントリーは以下のようになります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:174
msgid "But used tasks do not need anything special added."
msgstr "ただし、使用したタスクには特別な追加は必要ありません。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:187
msgid "For clarity we have added ``delegate_to: localhost`` to all the examples in the module documentation. This helps to ensure first-time users can easily copy&paste parts and make them work with a minimum of effort."
msgid "Private key for ``username`` to log on to APIC, using signature-based authentication. This could either be the raw private key content (include header/footer) or a file that stores the key content. *New in version 2.5*"
msgid "Name of the certificate in the ACI Web GUI. This defaults to either the ``username`` value or the ``private_key`` file base name). *New in version 2.5*"
msgid "By default, if an environment variable ``<protocol>_proxy`` is set on the target host, requests will be sent through that proxy. This behaviour can be overridden by setting a variable for this task (see :ref:`playbooks_environment`), or by using the ``use_proxy`` module parameter."
msgid "If proxy support is not needed, but the system may have it configured nevertheless, use the parameter ``use_proxy: no`` to avoid accidental system proxy usage."
msgid "Password-based authentication is very simple to work with, but it is not the most efficient form of authentication from ACI's point-of-view as it requires a separate login-request and an open session to work. To avoid having your session time-out and requiring another login, you can use the more efficient Signature-based authentication."
msgid "Password-based authentication also may trigger anti-DoS measures in ACI v3.1+ that causes session throttling and results in HTTP 503 errors and login failures."
msgstr "パスワードベースの認証では、ACI v3.1 以降の DoS 対策がトリガーとなり、セッションスロットルが発生し、HTTP 503 エラーとなり、ログインが失敗する可能性があります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:311
msgid "Never store passwords in plain text."
msgstr "プレーンテキストにパスワードを保存しないでください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:313
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:100
msgid "The \"Vault\" feature of Ansible allows you to keep sensitive data such as passwords or keys in encrypted files, rather than as plain text in your playbooks or roles. These vault files can then be distributed or placed in source control. See :ref:`playbooks_vault` for more information."
msgid "Signature-based authentication requires a (self-signed) X.509 certificate with private key, and a configuration step for your AAA user in ACI. To generate a working X.509 certificate and private key, use the following procedure:"
msgid "You can automate this by using the following Ansible task:"
msgstr "これは、以下の Ansible タスクを使用して自動化できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:360
msgid "Signature-based authentication only works with local users."
msgstr "署名ベースの認証は、ローカルユーザーでのみ機能します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:364
msgid "Use signature-based authentication with Ansible"
msgstr "Ansible での署名ベースの認証の使用"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:365
msgid "You need the following parameters with your ACI module(s) for it to work:"
msgstr "これを有効にするには、ACI モジュールで以下のパラメーターが必要です。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:374
msgid "or you can use the private key content:"
msgstr "または、秘密鍵のコンテンツを使用できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:387
msgid "If you use a certificate name in ACI that matches the private key's basename, you can leave out the ``certificate_name`` parameter like the example above."
msgid "Detailed information about Signature-based Authentication is available from `Cisco APIC Signature-Based Transactions <https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/aci/apic/sw/kb/b_KB_Signature_Based_Transactions.html>`_."
msgid "While already a lot of ACI modules exists in the Ansible distribution, and the most common actions can be performed with these existing modules, there's always something that may not be possible with off-the-shelf modules."
msgid "The aci_rest module provides you with direct access to the APIC REST API and enables you to perform any task not already covered by the existing modules. This may seem like a complex undertaking, but you can generate the needed REST payload for any action performed in the ACI web interface effortlessly."
msgstr "aci_rest モジュールを使用すると、APIC REST API に直接アクセスでき、既存のモジュールで対応していないタスクを実行できます。これは複雑な作業のように思えるかもしれませんが、ACI Web インターフェースで実行されるアクションに必要な REST ペイロードを簡単に生成できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:450
msgid "Built-in idempotency"
msgstr "組み込みの冪等性"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:451
msgid "Because the APIC REST API is intrinsically idempotent and can report whether a change was made, the aci_rest module automatically inherits both capabilities and is a first-class solution for automating your ACI infrastructure. As a result, users that require more powerful low-level access to their ACI infrastructure don't have to give up on idempotency and don't have to guess whether a change was performed when using the aci_rest module."
msgstr "APIC REST API は冪等であり、変更されたかどうかを報告することができるため、aci_rest モジュールは両方の機能を自動的に継承し、ACI インフラストラクチャーを自動化するファーストクラスソリューションとなります。その結果、ACI インフラストラクチャーへのより強力な低レベルアクセスを必要とするユーザーは、冪等性をあきらめる必要がなく、aci_rest モジュールの使用時に変更が行われたかどうかを推測する必要もありません。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:455
msgid "Using the aci_rest module"
msgstr "aci_rest モジュールの使用"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:456
msgid "The aci_rest module accepts the native XML and JSON payloads, but additionally accepts inline YAML payload (structured like JSON). The XML payload requires you to use a path ending with ``.xml`` whereas JSON or YAML require the path to end with ``.json``."
msgid "The XML format is more practical when there is a need to template the REST payload (inline), but the YAML format is more convenient for maintaining your infrastructure-as-code and feels more naturally integrated with Ansible playbooks. The dedicated modules offer a more simple, abstracted, but also a more limited experience. Use what feels best for your use-case."
msgid "`The ACI collection on Ansible Galaxy <https://galaxy.ansible.com/cisco/aci>`_"
msgstr "`The ACI collection on Ansible Galaxy <https://galaxy.ansible.com/cisco/aci>`_"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:532
msgid "`APIC REST API Configuration Guide <https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/aci/apic/sw/2-x/rest_cfg/2_1_x/b_Cisco_APIC_REST_API_Configuration_Guide.html>`_ -- Detailed guide on how the APIC REST API is designed and used, incl. many examples"
msgstr "`APIC REST API 設定ガイド <https://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/td/docs/switches/datacenter/aci/apic/sw/2-x/rest_cfg/2_1_x/b_Cisco_APIC_REST_API_Configuration_Guide.html>`_ -- APIC REST API を設計および使用する方法についての詳細ガイド。多数の例があります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:533
msgid "`APIC Management Information Model reference <https://developer.cisco.com/docs/apic-mim-ref/>`_ -- Complete reference of the APIC object model"
msgid "`Cisco DevNet Learning Labs about ACI and REST <https://learninglabs.cisco.com/labs/tags/ACI,REST>`_"
msgstr "`Cisco DevNet Learning Labs about ACI and REST <https://learninglabs.cisco.com/labs/tags/ACI,REST>`_"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:540
msgid "Operational examples"
msgstr "運用例"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:541
msgid "Here is a small overview of useful operational tasks to reuse in your playbooks."
msgstr "以下は、Playbook で再利用するのに役立つ運用タスクの概要です。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:543
msgid "Feel free to contribute more useful snippets."
msgstr "より有用なスニペットを自由に投稿してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:547
msgid "Waiting for all controllers to be ready"
msgstr "Waiting for all controllers to be ready"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:548
msgid "You can use the below task after you started to build your APICs and configured the cluster to wait until all the APICs have come online. It will wait until the number of controllers equals the number listed in the ``apic`` inventory group."
msgid "The below example waits until the cluster is fully-fit. In this example you know the number of APICs in the cluster and you verify each APIC reports a 'fully-fit' status."
msgid "APIC Error 122: unknown managed object class 'polUni'"
msgstr "APIC Error 122: unknown managed object class 'polUni'"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:594
msgid "In case you receive this error while you are certain your aci_rest payload and object classes are seemingly correct, the issue might be that your payload is not in fact correct JSON (for example, the sent payload is using single quotes, rather than double quotes), and as a result the APIC is not correctly parsing your object classes from the payload. One way to avoid this is by using a YAML or an XML formatted payload, which are easier to construct correctly and modify later."
msgid "APIC Error 400: invalid data at line '1'. Attributes are missing, tag 'attributes' must be specified first, before any other tag"
msgstr "APIC Error 400: invalid data at line '1'. Attributes are missing, tag 'attributes' must be specified first, before any other tag"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:598
msgid "Although the JSON specification allows unordered elements, the APIC REST API requires that the JSON ``attributes`` element precede the ``children`` array or other elements. So you need to ensure that your payload conforms to this requirement. Sorting your dictionary keys will do the trick just fine. If you don't have any attributes, it may be necessary to add: ``attributes: {}`` as the APIC does expect the entry to precede any ``children``."
msgid "APIC Error 801: property descr of uni/tn-TENANT/ap-AP failed validation for value 'A \"legacy\" network'"
msgstr "APIC Error 801: property descr of uni/tn-TENANT/ap-AP failed validation for value 'A \"legacy\" network'"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:602
msgid "Some values in the APIC have strict format-rules to comply to, and the internal APIC validation check for the provided value failed. In the above case, the ``description`` parameter (internally known as ``descr``) only accepts values conforming to `Regex: [a-zA-Z0-9\\\\!#$%()*,-./:;@ _{|}~?&+]+ <https://pubhub-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/media/apic-mim-ref/docs/MO-fvAp.html#descr>`_, in general it must not include quotes or square brackets."
msgid "The aci_rest module is a wrapper around the APIC REST API. As a result any issues related to the APIC will be reflected in the use of this module."
msgstr "aci_rest モジュールは、APIC REST API のラッパーです。これにより、APIC に関連する問題がこのモジュールの使用に反映されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:611
msgid "All below issues either have been reported to the vendor, and most can simply be avoided."
msgstr "以下の問題はすべてベンダー企業に報告されており、ほとんどの場合は回避できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:617
msgid "Too many consecutive API calls may result in connection throttling"
msgstr "連続する API 呼び出しが多くなりすぎると、接続のスロットルが発生する可能性があります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:614
msgid "Starting with ACI v3.1 the APIC will actively throttle password-based authenticated connection rates over a specific threshold. This is as part of an anti-DDOS measure but can act up when using Ansible with ACI using password-based authentication. Currently, one solution is to increase this threshold within the nginx configuration, but using signature-based authentication is recommended."
msgid "**NOTE:** It is advisable to use signature-based authentication with ACI as it not only prevents connection-throttling, but also improves general performance when using the ACI modules."
msgid "There is a known issue where specific requests to the APIC do not properly reflect changed in the resulting output, even when we request those changes explicitly from the APIC. In one instance using the path ``api/node/mo/uni/infra.xml`` fails, where ``api/node/mo/uni/infra/.xml`` does work correctly."
msgid "**NOTE:** A workaround is to register the task return values (for example, ``register: this``) and influence when the task should report a change by adding: ``changed_when: this.imdata != []``."
msgid "The behaviour of the APIC is inconsistent to the use of ``status=\"created\"`` and ``status=\"deleted\"``. The result is that when you use ``status=\"created\"`` in your payload the resulting tasks are not idempotent and creation will fail when the object was already created. However this is not the case with ``status=\"deleted\"`` where such call to an non-existing object does not cause any failure whatsoever."
msgid "**NOTE:** A workaround is to avoid using ``status=\"created\"`` and instead use ``status=\"modified\"`` when idempotency is essential to your workflow.."
msgid "Due to an inconsistency in the APIC REST API, a task that sets the password of a locally-authenticated user is not idempotent. The APIC will complain with message ``Password history check: user dag should not use previous 5 passwords``."
msgstr "APIC REST API の不整合により、ローカル認証されたユーザーのパスワードを設定するタスクは冪等ではありません。APIC は、``Password history check: user dag should not use previous 5 passwords`` メッセージを出力します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:634
msgid "**NOTE:** There is no workaround for this issue."
msgstr "**注記:** この問題に対する回避策はありません。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:640
msgid "ACI Ansible community"
msgstr "ACI Ansible コミュニティー"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:641
msgid "If you have specific issues with the ACI modules, or a feature request, or you like to contribute to the ACI project by proposing changes or documentation updates, look at the Ansible Community wiki ACI page at: https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Network:-ACI"
msgstr "ACI モジュールまたは機能要求に特定の問題が発生した場合や、変更やドキュメントの更新を提案して ACI プロジェクトに貢献する場合は、Ansible Community wiki の ACI ページ (https://github.com/ansible/community/wiki/Network:-ACI) を参照してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aci.rst:643
msgid "You will find our roadmap, an overview of open ACI issues and pull-requests, and more information about who we are. If you have an interest in using ACI with Ansible, feel free to join! We occasionally meet online to track progress and prepare for new Ansible releases."
msgid "Ansible contains several modules for controlling and managing Alibaba Cloud Compute Services (Alicloud). This guide explains how to use the Alicloud Ansible modules together."
msgid "Cloud modules, including Alicloud modules, execute on your local machine (the control machine) with ``connection: local``, rather than on remote machines defined in your hosts."
msgid "You can specify your Alicloud authentication credentials (access key and secret key) by passing them as environment variables or by storing them in a vars file."
msgid "You can use the ``count`` parameter to control the number of resources you create or terminate. For example, if you want exactly 5 instances tagged ``NewECS``, set the ``count`` of instances to 5 and the ``count_tag`` to ``NewECS``, as shown in the last task of the example playbook below. If there are no instances with the tag ``NewECS``, the task creates 5 new instances. If there are 2 instances with that tag, the task creates 3 more. If there are 8 instances with that tag, the task terminates 3 of those instances."
msgid "If you do not specify a ``count_tag``, the task creates the number of instances you specify in ``count`` with the ``instance_name`` you provide."
msgid "In the example playbook above, data about the vpc, vswitch, group, and instances created by this playbook are saved in the variables defined by the \"register\" keyword in each task."
msgid "Each Alicloud module offers a variety of parameter options. Not all options are demonstrated in the above example. See each individual module for further details and examples."
msgid "Ansible contains a number of modules for controlling Amazon Web Services (AWS). The purpose of this section is to explain how to put Ansible modules together (and use inventory scripts) to use Ansible in AWS context."
msgid "Requirements for the AWS modules are minimal."
msgstr "AWS モジュールの要件は最小限です。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aws.rst:14
msgid "All of the modules require and are tested against recent versions of boto, usually boto3. Check the module documentation for the minimum required version for each module. You must have the boto3 Python module installed on your control machine. You may also need the original boto package. You can install these modules from your OS distribution or using the python package installer: ``pip install boto3``."
msgid "Whereas classically Ansible will execute tasks in its host loop against multiple remote machines, most cloud-control steps occur on your local machine with reference to the regions to control."
msgid "In the example below, the \"exact_count\" of instances is set to 5. This means if there are 0 instances already existing, then 5 new instances would be created. If there were 2 instances, only 3 would be created, and if there were 8 instances, 3 instances would be terminated."
msgid "What is being counted is specified by the \"count_tag\" parameter. The parameter \"instance_tags\" is used to apply tags to the newly created instance.::"
msgid "From this, we'll use the add_host module to dynamically create a host group consisting of these new instances. This facilitates performing configuration actions on the hosts immediately in a subsequent task.::"
msgid "Security groups on AWS are stateful. The response of a request from your instance is allowed to flow in regardless of inbound security group rules and vice-versa. In case you only want allow traffic with AWS S3 service, you need to fetch the current IP ranges of AWS S3 for one region and apply them as an egress rule.::"
msgid "Once your nodes are spun up, you'll probably want to talk to them again. With a cloud setup, it's best to not maintain a static list of cloud hostnames in text files. Rather, the best way to handle this is to use the aws_ec2 inventory plugin. See :ref:`dynamic_inventory`."
msgid "You can also use these groups with 'group_vars' to set variables that are automatically applied to matching instances. See :ref:`splitting_out_vars`."
msgid "Amazon Autoscaling features automatically increase or decrease capacity based on load. There are also Ansible modules shown in the cloud documentation that can configure autoscaling policy."
msgid "To do this, pre-bake machine images which contain the necessary ansible-pull invocation. Ansible-pull is a command line tool that fetches a playbook from a git server and runs it locally."
msgid "One of the challenges of this approach is that there needs to be a centralized way to store data about the results of pull commands in an autoscaling context. For this reason, the autoscaling solution provided below in the next section can be a better approach."
msgid ":ref:`ansible_tower` also contains a very nice feature for auto-scaling use cases. In this mode, a simple curl script can call a defined URL and the server will \"dial out\" to the requester and configure an instance that is spinning up. This can be a great way to reconfigure ephemeral nodes. See the Tower install and product documentation for more details."
msgid "A benefit of using the callback in Tower over pull mode is that job results are still centrally recorded and less information has to be shared with remote hosts."
msgid "Ansible modules provide an easier to use interface than CloudFormation in many examples, without defining a complex JSON/YAML document. This is recommended for most users."
msgid "However, for users that have decided to use CloudFormation, there is an Ansible module that can be used to apply a CloudFormation template to Amazon."
msgid "When using Ansible with CloudFormation, typically Ansible will be used with a tool like Packer to build images, and CloudFormation will launch those images, or ansible will be invoked through user data once the image comes online, or a combination of the two."
msgid "Many users may want to have images boot to a more complete configuration rather than configuring them entirely after instantiation. To do this, one of many programs can be used with Ansible playbooks to define and upload a base image, which will then get its own AMI ID for usage with the ec2 module or other Ansible AWS modules such as ec2_asg or the cloudformation module. Possible tools include Packer, aminator, and Ansible's ec2_ami module."
msgid "Generally speaking, we find most users using Packer."
msgstr "一般的には、Packer が使用されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_aws.rst:258
msgid "See the Packer documentation of the `Ansible local Packer provisioner <https://www.packer.io/docs/provisioners/ansible-local.html>`_ and `Ansible remote Packer provisioner <https://www.packer.io/docs/provisioners/ansible.html>`_."
msgid "Ansible ships with lots of modules for configuring a wide array of EC2 services. Browse the \"Cloud\" category of the module documentation for a full list with examples."
msgid "Ansible includes a suite of modules for interacting with Azure Resource Manager, giving you the tools to easily create and orchestrate infrastructure on the Microsoft Azure Cloud."
msgid "Using the Azure Resource Manager modules requires authenticating with the Azure API. You can choose from two authentication strategies:"
msgstr "Azure Resource Manager モジュールを使用するには、Azure API で認証する必要があります。以下の認証ストラテジーを選択できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:31
msgid "Active Directory Username/Password"
msgstr "Active Directory ユーザー名/パスワード"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:32
msgid "Service Principal Credentials"
msgstr "サービスプリンシパルの認証情報"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:34
msgid "Follow the directions for the strategy you wish to use, then proceed to `Providing Credentials to Azure Modules`_ for instructions on how to actually use the modules and authenticate with the Azure API."
msgstr "使用するストラテジーの指示に従い、実際にモジュールを使用して Azure API で認証する方法は、「`Azure モジュールへの認証情報の提供`_」を参照してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:39
msgid "Using Service Principal"
msgstr "サービスプリンシパルの使用"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:41
msgid "There is now a detailed official tutorial describing `how to create a service principal <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-group-create-service-principal-portal>`_."
msgid "Your Secret key, generated when you created the application. You cannot show the key after creation. If you lost the key, you must create a new one in the \"Configure\" page of your application."
msgid "And finally, a tenant ID. It's a UUID (for example, ABCDEFGH-1234-ABCD-1234-ABCDEFGHIJKL) pointing to the AD containing your application. You will find it in the URL from within the Azure portal, or in the \"view endpoints\" of any given URL."
msgstr "そして最後に、テナント ID です。これは、アプリケーションを含む AD を指し示す UUID (例: ABCDEFGH-1234-ABCD-1234-ABCDEFGHIJKL) です。この ID は、Azure ポータル内の URL や、指定の URL の「エンドポイントの表示」に記載されています。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:53
msgid "Using Active Directory Username/Password"
msgstr "Active Directory のユーザー名/パスワードの使用"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:55
msgid "To create an Active Directory username/password:"
msgid "Click on Add and enter the email of the new user."
msgstr "Add をクリックして、新規ユーザーの電子メールを入力します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:61
msgid "Check the checkbox of the subscription you want to test with this user."
msgstr "このユーザーでテストするサブスクリプションのチェックボックスを選択します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:62
msgid "Login to Azure Portal with this new user to change the temporary password to a new one. You will not be able to use the temporary password for OAuth login."
msgid "The modules offer several ways to provide your credentials. For a CI/CD tool such as Ansible Tower or Jenkins, you will most likely want to use environment variables. For local development you may wish to store your credentials in a file within your home directory. And of course, you can always pass credentials as parameters to a task within a playbook. The order of precedence is parameters, then environment variables, and finally a file found in your home directory."
msgid "When working in a development environment, it may be desirable to store credentials in a file. The modules will look for credentials in ``$HOME/.azure/credentials``. This file is an ini style file. It will look as follows:"
msgstr "開発環境で作業する場合は、ファイルに認証情報を保存することが望ましい場合があります。このモジュールは ``$HOME/.azure/credentials`` にある認証情報を探します。このファイルは ini 形式のファイルです。以下のようになります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:113
msgid "If your secret values contain non-ASCII characters, you must `URL Encode <https://www.w3schools.com/tags/ref_urlencode.asp>`_ them to avoid login errors."
msgid "It is possible to store multiple sets of credentials within the credentials file by creating multiple sections. Each section is considered a profile. The modules look for the [default] profile automatically. Define AZURE_PROFILE in the environment or pass a profile parameter to specify a specific profile."
msgid "To use an Azure Cloud other than the default public cloud (for example, Azure China Cloud, Azure US Government Cloud, Azure Stack), pass the \"cloud_environment\" argument to modules, configure it in a credential profile, or set the \"AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT\" environment variable. The value is either a cloud name as defined by the Azure Python SDK (for example, \"AzureChinaCloud\", \"AzureUSGovernment\"; defaults to \"AzureCloud\") or an Azure metadata discovery URL (for Azure Stack)."
msgstr "デフォルトのパブリッククラウド (Azure China Cloud、Azure US Government Cloud、Azure US Government Cloud、Azure Stack など) 以外の Azure Cloud を使用するには、「cloud_environment」引数をモジュールに渡すか、認証情報プロファイルでこれを設定するか、「AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT」環境変数を設定します。この値は、Azure Python SDK で定義されるクラウド名 (例:「AzureChinaCloud」、「AzureUSGovernment」。デフォルトは「AzureCloud」) または Azure メタデータ検出 URL (Azure Stack 用) のいずれかになります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:155
msgid "Creating Virtual Machines"
msgstr "仮想マシンの作成"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:157
msgid "There are two ways to create a virtual machine, both involving the azure_rm_virtualmachine module. We can either create a storage account, network interface, security group and public IP address and pass the names of these objects to the module as parameters, or we can let the module do the work for us and accept the defaults it chooses."
msgstr "azure_rm_virtualmachine モジュールに関連する仮想マシンを作成する方法は 2 つあります。ストレージアカウント、ネットワークインターフェース、セキュリティーグループ、パブリック IP アドレスを作成し、これらのオブジェクトの名前をパラメーターとしてモジュールに渡す方法と、モジュールに作業を任せ、モジュールが選択するデフォルトを受け入れる方法です。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:162
msgid "Creating Individual Components"
msgstr "個別コンポーネントの作成"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:164
msgid "An Azure module is available to help you create a storage account, virtual network, subnet, network interface, security group and public IP. Here is a full example of creating each of these and passing the names to the ``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_virtualmachine`` module at the end:"
msgstr "Azure モジュールは、ストレージアカウント、仮想ネットワーク、サブネット、ネットワークインターフェース、セキュリティーグループ、およびパブリック IP の作成に役立ちます。ここでは、これらを作成し、最後に ``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_virtualmachine`` モジュールに名前を渡すための完全な例を紹介します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:233
msgid "Each of the Azure modules offers a variety of parameter options. Not all options are demonstrated in the above example. See each individual module for further details and examples."
msgid "Creating a Virtual Machine with Default Options"
msgstr "デフォルトオプションを使用した仮想マシンの作成"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:240
msgid "If you simply want to create a virtual machine without specifying all the details, you can do that as well. The only caveat is that you will need a virtual network with one subnet already in your resource group. Assuming you have a virtual network already with an existing subnet, you can run the following to create a VM:"
msgid "When creating a VM with the ``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_virtualmachine`` module, you need to explicitly set the ``managed_disk_type`` parameter to change the OS disk to a managed disk. Otherwise, the OS disk becomes an unmanaged disk."
msgstr "``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_virtualmachine`` モジュールで仮想マシンを作成する場合は、``managed_disk_type`` パラメーターを明示的に設定して OS ディスクを管理ディスクに変更します。そうでないと、OS ディスクは非管理ディスクになります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:271
msgid "When you create a data disk with the ``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_manageddisk`` module, you need to explicitly specify the ``storage_account_type`` parameter to make it a managed disk. Otherwise, the data disk will be an unmanaged disk."
msgid "A managed disk does not require a storage account or a storage container, unlike an unmanaged disk. In particular, note that once a VM is created on an unmanaged disk, an unnecessary storage container named \"vhds\" is automatically created."
msgid "When you create an IP address with the ``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_publicipaddress`` module, you must set the ``sku`` parameter to ``standard``. Otherwise, the IP address cannot be used in an availability zone."
msgstr "``azure.azcollection.azure_rm_publicipaddress`` モジュールで IP アドレスを作成する場合は、``sku`` パラメーターを ``standard`` に設定する必要があります。そうでない場合は、アベイラビリティーゾーンで IP アドレスを使用することができません。"
msgid "The Azure Resource Manager inventory script is called `azure_rm.py <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/azure_rm.py>`_. It authenticates with the Azure API exactly the same as the Azure modules, which means you will either define the same environment variables described above in `Using Environment Variables`_, create a ``$HOME/.azure/credentials`` file (also described above in `Storing in a File`_), or pass command line parameters. To see available command line options execute the following:"
msgid "As with all dynamic inventory scripts, the script can be executed directly, passed as a parameter to the ansible command, or passed directly to ansible-playbook using the -i option. No matter how it is executed the script produces JSON representing all of the hosts found in your Azure subscription. You can narrow this down to just hosts found in a specific set of Azure resource groups, or even down to a specific host."
msgid "You can control host groupings and host selection by either defining environment variables or creating an azure_rm.ini file in your current working directory."
msgid "NOTE: An .ini file will take precedence over environment variables."
msgstr "注記: .ini ファイルは環境変数よりも優先されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:367
msgid "NOTE: The name of the .ini file is the basename of the inventory script (in other words, 'azure_rm') with a '.ini' extension. This allows you to copy, rename and customize the inventory script and have matching .ini files all in the same directory."
msgid "A sample azure_rm.ini file is included along with the inventory script in `here <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/azure_rm.ini>`_. An .ini file will contain the following:"
msgid "You can execute the playbook with something like:"
msgstr "Playbook は以下のような方法で実行できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:472
msgid "Disabling certificate validation on Azure endpoints"
msgstr "Azure エンドポイントでの証明書検証の無効化"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_azure.rst:474
msgid "When an HTTPS proxy is present, or when using Azure Stack, it may be necessary to disable certificate validation for Azure endpoints in the Azure modules. This is not a recommended security practice, but may be necessary when the system CA store cannot be altered to include the necessary CA certificate. Certificate validation can be controlled by setting the \"cert_validation_mode\" value in a credential profile, via the \"AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE\" environment variable, or by passing the \"cert_validation_mode\" argument to any Azure module. The default value is \"validate\"; setting the value to \"ignore\" will prevent all certificate validation. The module argument takes precedence over a credential profile value, which takes precedence over the environment value."
msgstr "HTTPS プロキシーが存在する場合、または Azure Stack を使用している場合は、Azure モジュールで Azure エンドポイントの証明書検証を無効にしなければならない場合があります。これは推奨されるセキュリティー対策ではありませんが、システム CA ストアを変更して必要な CA 証明書を含めることができない場合に必要になることがあります。証明書の検証は、認証情報プロファイルで「cert_validation_mode」値を設定するか、環境変数「AZURE_CERT_VALIDATION_MODE」を経由するか、「cert_validation_mode」引数を任意の Azure モジュールに渡すことで制御できます。デフォルト値は「validate」で、「ignore」に設定すると証明書の検証は行われません。モジュールの引数は、環境の値よりも優先される認証情報プロファイルの値よりも優先されます。"
msgid "The purpose of this section is to explain how to put Ansible modules together to use Ansible in a CloudStack context. You will find more usage examples in the details section of each module."
msgid "Ansible contains a number of extra modules for interacting with CloudStack based clouds. All modules support check mode, are designed to be idempotent, have been created and tested, and are maintained by the community."
msgid "Prerequisites for using the CloudStack modules are minimal. In addition to Ansible itself, all of the modules require the python library ``cs`` https://pypi.org/project/cs/"
msgid "cs also includes a command line interface for ad hoc interaction with the CloudStack API, for example ``$ cs listVirtualMachines state=Running``."
msgid "You can pass credentials and the endpoint of your cloud as module arguments, however in most cases it is a far less work to store your credentials in the cloudstack.ini file."
msgid "The ENV variables support ``CLOUDSTACK_*`` as written in the documentation of the library ``cs``, like ``CLOUDSTACK_TIMEOUT``, ``CLOUDSTACK_METHOD``, and so on. has been implemented into Ansible. It is even possible to have some incomplete config in your cloudstack.ini:"
msgid "Since Ansible 2.3 it is possible to use environment variables for domain (``CLOUDSTACK_DOMAIN``), account (``CLOUDSTACK_ACCOUNT``), project (``CLOUDSTACK_PROJECT``), VPC (``CLOUDSTACK_VPC``) and zone (``CLOUDSTACK_ZONE``). This simplifies the tasks by not repeating the arguments for every tasks."
msgid "The following should give you some ideas how to use the modules to provision VMs to the cloud. As always, there isn't only one way to do it. But as always: keep it simple for the beginning is always a good start."
msgid "Our CloudStack cloud has an advanced networking setup, we would like to provision web servers, which get a static NAT and open firewall ports 80 and 443. Further we provision database servers, to which we do not give any access to. For accessing the VMs by SSH we use a SSH jump host."
msgid "The configure the jumphost, web servers and database servers, we use ``group_vars``. The ``group_vars`` directory contains 4 files for configuration of the groups: cloud-vm, jumphost, webserver and db-server. The cloud-vm is there for specifying the defaults of our cloud infrastructure."
msgid "The web servers should get a ``Small`` offering as we would scale them horizontally, which is also our default offering. We also ensure the known web ports are opened for the world."
msgstr "Web サーバーは、水平方向に拡張するため、``Small`` を提供しています。これは、デフォルトのオファリングでもあります。また、既知の Web ポートがグローバルに開いていることを確認します。"
msgid "In the above play we defined 3 tasks and use the group ``cloud-vm`` as target to handle all VMs in the cloud but instead SSH to these VMs, we use ``delegate_to: localhost`` to execute the API calls locally from our workstation."
msgid "In the first task, we ensure we have a running VM created with the Debian template. If the VM is already created but stopped, it would just start it. If you like to change the offering on an existing VM, you must add ``force: yes`` to the task, which would stop the VM, change the offering and start the VM again."
msgid "For some modules, for example ``cs_sshkeypair`` you usually want this to be executed only once, not for every VM. Therefore you would make a separate play for it targeting localhost. You find an example in the use cases below."
msgid "A basic networking CloudStack setup is slightly different: Every VM gets a public IP directly assigned and security groups are used for access restriction policy."
msgstr "基本的なネットワーク CloudStack の設定は若干異なります。すべての仮想マシンが直接割り当てられたパブリック IP を取得し、セキュリティーグループがアクセス制限ポリシーに使用されます。"
msgid "In the first play we setup the security groups, in the second play the VMs will created be assigned to these groups. Further you see, that we assign the public IP returned from the modules to the host inventory. This is needed as we do not know the IPs we will get in advance. In a next step you would configure the DNS servers with these IPs for accessing the VMs with their DNS name."
msgstr "最初のプレイでは、セキュリティグループを設定し、2 つ目のプレイでは、仮想マシンがこれらのグループに割り当てられるように作成されます。さらに、モジュールから返されたパブリック IP をホストのインベントリーに割り当てることが確認できます。これは、事前に取得する IP を把握していないため必要になります。次のステップでは、このような IP を使用して DNS サーバーを設定し、仮想マシンに DNS 名でアクセスできるようにします。"
msgid "The `community.docker collection <https://galaxy.ansible.com/community/docker>`_ offers several modules and plugins for orchestrating Docker containers and Docker Swarm."
msgid "Most of the modules and plugins in community.docker require the `Docker SDK for Python <https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>`_. The SDK needs to be installed on the machines where the modules and plugins are executed, and for the Python version(s) with which the modules and plugins are executed. You can use the :ref:`community.general.python_requirements_info module <ansible_collections.community.general.python_requirements_info_module>` to make sure that the Docker SDK for Python is installed on the correct machine and for the Python version used by Ansible."
msgid "Note that plugins (inventory plugins and connection plugins) are always executed in the context of Ansible itself. If you use a plugin that requires the Docker SDK for Python, you need to install it on the machine running ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` and for the same Python interpreter used by Ansible. To see which Python is used, run ``ansible --version``."
msgid "Please install only one of ``docker`` or ``docker-py``. Installing both will result in a broken installation. If this happens, Ansible will detect it and inform you about it. If that happens, you must uninstall both and reinstall the correct version."
msgid "You can connect to a local or remote API using parameters passed to each task or by setting environment variables. The order of precedence is command line parameters and then environment variables. If neither a command line option nor an environment variable is found, Ansible uses the default value provided under `Parameters`_."
msgstr "各タスクに渡されるパラメーターを使用するか、環境変数を設定してローカルまたはリモートの API に接続できます。優先順位の順番はコマンドラインパラメーターとその環境変数です。コマンドラインオプションも環境変数も見つからない場合、Ansible は `Parameters`_ で指定したデフォルト値を使用します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:42
msgid "Parameters"
msgstr "パラメーター"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:44
msgid "Most plugins and modules can be configured by the following parameters:"
msgstr "ほとんどのプラグインおよびモジュールは、以下のパラメーターで設定できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:47
msgid "docker_host"
msgstr "docker_host"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:47
msgid "The URL or Unix socket path used to connect to the Docker API. Defaults to ``unix://var/run/docker.sock``. To connect to a remote host, provide the TCP connection string (for example: ``tcp://``). If TLS is used to encrypt the connection to the API, then the module will automatically replace 'tcp' in the connection URL with 'https'."
msgstr "Docker API への接続に使用される URL または Unix ソケットパス。デフォルトは ``unix://var/run/docker.sock`` です。リモートホストに接続するには、TCP 接続文字列を指定します (例: ``tcp://``)。TLS を使用して API への接続を暗号化すると、モジュールは、接続 URL の 「tcp」を自動的に「https」に置き換えます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:50
msgid "api_version"
msgstr "api_version"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:50
msgid "The version of the Docker API running on the Docker Host. Defaults to the latest version of the API supported by the Docker SDK for Python installed."
msgstr "Docker Host 上で実行される Docker API のバージョンです。デフォルトでは、Python 用の Docker SDK によってサポートされる API の最新バージョンに設定されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:53
msgid "The maximum amount of time in seconds to wait on a response from the API. Defaults to 60 seconds."
msgid "You can also control how the plugins and modules connect to the Docker API by setting the following environment variables."
msgstr "以下の環境変数を設定して、プラグインおよびモジュールが Docker API に接続する方法を制御することもできます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_docker.rst:82
msgid "For plugins, they have to be set for the environment Ansible itself runs in. For modules, they have to be set for the environment the modules are executed in. For modules running on remote machines, the environment variables have to be set on that machine for the user used to execute the modules with."
msgid "For working with a plain Docker daemon, that is without Swarm, there are connection plugins, an inventory plugin, and several modules available:"
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker connection plugin <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_connection>` uses the Docker CLI utility to connect to Docker containers and execute modules in them. It essentially wraps ``docker exec`` and ``docker cp``. This connection plugin is supported by the :ref:`ansible.posix.synchronize module <ansible_collections.ansible.posix.synchronize_module>`."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_api connection plugin <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_api_connection>` talks directly to the Docker daemon to connect to Docker containers and execute modules in them."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_containers inventory plugin <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_containers_inventory>` allows you to dynamically add Docker containers from a Docker Daemon to your Ansible inventory. See :ref:`dynamic_inventory` for details on dynamic inventories."
msgid "The `docker inventory script <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.general/blob/main/scripts/inventory/docker.py>`_ is deprecated. Please use the inventory plugin instead. The inventory plugin has several compatibility options. If you need to collect Docker containers from multiple Docker daemons, you need to add every Docker daemon as an individual inventory source."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_host_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_host_info_module>` allows you to retrieve information on a Docker daemon, such as all containers, images, volumes, networks and so on."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_login module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_login_module>` allows you to log in and out of a remote registry, such as Docker Hub or a private registry. It provides similar functionality to the ``docker login`` and ``docker logout`` CLI commands."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_prune module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_prune_module>` allows you to prune no longer needed containers, images, volumes and so on. It provides similar functionality to the ``docker prune`` CLI command."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_image module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_image_module>` provides full control over images, including: build, pull, push, tag and remove."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_image_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_image_info_module>` allows you to list and inspect images."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_network module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_network_module>` provides full control over Docker networks."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_network_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_network_info_module>` allows you to inspect Docker networks."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_volume_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_volume_info_module>` provides full control over Docker volumes."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_volume module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_volume_module>` allows you to inspect Docker volumes."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_container module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_container_module>` manages the container lifecycle by providing the ability to create, update, stop, start and destroy a Docker container."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_container_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_container_info_module>` allows you to inspect a Docker container."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_compose module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_compose_module>` allows you to use your existing Docker compose files to orchestrate containers on a single Docker daemon or on Swarm. Supports compose versions 1 and 2."
msgid "Next to Docker SDK for Python, you need to install `docker-compose <https://github.com/docker/compose>`_ on the remote machines to use the module."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_machine inventory plugin <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_machine_inventory>` allows you to dynamically add Docker Machine hosts to your Ansible inventory."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_stack module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_stack_module>` module allows you to control Docker stacks. Information on stacks can be retrieved by the :ref:`community.docker.docker_stack_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_stack_info_module>`, and information on stack tasks can be retrieved by the :ref:`community.docker.docker_stack_task_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_stack_task_info_module>`."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_swarm inventory plugin <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_swarm_inventory>` allows you to dynamically add all Docker Swarm nodes to your Ansible inventory."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_swarm module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_swarm_module>` allows you to globally configure Docker Swarm manager nodes to join and leave swarms, and to change the Docker Swarm configuration."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_swarm_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_swarm_info_module>` allows you to retrieve information on Docker Swarm."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_node module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_node_module>` allows you to manage Docker Swarm nodes."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_node_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_node_info_module>` allows you to retrieve information on Docker Swarm nodes."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_config module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_config_module>` allows you to create and modify Docker Swarm configs."
msgid "The :ref:`community.docker.docker_secret module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_secret_module>` allows you to create and modify Docker Swarm secrets."
msgid "Docker Swarm services can be created and updated with the :ref:`community.docker.docker_swarm_service module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_swarm_service_module>`, and information on them can be queried by the :ref:`community.docker.docker_swarm_service_info module <ansible_collections.community.docker.docker_swarm_service_info_module>`."
msgid "Still using Dockerfile to build images? Check out `ansible-bender <https://github.com/ansible-community/ansible-bender>`_, and start building images from your Ansible playbooks."
msgid "Use `Ansible Operator <https://learn.openshift.com/ansibleop/ansible-operator-overview/>`_ to launch your docker-compose file on `OpenShift <https://www.okd.io/>`_. Go from an app on your laptop to a fully scalable app in the cloud with Kubernetes in just a few moments."
msgid "Ansible + Google have been working together on a set of auto-generated Ansible modules designed to consistently and comprehensively cover the entirety of the Google Cloud Platform (GCP)."
msgid "Ansible contains modules for managing Google Cloud Platform resources, including creating instances, controlling network access, working with persistent disks, managing load balancers, and a lot more."
msgid "These new modules can be found under a new consistent name scheme \"gcp_*\" (Note: gcp_target_proxy and gcp_url_map are legacy modules, despite the \"gcp_*\" name. Please use gcp_compute_target_proxy and gcp_compute_url_map instead)."
msgid "Additionally, the gcp_compute inventory plugin can discover all Google Compute Engine (GCE) instances and make them automatically available in your Ansible inventory."
msgstr "さらに、gcp_compute インベントリープラグインは、すべての Google Compute Engine(GCE) インスタンスを検出し、Ansible インベントリーで自動的に利用可能にすることができます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:25
msgid "You may see a collection of other GCP modules that do not conform to this naming convention. These are the original modules primarily developed by the Ansible community. You will find some overlapping functionality such as with the \"gce\" module and the new \"gcp_compute_instance\" module. Either can be used, but you may experience issues trying to use them together."
msgid "While the community GCP modules are not going away, Google is investing effort into the new \"gcp_*\" modules. Google is committed to ensuring the Ansible community has a great experience with GCP and therefore recommends adopting these new modules if possible."
msgid "It's easy to create a GCP account with credentials for Ansible. You have multiple options to get your credentials - here are two of the most common options:"
msgid "The best way to interact with your hosts is to use the gcp_compute inventory plugin, which dynamically queries GCE and tells Ansible what nodes can be managed."
msgid "Here's an example of a valid inventory file:"
msgstr "以下は、有効なインベントリーファイルの例です。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:152
msgid "Executing ``ansible-inventory --list -i <filename>.gcp.yml`` will create a list of GCP instances that are ready to be configured using Ansible."
msgid "The full range of GCP modules provide the ability to create a wide variety of GCP resources with the full support of the entire GCP API."
msgstr "GCP モジュールの全範囲により、GCP API 全体の完全なサポートにより、さまざまな GCP リソースを作成することができます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:160
msgid "The following playbook creates a GCE Instance. This instance relies on other GCP resources like Disk. By creating other resources separately, we can give as much detail as necessary about how we want to configure the other resources, for example formatting of the Disk. By registering it to a variable, we can simply insert the variable into the instance task. The gcp_compute_instance module will figure out the rest."
msgid "Note that use of the \"add_host\" module above creates a temporary, in-memory group. This means that a play in the same playbook can then manage machines in the 'new_instances' group, if so desired. Any sort of arbitrary configuration is possible at this point."
msgid "For more information about Google Cloud, please visit the `Google Cloud website <https://cloud.google.com>`_."
msgstr "Google Cloud の詳細は、`Google Cloud Web サイト <https://cloud.google.com>`_ を参照してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:248
msgid "Migration Guides"
msgstr "移行ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:251
msgid "gce.py -> gcp_compute_instance.py"
msgstr "gce.py -> gcp_compute_instance.py"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:252
msgid "As of Ansible 2.8, we're encouraging everyone to move from the ``gce`` module to the ``gcp_compute_instance`` module. The ``gcp_compute_instance`` module has better support for all of GCP's features, fewer dependencies, more flexibility, and better supports GCP's authentication systems."
msgid "The ``gcp_compute_instance`` module supports all of the features of the ``gce`` module (and more!). Below is a mapping of ``gce`` fields over to ``gcp_compute_instance`` fields."
msgid "State on gce has multiple values: \"present\", \"absent\", \"stopped\", \"started\", \"terminated\". State on gcp_compute_instance is used to describe if the instance exists (present) or does not (absent). Status is used to describe if the instance is \"started\", \"stopped\" or \"terminated\"."
msgid "This is the service_account email address that you want the instance to be associated with. It is not the service_account email address that is used for the credentials necessary to create the instance."
msgid "For maximum flexibility, we're encouraging users to use Ansible features to create multiple instances, rather than letting the module do it for you."
msgid "This field takes multiple types of values. You can create an IP address with ``gcp_compute_address`` and place the name/output of the address here. You can also place the string value of the IP address's GCP name or the actual IP address."
msgstr "このフィールドは、複数のタイプの値を取ります。``gcp_compute_address`` で IP アドレスを作成し、そのアドレスの名前/出力をここに入力します。IP アドレスの GCP 名または実際の IP アドレスの文字列値を入力することもできます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:282
msgid "disks_auto_delete"
msgstr "disks_auto_delete"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:282
msgid "disks[].auto_delete"
msgstr "disks[].auto_delete"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:283
msgid "preemptible"
msgstr "preemptible"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:283
msgid "scheduling.preemptible"
msgstr "scheduling.preemptible"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:284
msgid "disk_size"
msgstr "disk_size"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:284
msgid "disks[].initialize_params.disk_size_gb"
msgstr "disks[].initialize_params.disk_size_gb"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_gce.rst:287
msgid "An example playbook is below:"
msgstr "Playbook の例を以下に示します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_infoblox.rst:5
msgid "Infoblox Guide"
msgstr "Infoblox ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_infoblox.rst:7
msgid "Topics"
msgstr "トピック"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_infoblox.rst:9
msgid "This guide describes how to use Ansible with the Infoblox Network Identity Operating System (NIOS). With Ansible integration, you can use Ansible playbooks to automate Infoblox Core Network Services for IP address management (IPAM), DNS, and inventory tracking."
msgid "You can review simple example tasks in the documentation for any of the :ref:`NIOS modules <nios_net tools_modules>` or look at the `Use cases with modules`_ section for more elaborate examples. See the `Infoblox <https://www.infoblox.com/>`_ website for more information on the Infoblox product."
msgid "You can retrieve most of the example playbooks used in this guide from the `network-automation/infoblox_ansible <https://github.com/network-automation/infoblox_ansible>`_ GitHub repository."
msgid "To use Infoblox ``nios`` modules in playbooks, you need to configure the credentials to access your Infoblox system. The examples in this guide use credentials stored in ``<playbookdir>/group_vars/nios.yml``. Replace these values with your Infoblox credentials:"
msgid ":ref:`nios_next_ip <nios_next_ip_lookup>` Provides the next available IP address from a network. You'll see an example of this in `Creating a host record`_."
msgstr ":ref:`nios_next_ip <nios_next_ip_lookup>` は、ネットワークから次に利用可能な IP アドレスを提供します。「`ホストレコードの作成`_」に、この例を示します。"
msgid "To retrieve all network views and save them in a variable, use the :ref:`set_fact <set_fact_module>` module with the :ref:`nios <nios_lookup>` lookup plugin:"
msgid "To retrieve a set of host records, use the ``set_fact`` module with the ``nios`` lookup plugin and include a filter for the specific hosts you want to retrieve:"
msgid "The output above shows the host record for ``leaf01.ansible.com`` and ``leaf02.ansible.com`` that were retrieved by the ``nios`` lookup plugin. This playbook saves the information in variables which you can use in other playbooks. This allows you to use Infoblox as a single source of truth to gather and use information that changes dynamically. See :ref:`playbooks_variables` for more information on using Ansible variables. See the :ref:`nios <nios_lookup>` examples for more data options that you can retrieve."
msgid "You can access these playbooks at `Infoblox lookup playbooks <https://github.com/network-automation/infoblox_ansible/tree/master/lookup_playbooks>`_."
msgid "You can use the ``nios`` modules in tasks to simplify common Infoblox workflows. Be sure to set up your :ref:`NIOS credentials<nios_credentials>` before following these examples."
msgid "Notice the IPv4 address in this example uses the :ref:`nios_next_ip <nios_next_ip_lookup>` lookup plugin to find the next available IPv4 address on the network."
msgid "You can use the Infoblox dynamic inventory script to import your network node inventory with Infoblox NIOS. To gather the inventory from Infoblox, you need two files:"
msgid "`infoblox.yaml <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/infoblox.yaml>`_ - A file that specifies the NIOS provider arguments and optional filters."
msgid "`infoblox.py <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/infoblox.py>`_ - The python script that retrieves the NIOS inventory."
msgid "Please note that the inventory script only works when Ansible 2.9, 2.10 or 3 have been installed. The inventory script will eventually be removed from `community.general <https://galaxy.ansible.com/community/general>`_, and will not work if `community.general` is only installed with `ansible-galaxy collection install`. Please use the inventory plugin from `infoblox.nios_modules <https://galaxy.ansible.com/infoblox/nios_modules>`_ instead."
msgid "You can optionally use ``./infoblox.py --list`` to test the script. After a few minutes, you should see your Infoblox inventory in JSON format. You can explicitly use the Infoblox dynamic inventory script as follows:"
msgid "You can also implicitly use the Infoblox dynamic inventory script by including it in your inventory directory (``etc/ansible/hosts`` by default). See :ref:`dynamic_inventory` for more details."
msgid "To get started, please select one of the following topics."
msgstr "最初に以下のトピックのいずれかを選択してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:5
msgid "Cisco Meraki Guide"
msgstr "Cisco Meraki ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:14
msgid "What is Cisco Meraki?"
msgstr "Cisco Meraki とは"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:16
msgid "Cisco Meraki is an easy-to-use, cloud-based, network infrastructure platform for enterprise environments. While most network hardware uses command-line interfaces (CLIs) for configuration, Meraki uses an easy-to-use Dashboard hosted in the Meraki cloud. No on-premises management hardware or software is required - only the network infrastructure to run your business."
msgid "Meraki MS switches come in multiple flavors and form factors. Meraki switches support 10/100/1000/10000 ports, as well as Cisco's mGig technology for 2.5/5/10Gbps copper connectivity. 8, 24, and 48 port flavors are available with PoE (802.3af/802.3at/UPoE) available on many models."
msgid "Meraki's MX firewalls support full layer 3-7 deep packet inspection. MX firewalls are compatible with a variety of VPN technologies including IPSec, SSL VPN, and Meraki's easy-to-use AutoVPN."
msgid "MR access points are enterprise-class, high-performance access points for the enterprise. MR access points have MIMO technology and integrated beamforming built-in for high performance applications. BLE allows for advanced location applications to be developed with no on-premises analytics platforms."
msgid "Meraki modules provide a user-friendly interface to manage your Meraki environment using Ansible. For example, details about SNMP settings for a particular organization can be discovered using the module `meraki_snmp <meraki_snmp_module>`."
msgid "All Ansible Meraki modules support the following parameters which affect communication with the Meraki Dashboard API. Most of these should only be used by Meraki developers and not the general public."
msgstr "すべての Ansible Meraki モジュールは、Meraki Dashboard API との通信に影響する以下のパラメーターに対応します。これらのほとんどは、一般的には使用するものではなく、Meraki 開発者が使用するためのものです。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:65
msgid "Hostname or IP of Meraki Dashboard."
msgstr "Meraki Dashboard のホスト名または IP。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:68
msgid "use_https"
msgstr "use_https"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:68
msgid "Specifies whether communication should be over HTTPS. (Defaults to ``yes``)"
msgid "Use the ``org_id`` and ``net_id`` parameters when possible. ``org_name`` and ``net_name`` require additional behind-the-scenes API calls to learn the ID values. ``org_id`` and ``net_id`` will perform faster."
msgid "All API access with the Meraki Dashboard requires an API key. An API key can be generated from the organization's settings page. Each play in a playbook requires the ``api_key`` parameter to be specified."
msgstr "Meraki Dashboard を使用した API アクセスはすべて API キーを必要とします。API キーは組織の設定ページから生成できます。Playbook の各プレイには ``api_key`` パラメーターを指定する必要があります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:102
msgid "Meraki's API returns a 404 error if the API key is not correct. It does not provide any specific error saying the key is incorrect. If you receive a 404 error, check the API key first."
msgstr "API キーが正しくない場合は、Meraki の API が 404 エラーを返します。キーが正しくないことを示す特定のエラーは提供されません。404 エラーを受け取った場合は、最初に API キーを確認してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:105
msgid "Returned Data Structures"
msgstr "返されたデータ構造"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:107
msgid "Meraki and its related Ansible modules return most information in the form of a list. For example, this is returned information by ``meraki_admin`` querying administrators. It returns a list even though there's only one."
msgid "Since Meraki's response data uses lists instead of properly keyed dictionaries for responses, certain strategies should be used when querying data for particular information. For many situations, use the ``selectattr()`` Jinja2 function."
msgid "Ansible's Meraki modules do not allow for manipulating data. For example, you may need to insert a rule in the middle of a firewall ruleset. Ansible and the Meraki modules lack a way to directly merge to manipulate data. However, a playlist can use a few tasks to split the list where you need to insert a rule and then merge them together again with the new rule added. The steps involved are as follows:"
msgid "Write the new rule. The new rule needs to be in a list so it can be merged with other lists in an upcoming step. The blank `-` puts the rule in a list so it can be merged."
msgid "Merge rules with the new rule in the middle."
msgstr "ルールを、中間の新しいルールとマージします。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:186
msgid "Upload new ruleset to Meraki."
msgstr "新しいルールセットを Meraki にアップロードします。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:189
msgid "Error Handling"
msgstr "エラー処理"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_meraki.rst:191
msgid "Ansible's Meraki modules will often fail if improper or incompatible parameters are specified. However, there will likely be scenarios where the module accepts the information but the Meraki API rejects the data. If this happens, the error will be returned in the ``body`` field for HTTP status of 400 return code."
msgid "Meraki's API returns a 404 error if the API key is not correct. It does not provide any specific error saying the key is incorrect. If you receive a 404 error, check the API key first. 404 errors can also occur if improper object IDs (ex. ``org_id``) are specified."
msgstr "API キーが正しくないと、Meraki の API は 404 エラーを返します。このキーが正しくないことを示す特別なエラーはありません。404 エラーを受け取った場合は、最初に API キーを確認してください。また、不適切なオブジェクトID (例: ``org_id``) を指定した場合にも 404 エラーが出力される可能性があります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_online.rst:3
msgid "Online.net Guide"
msgstr "Online.net ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_online.rst:8
msgid "Online is a French hosting company mainly known for providing bare-metal servers named Dedibox. Check it out: `https://www.online.net/en <https://www.online.net/en>`_"
msgid "Set your ``ONLINE_TOKEN`` environment variable with your token."
msgstr "トークンを使用して、``ONLINE_TOKEN`` 環境変数を設定します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_online.rst:23
msgid "You need to open an account and log into it before you can get a token. You can find your token at the following page: `https://console.online.net/en/api/access <https://console.online.net/en/api/access>`_"
msgid "Oracle provides a number of Ansible modules to interact with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). In this guide, we will explain how you can use these modules to orchestrate, provision and configure your infrastructure on OCI."
msgid "To use the OCI Ansible modules, you must have the following prerequisites on your control node, the computer from which Ansible playbooks are executed."
msgid "A user created in that account, in a security group with a policy that grants the necessary permissions for working with resources in those compartments. For guidance, see `How Policies Work <https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Identity/Concepts/policies.htm>`_."
msgid "When creating and configuring Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources, Ansible modules use the authentication information outlined `here <https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/Concepts/sdkconfig.htm>`_. ."
msgid "This `sample launch playbook <https://github.com/oracle/oci-ansible-modules/tree/master/samples/compute/launch_compute_instance>`_ launches a public Compute instance and then accesses the instance from an Ansible module over an SSH connection. The sample illustrates how to:"
msgid "Connect to the newly launched instance using SSH."
msgstr "SSH を使用して、新たに起動したインスタンスに接続します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:84
msgid "Create and manage Autonomous Data Warehouses"
msgstr "Autonomous Data Warehouse の作成および管理"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:85
msgid "This `sample warehouse playbook <https://github.com/oracle/oci-ansible-modules/tree/master/samples/database/autonomous_data_warehouse>`_ creates an Autonomous Data Warehouse and manage its lifecycle. The sample shows how to:"
msgid "List all of the Autonomous Data Warehouse instances available in a compartment, filtered by the display name."
msgstr "表示名で対象を絞った、コンパートメントで利用可能な Autonomous Data Warehouse の一覧を表示します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:89
msgid "Get the \"facts\" for a specified Autonomous Data Warehouse."
msgstr "指定された Autonomous Data Warehouse の「ファクト」を取得します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:90
msgid "Stop and start an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance."
msgstr "Autonomous Data Warehouse インスタンスを停止して開始します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:91
msgid "Delete an Autonomous Data Warehouse instance."
msgstr "Autonomous Data Warehouse インスタンスを削除します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:94
msgid "Create and manage Autonomous Transaction Processing"
msgstr "Autonomous Transaction Processing の作成と管理"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_oracle.rst:95
msgid "This `sample playbook <https://github.com/oracle/oci-ansible-modules/tree/master/samples/database/autonomous_database>`_ creates an Autonomous Transaction Processing database and manage its lifecycle. The sample shows how to:"
msgid "`Packet.net <https://packet.net>`_ is a bare metal infrastructure host that's supported by Ansible (>=2.3) via a dynamic inventory script and two cloud modules. The two modules are:"
msgid "packet_sshkey: adds a public SSH key from file or value to the Packet infrastructure. Every subsequently-created device will have this public key installed in .ssh/authorized_keys."
msgid "Note, this guide assumes you are familiar with Ansible and how it works. If you're not, have a look at their :ref:`docs <ansible_documentation>` before getting started."
msgid "The Packet modules and inventory script connect to the Packet API using the packet-python package. You can install it with pip:"
msgstr "Packet モジュールとインベントリースクリプトは、packets-python パッケージを使用して Packet API に接続します。これは、pip でインストールできます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:24
msgid "In order to check the state of devices created by Ansible on Packet, it's a good idea to install one of the `Packet CLI clients <https://www.packet.net/developers/integrations/>`_. Otherwise you can check them via the `Packet portal <https://app.packet.net/portal>`_."
msgid "To use the modules and inventory script you'll need a Packet API token. You can generate an API token via the Packet portal `here <https://app.packet.net/portal#/api-keys>`__. The simplest way to authenticate yourself is to set the Packet API token in an environment variable:"
msgstr "モジュールおよびインベントリースクリプトを使用するには、パケット API トークンが必要です。パケットポータル (`こちら <https://app.packet.net/portal#/api-keys>`__) を使用して API トークンを生成することができます。認証する最も簡単な方法は、環境変数で Packet API トークンを設定することです。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:32
msgid "If you're not comfortable exporting your API token, you can pass it as a parameter to the modules."
msgid "On Packet, devices and reserved IP addresses belong to `projects <https://www.packet.com/developers/api/#projects>`_. In order to use the packet_device module, you need to specify the UUID of the project in which you want to create or manage devices. You can find a project's UUID in the Packet portal `here <https://app.packet.net/portal#/projects/list/table/>`_ (it's just under the project table) or via one of the available `CLIs <https://www.packet.net/developers/integrations/>`_."
msgid "The following code block is a simple playbook that creates one `Type 0 <https://www.packet.com/cloud/servers/t1-small/>`_ server (the 'plan' parameter). You have to supply 'plan' and 'operating_system'. 'location' defaults to 'ewr1' (Parsippany, NJ). You can find all the possible values for the parameters via a `CLI client <https://www.packet.net/developers/integrations/>`_."
msgid "After running ``ansible-playbook playbook_create.yml``, you should have a server provisioned on Packet. You can verify via a CLI or in the `Packet portal <https://app.packet.net/portal#/projects/list/table>`__."
msgid "If you get an error with the message \"failed to set machine state present, error: Error 404: Not Found\", please verify your project UUID."
msgstr "エラーが発生して「failed to set machine state present, error: Error 404: Not Found」メッセージが表示された場合は、プロジェクトの UUID を確認してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:76
msgid "Updating Devices"
msgstr "デバイスの更新"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:78
msgid "The two parameters used to uniquely identify Packet devices are: \"device_ids\" and \"hostnames\". Both parameters accept either a single string (later converted to a one-element list), or a list of strings."
msgid "In addition, hostnames can contain a special '%d' formatter along with a 'count' parameter that lets you easily expand hostnames that follow a simple name and number pattern; in other words, ``hostnames: \"mydev%d\", count: 2`` will expand to [mydev1, mydev2]."
msgid "If your playbook acts on existing Packet devices, you can only pass the 'hostname' and 'device_ids' parameters. The following playbook shows how you can reboot a specific Packet device by setting the 'hostname' parameter:"
msgid "You can also identify specific Packet devices with the 'device_ids' parameter. The device's UUID can be found in the `Packet Portal <https://app.packet.net/portal>`_ or by using a `CLI <https://www.packet.net/developers/integrations/>`_. The following playbook removes a Packet device using the 'device_ids' field:"
msgid "The CoreOS cluster will use `etcd <https://etcd.io/>`_ for discovery of other servers in the cluster. Before provisioning your servers, you'll need to generate a discovery token for your cluster:"
msgid "The following playbook will create an SSH key, 3 Packet servers, and then wait until SSH is ready (or until 5 minutes passed). Make sure to substitute the discovery token URL in 'user_data', and the 'project_id' before running ``ansible-playbook``. Also, feel free to change 'plan' and 'facility'."
msgid "As with most Ansible modules, the default states of the Packet modules are idempotent, meaning the resources in your project will remain the same after re-runs of a playbook. Thus, we can keep the ``packet_sshkey`` module call in our playbook. If the public key is already in your Packet account, the call will have no effect."
msgid "The second module call provisions 3 Packet Type 0 (specified using the 'plan' parameter) servers in the project identified via the 'project_id' parameter. The servers are all provisioned with CoreOS beta (the 'operating_system' parameter) and are customized with cloud-config user data passed to the 'user_data' parameter."
msgid "The ``packet_device`` module has a ``wait_for_public_IPv`` that is used to specify the version of the IP address to wait for (valid values are ``4`` or ``6`` for IPv4 or IPv6). If specified, Ansible will wait until the GET API call for a device contains an Internet-routeable IP address of the specified version. When referring to an IP address of a created device in subsequent module calls, it's wise to use the ``wait_for_public_IPv`` parameter, or ``state: active`` in the packet_device module call."
msgstr "``packet_device`` モジュールには、待機する IP アドレスのバージョンを指定するために使用される ``wait_for_public_IPv`` があります (有効な値は、IPv4 または IPv6 である ``4`` または ``6``)。これが指定されている場合、Ansible はデバイスの GET API 呼び出しに指定バージョンのインターネットルーティング可能な IP アドレスが含まれるまで待機します。後続のモジュール呼び出しで作成されたデバイスの IP アドレスを参照する場合は、packet_device モジュール呼び出しで ``wait_for_public_IPv`` パラメーターまたは ``state: active`` を使用することが推奨されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:190
msgid "Run the playbook:"
msgstr "Playbook を実行します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:196
msgid "Once the playbook quits, your new devices should be reachable via SSH. Try to connect to one and check if etcd has started properly:"
msgid "Once you create a couple of devices, you might appreciate the dynamic inventory script..."
msgstr "いくつかのデバイスを作成したら、動的インベントリースクリプトを利用できます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:209
msgid "The dynamic inventory script queries the Packet API for a list of hosts, and exposes it to Ansible so you can easily identify and act on Packet devices."
msgstr "動的インベントリースクリプトは、ホストの一覧に Packet API をクエリーし、これを Ansible に公開して、Packet デバイスを簡単に識別し、操作できるようにします。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:211
msgid "You can find it in Ansible Community General Collection's git repo at `scripts/inventory/packet_net.py <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/packet_net.py>`_."
msgstr "Ansible Community General Collection の git リポジトリーは、`scripts/inventory/packet_net.py <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/packet_net.py>`_ にあります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:213
msgid "The inventory script is configurable via a `ini file <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/packet_net.ini>`_."
msgid "In the ``['_meta']['hostvars']`` key, there is a list of devices (uniquely identified by their public IPv4 address) with their parameters. The other keys under ``['_meta']`` are lists of devices grouped by some parameter. Here, it is type (all devices are of type baremetal_0), operating system, and facility (ewr1 and sjc1)."
msgid "You can now target groups in playbooks! The following playbook will install a role that supplies resources for an Ansible target into all devices in the \"coreos_beta\" group:"
msgid "Don't forget to supply the dynamic inventory in the ``-i`` argument!"
msgstr "``-i`` 引数で忘れずに動的インベントリーを指定してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_packet.rst:311
msgid "If you have any questions or comments let us know! help@packet.net"
msgstr "ご質問やご感想は、help@packet.net までご連絡ください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:2
msgid "Rackspace Cloud Guide"
msgstr "Rackspace Cloud ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:9
msgid "This section of the documentation is under construction. We are in the process of adding more examples about the Rackspace modules and how they work together. Once complete, there will also be examples for Rackspace Cloud in `ansible-examples <https://github.com/ansible/ansible-examples/>`_."
msgid "The purpose of this section is to explain how to put Ansible modules together (and use inventory scripts) to use Ansible in a Rackspace Cloud context."
msgid "Prerequisites for using the rax modules are minimal. In addition to ansible itself, all of the modules require and are tested against pyrax 1.5 or higher. You'll need this Python module installed on the execution host."
msgid "Ansible creates an implicit localhost that executes in the same context as the ``ansible-playbook`` and the other CLI tools. If for any reason you need or want to have it in your inventory you should do something like the following:"
msgid "More information about this credentials file can be found at https://github.com/pycontribs/pyrax/blob/master/docs/getting_started.md#authenticating"
msgid "There are special considerations when Ansible is installed to a Python virtualenv, rather than the default of installing at a global scope. Ansible assumes, unless otherwise instructed, that the python binary will live at /usr/bin/python. This is done via the interpreter line in modules, however when instructed by setting the inventory variable 'ansible_python_interpreter', Ansible will use this specified path instead to find Python. This can be a cause of confusion as one may assume that modules running on 'localhost', or perhaps running via 'local_action', are using the virtualenv Python interpreter. By setting this line in the inventory, the modules will execute in the virtualenv interpreter and have available the virtualenv packages, specifically pyrax. If using virtualenv, you may wish to modify your localhost inventory definition to find this location as follows:"
msgid "pyrax may be installed in the global Python package scope or in a virtual environment. There are no special considerations to keep in mind when installing pyrax."
msgid "The 'rax' module provides the ability to provision instances within Rackspace Cloud. Typically the provisioning task will be performed from your Ansible control server (in our example, localhost) against the Rackspace cloud API. This is done for several reasons:"
msgid "Avoiding installing the pyrax library on remote nodes"
msgstr "リモートノードに pyrax ライブラリーをインストールしないようにする"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:93
msgid "No need to encrypt and distribute credentials to remote nodes"
msgstr "認証情報を暗号化してリモートノードに配布する必要はない"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:94
msgid "Speed and simplicity"
msgstr "スピードおよび単純化"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:98
msgid "Authentication with the Rackspace-related modules is handled by either specifying your username and API key as environment variables or passing them as module arguments, or by specifying the location of a credentials file."
msgstr "Rackspace に関連するモジュールを使用した認証は、ユーザー名および API キーを環境変数として指定するか、モジュール引数として渡すか、認証情報ファイルの場所を指定して処理されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:103
msgid "Here is a basic example of provisioning an instance in ad hoc mode:"
msgstr "以下は、アドホックモードでのインスタンスをプロビジョニングする基本的な例です。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:109
msgid "Here's what it would look like in a playbook, assuming the parameters were defined in variables:"
msgid "The rax module returns data about the nodes it creates, like IP addresses, hostnames, and login passwords. By registering the return value of the step, it is possible used this data to dynamically add the resulting hosts to inventory (temporarily, in memory). This facilitates performing configuration actions on the hosts in a follow-on task. In the following example, the servers that were successfully created using the above task are dynamically added to a group called \"raxhosts\", with each nodes hostname, IP address, and root password being added to the inventory."
msgid "The method above ties the configuration of a host with the provisioning step. This isn't always what you want, and leads us to the next section."
msgid "Once your nodes are spun up, you'll probably want to talk to them again. The best way to handle this is to use the \"rax\" inventory plugin, which dynamically queries Rackspace Cloud and tells Ansible what nodes you have to manage. You might want to use this even if you are spinning up cloud instances via other tools, including the Rackspace Cloud user interface. The inventory plugin can be used to group resources by metadata, region, OS, and so on. Utilizing metadata is highly recommended in \"rax\" and can provide an easy way to sort between host groups and roles. If you don't want to use the ``rax.py`` dynamic inventory script, you could also still choose to manually manage your INI inventory file, though this is less recommended."
msgid "In Ansible it is quite possible to use multiple dynamic inventory plugins along with INI file data. Just put them in a common directory and be sure the scripts are chmod +x, and the INI-based ones are not."
msgid "To use the Rackspace dynamic inventory script, copy ``rax.py`` into your inventory directory and make it executable. You can specify a credentials file for ``rax.py`` utilizing the ``RAX_CREDS_FILE`` environment variable."
msgid "Dynamic inventory scripts (like ``rax.py``) are saved in ``/usr/share/ansible/inventory`` if Ansible has been installed globally. If installed to a virtualenv, the inventory scripts are installed to ``$VIRTUALENV/share/inventory``."
msgid "Users of :ref:`ansible_tower` will note that dynamic inventory is natively supported by Tower, and all you have to do is associate a group with your Rackspace Cloud credentials, and it will easily synchronize without going through these steps::"
msgid "As mentioned previously, you will often be running most of these modules outside of the host loop, and will need 'localhost' defined. The recommended way to do this, would be to create an ``inventory`` directory, and place both the ``rax.py`` script and a file containing ``localhost`` in it."
msgid "Executing ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` and specifying the ``inventory`` directory instead of an individual file, will cause ansible to evaluate each file in that directory for inventory."
msgid "Assuming things are properly configured, the ``rax.py`` inventory script will output information similar to the following information, which will be utilized for inventory and variables."
msgid "When utilizing a standard ini formatted inventory file (as opposed to the inventory plugin), it may still be advantageous to retrieve discoverable hostvar information from the Rackspace API."
msgstr "(インベントリープラグインではなく) 標準の ini 形式のインベントリーファイルを使用する場合でも、検出可能な hostvar 情報を Rackspace API から取得すると有効な場合があります。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:291
msgid "This can be achieved with the ``rax_facts`` module and an inventory file similar to the following:"
msgid "This section covers some additional usage examples built around a specific use case."
msgstr "本セクションでは、特定のユースケースを中心とした、その他の使用例を説明します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:413
msgid "Network and Server"
msgstr "ネットワークおよびサーバー"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:415
msgid "Create an isolated cloud network and build a server"
msgstr "分離したクラウドネットワークを作成し、サーバーを構築します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:455
msgid "Complete Environment"
msgstr "完全な環境"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:457
msgid "Build a complete webserver environment with servers, custom networks and load balancers, install nginx and create a custom index.html"
msgstr "サーバー、カスタムネットワーク、およびロードバランサーで完全な Web サーバー環境を構築し、nginx をインストールしてカスタムの index.html を作成します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:555
msgid "RackConnect and Managed Cloud"
msgstr "RackConnect および Managed Cloud"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_rax.rst:557
msgid "When using RackConnect version 2 or Rackspace Managed Cloud there are Rackspace automation tasks that are executed on the servers you create after they are successfully built. If your automation executes before the RackConnect or Managed Cloud automation, you can cause failures and unusable servers."
msgid "For simplicity, these examples are joined, however both are only needed when using RackConnect. When only using Managed Cloud, the RackConnect portion can be ignored."
msgid ":ref:`ansible_tower` also contains a very nice feature for auto-scaling use cases. In this mode, a simple curl script can call a defined URL and the server will \"dial out\" to the requester and configure an instance that is spinning up. This can be a great way to reconfigure ephemeral nodes. See the Tower documentation for more details."
msgid "Ansible is a powerful orchestration tool, and rax modules allow you the opportunity to orchestrate complex tasks, deployments, and configurations. The key here is to automate provisioning of infrastructure, like any other piece of software in an environment. Complex deployments might have previously required manual manipulation of load balancers, or manual provisioning of servers. Utilizing the rax modules included with Ansible, one can make the deployment of additional nodes contingent on the current number of running nodes, or the configuration of a clustered application dependent on the number of nodes with common metadata. One could automate the following scenarios, for example:"
msgid "`Scaleway <https://scaleway.com>`_ is a cloud provider supported by Ansible, version 2.6 or higher via a dynamic inventory plugin and modules. Those modules are:"
msgid ":ref:`scaleway_sshkey_module`: adds a public SSH key from a file or value to the Packet infrastructure. Every subsequently-created device will have this public key installed in .ssh/authorized_keys."
msgid "This guide assumes you are familiar with Ansible and how it works. If you're not, have a look at :ref:`ansible_documentation` before getting started."
msgid "The Scaleway modules and inventory script connect to the Scaleway API using `Scaleway REST API <https://developer.scaleway.com>`_. To use the modules and inventory script you'll need a Scaleway API token. You can generate an API token via the Scaleway console `here <https://cloud.scaleway.com/#/credentials>`__. The simplest way to authenticate yourself is to set the Scaleway API token in an environment variable:"
msgstr "Scaleway モジュールとインベントリースクリプトは、`Scaleway REST API <https://developer.scaleway.com>`_ を使用して Scaleway API に接続します。モジュールとインベントリースクリプトを使用するには、Scaleway API トークンが必要です。API トークンは、Scaleway コンソール (`こちら <https://cloud.scaleway.com/#/credentials>`__) で生成できます。自身を認証する最も簡単な方法は、環境変数に Scaleway API トークンを設定することです。"
msgid "Connection to Scaleway Compute nodes use Secure Shell. SSH keys are stored at the account level, which means that you can re-use the same SSH key in multiple nodes. The first step to configure Scaleway compute resources is to have at least one SSH key configured."
msgid ":ref:`scaleway_sshkey_module` is a module that manages SSH keys on your Scaleway account. You can add an SSH key to your account by including the following task in a playbook:"
msgid "Now that we have an SSH key configured, the next step is to spin up a server! :ref:`scaleway_compute_module` is a module that can create, update and delete Scaleway compute instances:"
msgid "``commercial_type`` represents the name of the commercial offers. You can check out the Scaleway pricing page to find which instance is right for you."
msgid "Ansible ships with :ref:`scaleway_inventory`. You can now get a complete inventory of your Scaleway resources through this plugin and filter it on different parameters (``regions`` and ``tags`` are currently supported)."
msgid "Let's create an example! Suppose that we want to get all hosts that got the tag web_server. Create a file named ``scaleway_inventory.yml`` with the following content:"
msgid "This inventory means that we want all hosts that got the tag ``web_server`` on the zones ``ams1`` and ``par1``. Once you have configured this file, you can get the information using the following command:"
msgid "As you can see, we get different groups of hosts. ``par1`` and ``ams1`` are groups based on location. ``web_server`` is a group based on a tag."
msgid "In case a filter parameter is not defined, the plugin supposes all values possible are wanted. This means that for each tag that exists on your Scaleway compute nodes, a group based on each tag will be created."
msgid "`Object Storage <https://www.scaleway.com/object-storage>`_ allows you to store any kind of objects (documents, images, videos, and so on). As the Scaleway API is S3 compatible, Ansible supports it natively through the modules: :ref:`s3_bucket_module`, :ref:`aws_s3_module`."
msgid "You can find many examples in the `scaleway_s3 integration tests <https://github.com/ansible/ansible-legacy-tests/tree/devel/test/legacy/roles/scaleway_s3>`_."
msgid "`Vagrant <https://www.vagrantup.com/>`_ is a tool to manage virtual machine environments, and allows you to configure and use reproducible work environments on top of various virtualization and cloud platforms. It also has integration with Ansible as a provisioner for these virtual machines, and the two tools work together well."
msgid "This guide assumes that you already have Ansible installed and working. Running from a Git checkout is fine. Follow the :ref:`installation_guide` guide for more information."
msgid "The first step once you've installed Vagrant is to create a ``Vagrantfile`` and customize it to suit your needs. This is covered in detail in the Vagrant documentation, but here is a quick example that includes a section to use the Ansible provisioner to manage a single machine:"
msgid "Notice the ``config.vm.provision`` section that refers to an Ansible playbook called ``playbook.yml`` in the same directory as the ``Vagrantfile``. Vagrant runs the provisioner once the virtual machine has booted and is ready for SSH access."
msgid "There are a lot of Ansible options you can configure in your ``Vagrantfile``. Visit the `Ansible Provisioner documentation <https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/provisioning/ansible.html>`_ for more information."
msgid "To re-run a playbook on an existing VM, just run:"
msgstr "既存の仮想マシンで Playbook を再実行するには、以下を実行します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vagrant.rst:74
msgid "This will re-run the playbook against the existing VM."
msgstr "これにより、Playbook が既存の仮想マシンに対して再実行されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vagrant.rst:76
msgid "Note that having the ``ansible.verbose`` option enabled will instruct Vagrant to show the full ``ansible-playbook`` command used behind the scene, as illustrated by this example:"
msgid "This information can be quite useful to debug integration issues and can also be used to manually execute Ansible from a shell, as explained in the next section."
msgid "With our ``Vagrantfile`` example, Vagrant automatically creates an Ansible inventory file in ``.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory/vagrant_ansible_inventory``. This inventory is configured according to the SSH tunnel that Vagrant automatically creates. A typical automatically-created inventory file for a single machine environment may look something like this:"
msgid "If you want to run Ansible manually, you will want to make sure to pass ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` commands the correct arguments, at least for the *inventory*."
msgid "The \"Tips and Tricks\" chapter of the `Ansible Provisioner documentation <https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/provisioning/ansible.html>`_ provides detailed information about more advanced Ansible features like:"
msgid "These scenarios teach you how to accomplish common VMware tasks using the REST API and the Ansible ``vmware.vmware_rest`` collection. To get started, please select the task you want to accomplish."
msgstr "これらのシナリオは、REST API と Ansible ``vmware.vmware_rest`` コレクションを使用して一般的な VMware タスクを実現する方法を説明します。開始するには、達成するタスクを選択してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:2
msgid "Vultr Guide"
msgstr "Vultr ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:4
msgid "Ansible offers a set of modules to interact with `Vultr <https://www.vultr.com>`_ cloud platform."
msgid "File specified by environment variable ``VULTR_API_CONFIG``"
msgstr "環境変数 ``VULTR_API_CONFIG`` で指定されるファイル"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:24
msgid "``vultr.ini`` file located in current working directory"
msgstr "現在の作業ディレクトリーにある ``vultr.ini`` ファイル"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:25
msgid "``$HOME/.vultr.ini``"
msgstr "``$HOME/.vultr.ini``"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:28
msgid "Ini file are structured this way:"
msgstr "ini ファイルは以下のような構成になっています。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:41
msgid "If ``VULTR_API_ACCOUNT`` environment variable or ``api_account`` module parameter is not specified, modules will look for the section named \"default\"."
msgid "Before using the Ansible modules to interact with Vultr, ones need an API key. If one doesn't own one yet, log in to `Vultr <https://www.vultr.com>`_ go to Account, then API, enable API then the API key should show up."
msgid "Ensure you allow the usage of the API key from the proper IP addresses."
msgstr "適切な IP アドレスから API キーを使用できるようにします。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:52
msgid "Refer to the Configuration section to find out where to put this information."
msgstr "この情報をどこに置くかは、「構成」セクションを参照してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:54
msgid "To check that everything is working properly run the following command:"
msgstr "すべてが適切に機能していることを確認するには、次のコマンドを実行します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:76
msgid "If a similar output displays then everything is setup properly, else please ensure the proper ``VULTR_API_KEY`` has been specified and that Access Control on Vultr > Account > API page are accurate."
msgstr "同様の出力が表示され、すべての設定が適切に行われた場合は、適切な ``VULTR_API_KEY`` が正しく指定されており、Vultr > Account > API ページのアクセス制御が正確であることを確認してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:80
msgid "Usage"
msgstr "使用法"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:82
msgid "Since `Vultr <https://www.vultr.com>`_ offers a public API, the execution of the module to manage the infrastructure on their platform will happen on localhost. This translates to:"
msgstr "`Vultr <https://www.vultr.com>`_ は、パブリック API を提供するため、プラットフォーム上のインフラストラクチャーを管理するためのモジュールの実行はローカルホストで行われます。これは、以下に変換されます。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/guide_vultr.rst:96
msgid "From that point on, only your creativity is the limit. Make sure to read the documentation of the `available modules <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/modules/list_of_cloud_modules.html#vultr>`_."
msgid "Ansible provides a dynamic inventory plugin for `Vultr <https://www.vultr.com>`_. The configuration process is exactly the same as the one for the modules."
msgid "The guides in this section cover integrating Ansible with a variety of platforms, products, and technologies. They explore particular use cases in greater depth and provide a more \"top-down\" explanation of some basic features."
msgid "Modules for interacting with the Kubernetes (K8s) and OpenShift API are under development, and can be used in preview mode. To use them, review the requirements, and then follow the installation and use instructions."
msgstr "Kubernetes (K8s) および OpenShift API と対話するためのモジュールは開発中であり、プレビューモードで使用することができます。このモジュールを使用するには、要件を確認し、インストールおよび指示に従ってください。"
msgid "By default the OpenShift Rest Client will look for ``~/.kube/config``, and if found, connect using the active context. You can override the location of the file using the``kubeconfig`` parameter, and the context, using the ``context`` parameter."
msgid "Basic authentication is also supported using the ``username`` and ``password`` options. You can override the URL using the ``host`` parameter. Certificate authentication works through the ``ssl_ca_cert``, ``cert_file``, and ``key_file`` parameters, and for token authentication, use the ``api_key`` parameter."
msgid "If you find a bug or have a suggestion regarding modules, please file issues at `Ansible Kubernetes collection <https://github.com/ansible-collections/community.kubernetes>`_. If you find a bug regarding OpenShift client, please file issues at `OpenShift REST Client issues <https://github.com/openshift/openshift-restclient-python/issues>`_. If you find a bug regarding Kubectl binary, please file issues at `Kubectl issue tracker <https://github.com/kubernetes/kubectl>`_"
msgid "The best way to interact with your Pods is to use the Kubernetes dynamic inventory plugin, which dynamically queries Kubernetes APIs using ``kubectl`` command line available on controller node and tells Ansible what Pods can be managed."
msgstr "Pod と対話する最適な方法として、Kubernetes 動的インベントリープラグインを使用します。これは、コントローラーノードで利用可能な ``kubectl`` コマンドラインを使用して Kubernetes API を動的にクエリーし、Ansible で管理できる Pod を示します。"
msgid "To use the Kubernetes dynamic inventory plugins, you must install `Kubernetes Python client <https://github.com/kubernetes-client/python>`_, `kubectl <https://github.com/kubernetes/kubectl>`_ and `OpenShift Python client <https://github.com/openshift/openshift-restclient-python>`_ on your control node (the host running Ansible)."
msgid "Please refer to Kubernetes official documentation for `installing kubectl <https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/>`_ on the given operating systems."
msgid "You can also provide the namespace to gather information about specific pods from the given namespace. For example, to gather information about Pods under the ``test`` namespace you will specify the ``namespaces`` parameter:"
msgstr "また、指定された名前空間から特定の Pod に関する情報を収集する名前空間を提供することもできます。たとえば、``test`` 名前空間で Pod に関する情報を収集するには、``namespaces`` パラメーターを指定します。"
msgid "Since the inventory configuration file contains Kubernetes related sensitive information in plain text, a security risk, you may want to encrypt your entire inventory configuration file."
msgid "These scenarios teach you how to accomplish common Kubernetes tasks using Ansible. To get started, please select the task you want to accomplish."
msgid "The Python modules ``openshift`` and ``kubernetes`` must be installed on the Ansible controller (or Target host if not executing against localhost)"
msgid "In this use case / example, we will create a Pod in the given Kubernetes Cluster. The following Ansible playbook showcases the basic parameters that are needed for this."
msgstr "このユースケース/サンプルでは、指定した Kubernetes Cluster に Pod を作成します。以下の Ansible Playbook では、これに必要な基本パラメーターについて取り上げます。"
msgid "To begin, there are a few bits of information we will need. Here you are using Kubeconfig which is pre-configured in your machine. The Kubeconfig is generally located at ``~/.kube/config``. It is highly recommended to store sensitive information such as password, user certificates in a more secure fashion using :ref:`ansible-vault` or using `Ansible Tower credentials <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/userguide/credentials.html>`_."
msgid "Now you need to supply the information about the Pod which will be created. Using ``definition`` parameter of the ``community.kubernetes.k8s`` module, you specify `PodTemplate <https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/#pod-templates>`_. This PodTemplate is identical to what you provide to the ``kubectl`` command."
msgid "You will see a bit of JSON output after this playbook completes. This output shows various parameters that are returned from the module and from cluster about the newly created Pod."
msgstr "この Playbook が完了すると、JSON の出力が少し表示されます。この出力には、モジュールから返されたさまざまなパラメーターや、新たに作成された Pod に関するクラスターから返されたさまざまなパラメーターが表示されます。"
msgid "In the above example, 'changed' is ``True`` which notifies that the Pod creation started on the given cluster. This can take some time depending on your environment."
msgstr "上記の例では、「changed」は ``True`` で、指定のクラスターで Pod の作成が開始されていることを通知します。これには、環境に応じて多少時間がかかる場合があります。"
msgid "Check if the Kubeconfig is populated with correct values"
msgstr "Kubeconfig が正しい値で入力されているかどうかを確認します。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/network_guides.rst:7
msgid "The guides in this section cover using Ansible with specific network technologies. They explore particular use cases in greater depth and provide a more \"top-down\" explanation of some basic features."
msgid "*Use this ``rst`` file as a starting point to create a scenario guide for your platform. The sections below are suggestions on what should be in a scenario guide.*"
msgid "Describe the requirements and assumptions for this scenario. This should include applicable subsections for hardware, software, and any other caveats to using the scenarios in this guide."
msgid "Description and code here. Change the section header to something descriptive about this example, such as \"Renaming a virtual machine\". The goal is that this is the text someone would search for to find your example."
msgstr "ここには説明とコードが含まれます。セクションヘッダーを、「Renaming a virtual machine (仮想マシンの名前変更)」など、このサンプルを説明するものに変更します。これは、作成した例を他の誰かが検索する際に使用するテキストになります。"
msgid "Recap of important points. For more information please see: links."
msgstr "重要なポイントの要約。詳細は、リンクを参照してください。"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/virt_guides.rst:5
msgid "Virtualization and Containerization Guides"
msgstr "仮想化およびコンテナー化ガイド"
#: ../../rst/scenario_guides/virt_guides.rst:7
msgid "The guides in this section cover integrating Ansible with popular tools for creating virtual machines and containers. They explore particular use cases in greater depth and provide a more \"top-down\" explanation of some basic features."
msgid "To ignore the SSL error, you can use the ``vcenter_validate_certs: no`` argument or ``export VMWARE_VALIDATE_CERTS=no`` to set the environment variable."
msgid "This section shows you how to utilize Ansible to collect information about your environment. This information is useful for the other tutorials."
msgid "Most of the time, you will just want one type of folder. In this case we can use filters to reduce the amount to collect. Most of the ``_info`` modules come with similar filters."
msgid "``vcenter_vm`` accepts more parameters, however you may prefer to start with a simple VM and use the ``vcenter_vm_hardware`` modules to tune it up afterwards. It's easier this way to identify a potential problematical step."
msgid "First we create a new SATA adapter. We specify the ``pci_slot_number``. This way if we run the task again it won't do anything if there is already an adapter there."
msgstr "最初に新しい SATA アダプターを作成します。``pci_slot_number`` を指定します。これにより、タスクを再度実行する場合は、アダプターがすでに存在していても何も実行されません。"
msgid "In this example, we start by asking for a list of VMs. We use a filter to limit the results to just the VM called ``test_vm1``. So we are in a list context, with one single entry in the ``value`` key."
msgid "The result is a structure with all the details about our VM. You will note this is actually the same information that we get when we created the VM."
msgid "We can also use all the ``vcenter_vm_*_info`` modules to retrieve a smaller amount of information. Here we use ``vcenter_vm_hardware_info`` to know the hardware version of the VM."
msgid "Here we use ``vcenter_vm_guest_localfilesystem_info`` to retrieve the details about the filesystem of the guest. In this example we also use a ``retries`` loop. The VMware Tools may take a bit of time to start and by doing so, we give the VM a bit more time."
msgid "Yes. ``vmware_guest`` can deploy a virtual machine with required settings on a standalone ESXi server. However, you must have a paid license to deploy virtual machines this way. If you are using the free version, the API is read-only."
msgid "Starting with Ansible version 2.5, ``folder`` is still an optional parameter with no default value. This parameter will be now used to identify a user's virtual machine, if multiple virtual machines or virtual machine templates are found with same name. VMware does not restrict the system administrator from creating virtual machines with same name."
msgid "You need to use Python 2.7.9 version in order to use ``validate_certs`` option, as this version is capable of changing the SSL verification behaviours"
msgid "In order to utilize Guest Customization, VMware Tools must be installed on the template. For Linux, the ``open-vm-tools`` package is recommended, and it requires that ``Perl`` be installed."
msgid "In this use case / example, we will be selecting a virtual machine template and cloning it into a specific folder in our Datacenter / Cluster. The following Ansible playbook showcases the basic parameters that are needed for this."
msgid "Since Ansible utilizes the VMware API to perform actions, in this use case we will be connecting directly to the API from our localhost. This means that our playbooks will not be running from the vCenter or ESXi Server. We do not necessarily need to collect facts about our localhost, so the ``gather_facts`` parameter will be disabled. You can run these modules against another server that would then connect to the API if your localhost does not have access to vCenter. If so, the required Python modules will need to be installed on that target server."
msgstr "Ansible は VMware API を使用してアクションを実行するため、このユースケースではローカルホストから直接 API に接続します。つまり、Playbook は vCenter または ESXi サーバーから実行しないことを意味します。必ずしもローカルホストに関するファクトを収集する必要がないため、``gather_facts`` パラメーターは無効になります。ローカルホストが vCenter にアクセスできない場合は、API に接続する別のサーバーに対してこれらのモジュールを実行することができます。その場合は、必要な Python モジュールを、そのターゲットサーバーにインストールする必要があります。"
msgid "To begin, there are a few bits of information we will need. First and foremost is the hostname of the ESXi server or vCenter server. After this, you will need the username and password for this server. For now, you will be entering these directly, but in a more advanced playbook this can be abstracted out and stored in a more secure fashion using :ref:`ansible-vault` or using `Ansible Tower credentials <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/userguide/credentials.html>`_. If your vCenter or ESXi server is not setup with proper CA certificates that can be verified from the Ansible server, then it is necessary to disable validation of these certificates by using the ``validate_certs`` parameter. To do this you need to set ``validate_certs=False`` in your playbook."
msgid "Now you need to supply the information about the virtual machine which will be created. Give your virtual machine a name, one that conforms to all VMware requirements for naming conventions. Next, select the display name of the template from which you want to clone new virtual machine. This must match what's displayed in VMware Web UI exactly. Then you can specify a folder to place this new virtual machine in. This path can either be a relative path or a full path to the folder including the Datacenter. You may need to specify a state for the virtual machine. This simply tells the module which action you want to take, in this case you will be ensure that the virtual machine exists and is powered on. An optional parameter is ``wait_for_ip_address``, this will tell Ansible to wait for the virtual machine to fully boot up and VMware Tools is running before completing this task."
msgid "You will see a bit of JSON output after this playbook completes. This output shows various parameters that are returned from the module and from vCenter about the newly created VM."
msgid "State is changed to ``True`` which notifies that the virtual machine is built using given template. The module will not complete until the clone task in VMware is finished. This can take some time depending on your environment."
msgid "If you utilize the ``wait_for_ip_address`` parameter, then it will also increase the clone time as it will wait until virtual machine boots into the OS and an IP Address has been assigned to the given NIC."
msgstr "``wait_for_ip_address`` パラメーターを使用すると、仮想マシンが OS で起動し、指定の NIC に IP アドレスが割り当てられるまで待機するため、クローンを作成する時間も長くなります。"
msgid "You need to use Python 2.7.9 version in order to use ``validate_certs`` option, as this version is capable of changing the SSL verification behaviours."
msgid "You can run these modules against another server that would then connect to the API if localhost does not have access to vCenter. If so, the required Python modules will need to be installed on that target server. We recommend installing the latest version with pip: ``pip install Pyvmomi`` (as the OS packages are usually out of date and incompatible)."
msgid "For now, you will be entering these directly, but in a more advanced playbook this can be abstracted out and stored in a more secure fashion using :ref:`ansible-vault` or using `Ansible Tower credentials <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/userguide/credentials.html>`_."
msgid "If your vCenter or ESXi server is not setup with proper CA certificates that can be verified from the Ansible server, then it is necessary to disable validation of these certificates by using the ``validate_certs`` parameter. To do this you need to set ``validate_certs=False`` in your playbook."
msgid "``vmware_guest`` module tries to mimic VMware Web UI and workflow, so the virtual machine must be in powered off state in order to remove it from the VMware inventory."
msgstr "``vmware_guest`` モジュールは、VMware Web UI およびワークフローを模倣するため、VMware インベントリーから仮想マシンを削除するには、電源がオフになっている必要があります。"
msgid "The removal VMware virtual machine using ``vmware_guest`` module is destructive operation and can not be reverted, so it is strongly recommended to take the backup of virtual machine and related files (vmx and vmdk files) before proceeding."
msgid "In this use case / example, user will be removing a virtual machine using name. The following Ansible playbook showcases the basic parameters that are needed for this."
msgid "State is changed to ``True`` which notifies that the virtual machine is removed from the VMware inventory. This can take some time depending upon your environment and network connectivity."
msgid "Now you need to supply the information about the existing virtual machine which will be renamed. For renaming virtual machine, ``vmware_guest`` module uses VMware UUID, which is unique across vCenter environment. This value is autogenerated and can not be changed. You will use ``vmware_guest_facts`` module to find virtual machine and get information about VMware UUID of the virtual machine."
msgid "This value will be used input for ``vmware_guest`` module. Specify new name to virtual machine which conforms to all VMware requirements for naming conventions as ``name`` parameter. Also, provide ``uuid`` as the value of VMware UUID."
msgid "We recommend installing the latest version with pip: ``pip install Pyvmomi`` on the Ansible control node (as the OS packages are usually out of date and incompatible) if you are planning to use any existing VMware modules."
msgid "With the following Ansible playbook you can find the VMware ESXi host system(s) and can perform various tasks depending on the list of host systems. This is a generic example to show how Ansible can be utilized to consume VMware HTTP APIs."
msgid "Since Ansible utilizes the VMware HTTP API using the ``uri`` module to perform actions, in this use case it will be connecting directly to the VMware HTTP API from localhost."
msgstr "Ansible は ``uri`` モジュールを使用してアクションを実行するために VMware HTTP API を利用して、このユースケースでは、ローカルホストから VMware HTTP API に直接接続されます。"
msgid "If your vCenter server is not setup with proper CA certificates that can be verified from the Ansible server, then it is necessary to disable validation of these certificates by using the ``validate_certs`` parameter. To do this you need to set ``validate_certs=False`` in your playbook."
msgid "As you can see, we are using the ``uri`` module in first task to login into the vCenter server and storing result in the ``login`` variable using register. In the second task, using cookies from the first task we are gathering information about the ESXi host system."
msgid "You need to use Python 2.7.9 version in order to use ``validate_certs`` option, as this version is capable of changing the SSL verification behaviors."
msgid "For example, if you want to run a playbook on a virtual machine called ``centos_7`` located at ``/Asia-Datacenter1/prod/centos_7`` in the given vCenter, you will need to specify hostvars as follows:"
msgid "Here, we are providing vCenter details and credentials for the given virtual machine to run the playbook on. If your virtual machine path is ``Asia-Datacenter1/prod/centos_7``, you specify ``ansible_vmware_guest_path`` as ``Asia-Datacenter1/vm/prod/centos_7``. Please take a note that ``/vm`` is added in the virtual machine path, since this is a logical folder structure in the VMware inventory."
msgid "Since Ansible utilizes the ``vmware-tools`` or ``openvm-tools`` service capabilities running in the virtual machine to perform actions, in this use case it will be connecting directly to the guest machine."
msgid "For now, you will be entering credentials in plain text, but in a more advanced playbook this can be abstracted out and stored in a more secure fashion using :ref:`ansible-vault` or using `Ansible Tower credentials <https://docs.ansible.com/ansible-tower/latest/html/userguide/credentials.html>`_."
msgid "Some of these concepts are common to all uses of Ansible, including VMware automation; some are specific to VMware. You need to understand them to use Ansible for VMware automation. This introduction provides the background you need to follow the :ref:`scenarios<vmware_scenarios>` in this guide."
msgid "Any machine with Ansible installed. You can run commands and playbooks, invoking ``/usr/bin/ansible`` or ``/usr/bin/ansible-playbook``, from any control node. You can use any computer that has Python installed on it as a control node - laptops, shared desktops, and servers can all run Ansible. However, you cannot use a Windows machine as a control node. You can have multiple control nodes."
msgid "Delegation allows you to select the system that executes a given task. If you do not have ``pyVmomi`` installed on your control node, use the ``delegate_to`` keyword on VMware-specific tasks to execute them on any host where you have ``pyVmomi`` installed."
msgid "The units of code Ansible executes. Each module has a particular use, from creating virtual machines on vCenter to managing distributed virtual switches in the vCenter environment. You can invoke a single module with a task, or invoke several different modules in a playbook. For an idea of how many modules Ansible includes, take a look at the :ref:`list of cloud modules<cloud_modules>`, which includes VMware modules."
msgid "Ordered lists of tasks, saved so you can run those tasks in that order repeatedly. Playbooks can include variables as well as tasks. Playbooks are written in YAML and are easy to read, write, share and understand."
msgid "Ansible VMware modules are written on top of `pyVmomi <https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi>`_. ``pyVmomi`` is the official Python SDK for the VMware vSphere API that allows user to manage ESX, ESXi, and vCenter infrastructure."
msgid "You need to install this Python SDK on host from where you want to invoke VMware automation. For example, if you are using control node then ``pyVmomi`` must be installed on control node."
msgid "If you are using any ``delegate_to`` host which is different from your control node then you need to install ``pyVmomi`` on that ``delegate_to`` node."
msgid "`VMware's official Guest Operating system customization matrix <https://partnerweb.vmware.com/programs/guestOS/guest-os-customization-matrix.pdf>`_"
msgstr "`VMware's official Guest Operating system customization matrix <https://partnerweb.vmware.com/programs/guestOS/guest-os-customization-matrix.pdf>`_"
msgid "Ansible VMware modules are written on top of `pyVmomi <https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi>`_. pyVmomi is the Python SDK for the VMware vSphere API that allows user to manage ESX, ESXi, and vCenter infrastructure. You can install pyVmomi using pip:"
msgid "Ansible VMware modules leveraging latest vSphere(6.0+) features are using `vSphere Automation Python SDK <https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python>`_. The vSphere Automation Python SDK also has client libraries, documentation, and sample code for VMware Cloud on AWS Console APIs, NSX VMware Cloud on AWS integration APIs, VMware Cloud on AWS site recovery APIs, NSX-T APIs."
msgstr "最新の vSphere (6.0 以降) 機能を使用する Ansible VMware モジュールは、`vSphere Automation Python SDK <https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python>`_ を使用しています。VSphere Automation Python SDK には、AWS Console API 向け VMware Cloud、AWS 統合 API 向け NSX VMware Cloud、AWS サイトリカバリー API 向け VMware Cloud、NSX-T API のクライアントライブラリー、ドキュメント、サンプルコードもあります。"
msgid "The :ref:`vmware_guest<vmware_guest_module>` module manages various operations related to virtual machines in the given ESXi or vCenter server."
msgid "The best way to interact with your hosts is to use the VMware dynamic inventory plugin, which dynamically queries VMware APIs and tells Ansible what nodes can be managed."
msgstr "ホストと対話する最適な方法として、VMware の動的インベントリープラグインを使用します。これにより、VMware API を動的にクエリーし、どのノードが管理できるかを Ansible に通知することができます。"
msgid "To use the VMware dynamic inventory plugins, you must install `pyVmomi <https://github.com/vmware/pyvmomi>`_ on your control node (the host running Ansible)."
msgid "To include tag-related information for the virtual machines in your dynamic inventory, you also need the `vSphere Automation SDK <https://code.vmware.com/web/sdk/65/vsphere-automation-python>`_, which supports REST API features like tagging and content libraries, on your control node. You can install the ``vSphere Automation SDK`` following `these instructions <https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python#installing-required-python-packages>`_."
msgid "Executing ``ansible-inventory --list -i <filename>.vmware.yml`` will create a list of VMware instances that are ready to be configured using Ansible."
msgid "Since the inventory configuration file contains vCenter password in plain text, a security risk, you may want to encrypt your entire inventory configuration file."
msgid "To include tag-related information for the virtual machines in your dynamic inventory, you also need the `vSphere Automation SDK <https://code.vmware.com/web/sdk/65/vsphere-automation-python>`_, which supports REST API features such as tagging and content libraries, on your control node. You can install the ``vSphere Automation SDK`` following `these instructions <https://github.com/vmware/vsphere-automation-sdk-python#installing-required-python-packages>`_."
msgid "Starting in Ansible 2.10, the VMware dynamic inventory plugin is available in the ``community.vmware`` collection included Ansible. Alternately, to install the latest ``community.vmware`` collection:"
msgid "Let us assume we want to list all RHEL7 VMs with the power state as \"poweredOn\". A valid inventory file with filters for the given VMware guest looks as follows:"
msgid "This retrieves all the VMs which satisfy these two conditions and populates them in the inventory. Notice that the conditions are combined using an ``and`` operation."
msgid "If you are using the ``properties`` parameter with custom VM properties, make sure that you include all the properties used by filters as well in your VM property list."
msgid "Here, we are using minimum VM properties, that is ``config.name``, ``config.guestId``, ``summary.runtime.powerState``, and ``guest.ipAddress``."
msgid "Here, we are using ``guest.ipAddress`` VM property. This property is optional and depended upon VMware tools installed on VMs. We are using ``match`` to validate the regular expression for the given IP range."
msgstr "ここで、``guest.ipAddress`` 仮想マシンプロパティーを使用します。このプロパティーは任意で、仮想マシンにインストールされている VMware ツールに依存します。``match`` を使用して、指定された IP 範囲の正規表現を検証します。"
msgid "Executing ``ansible-inventory --list -i <filename>.vmware.yml`` creates a list of the virtual machines that are ready to be configured using Ansible."
msgid "Starting in Ansible 2.10, the VMware dynamic inventory plugin is available in the ``community.vmware`` collection included Ansible. To install the latest ``community.vmware`` collection:"
msgid "Here, we have configured a custom hostname by setting the ``hostnames`` parameter to ``config.name``. This will retrieve the ``config.name`` property from the virtual machine and populate it in the inventory."
msgid "You will notice that instead of default behavior of representing the hostname as ``config.name + _ + config.uuid``, the inventory hosts show value as ``config.name``."
msgid "You can use virtual machine properties which can be used to populate ``hostvars`` for the given virtual machine in a VMware dynamic inventory plugin."
msgid "Indicates whether or not a virtual machine supports multiple snapshots. This value is not set when the virtual machine is unavailable, for instance, when it is being created or deleted."
msgid "Indicates that change tracking is supported for virtual disks of the virtual machine. However, even if change tracking is supported, it might not be available for all disks of the virtual machine. For example, passthru raw disk mappings or disks backed by any Ver1BackingInfo cannot be tracked."
msgstr "仮想マシンの仮想ディスクで、変更追跡がサポートされることを示しますが、変更追跡がサポートされる場合でも、仮想マシンのすべてのディスクで利用できるわけではありません。たとえば、パススルーの RAW ディスクマッピングや、任意の Ver1BackingInfo でバックアップされたディスクは追跡できません。"
msgid "Indicates that host based replication is supported on the virtual machine. However, even if host based replication is supported, it might not be available for all disk types. For example, passthru raw disk mappings can not be replicated."
msgstr "仮想マシンでホストベースのレプリケーションがサポートされていることを示しますが、ホストベースのレプリケーションがサポートされる場合でも、すべてのディスクタイプで利用できない可能性があります。たとえば、パススルーの RAW ディスクマッピングは複製できません。"
msgid "This section describes the configuration settings of the virtual machine, including the name and UUID. This property is set when a virtual machine is created or when the ``reconfigVM`` method is called. The virtual machine configuration is not guaranteed to be available. For example, the configuration information would be unavailable if the server is unable to access the virtual machine files on disk, and is often also unavailable during the initial phases of virtual machine creation."
msgid "The changeVersion is a unique identifier for a given version of the configuration. Each change to the configuration updates this value. This is typically implemented as an ever increasing count or a time-stamp. However, a client should always treat this as an opaque string."
msgid "Display name of the virtual machine. Any / (slash), \\ (backslash), character used in this name element is escaped. Similarly, any % (percent) character used in this name element is escaped, unless it is used to start an escape sequence. A slash is escaped as %2F or %2f. A backslash is escaped as %5C or %5c, and a percent is escaped as %25."
msgid "This is the full name of the guest operating system for the virtual machine. For example: Windows 2000 Professional. See :ref:`alternate_guest_name`."
msgid "VirtualCenter-specific 128-bit UUID of a virtual machine, represented as a hexadecimal string. This identifier is used by VirtualCenter to uniquely identify all virtual machine instances, including those that may share the same SMBIOS UUID."
msgid "This property is used to check whether the NPIV can be enabled on the Virtual machine with non-rdm disks in the configuration, so this is potentially not enabling npiv on vmfs disks. Also this property is used to check whether RDM is required to generate WWNs for a virtual machine."
msgid "Information about the files associated with a virtual machine. This information does not include files for specific virtual disks or snapshots."
msgid "Indicates whether the guest operating system will logout any active sessions whenever there are no remote display connections open to the virtual machine."
msgid "If set true, memory resource reservation for the virtual machine will always be equal to the virtual machine's memory size; increases in memory size will be rejected when a corresponding reservation increase is not possible."
msgid "Set of values to be used only to perform admission control when determining if a host has sufficient resources for the virtual machine to power on."
msgid "A list of files that makes up the configuration of the virtual machine (excluding the .vmx file, since that file is represented in the FileInfo). These are relative paths from the configuration directory. A slash is always used as a separator. This list will typically include the NVRAM file, but could also include other meta-data files."
msgid "A list of files stored in the virtual machine's log directory. These are relative paths from the ``logDirectory``. A slash is always used as a separator."
msgid "Information about all the files that constitute the virtual machine including configuration files, disks, swap file, suspend file, log files, core files, memory file and so on."
msgid "Layout of each virtual disk attached to the virtual machine. For a virtual machine with snaphots, this property gives only those disks that are attached to it at the current point of running."
msgid "Storage space used by the virtual machine on all datastores that it is located on. Total storage space committed to the virtual machine across all datastores is simply an aggregate of the property ``committed``"
msgid "The current virtual machine's environment browser object. This contains information on all the configurations that can be used on the virtual machine. This is identical to the environment browser on the ComputeResource to which the virtual machine belongs."
msgid "The current resource pool that specifies resource allocation for the virtual machine. This property is set when a virtual machine is created or associated with a different resource pool. Returns null if the virtual machine is a template or the session has no access to the resource pool."
msgid "The configStatus indicates whether or not the system has detected a configuration issue involving this entity. For example, it might have detected a duplicate IP address or MAC address, or a host in a cluster might be out of ``compliance.property``."
msgstr "configStatus は、システムがこのエンティティーに関連する設定問題を検出したかどうかを示します。たとえば、重複する IP アドレスまたは MAC アドレスを検出したり、クラスター内のホストが ``compliance.property`` 外の可能性があります。"
msgid "Name of this entity, unique relative to its parent. Any / (slash), \\ (backslash), character used in this name element will be escaped. Similarly, any % (percent) character used in this name element will be escaped, unless it is used to start an escape sequence. A slash is escaped as %2F or %2f. A backslash is escaped as %5C or %5c, and a percent is escaped as %25."
msgid "List of operations that are disabled, given the current runtime state of the entity. For example, a power-on operation always fails if a virtual machine is already powered on."
msgid "The set of recent tasks operating on this managed entity. A task in this list could be in one of the four states: pending, running, success or error."
msgid "The changeVersion is a unique identifier for a given version of the configuration. Each change to the configuration will update this value. This is typically implemented as an ever increasing count or a time-stamp."
msgid "Per-device runtime info. This array will be empty if the host software does not provide runtime info for any of the device types currently in use by the virtual machine."
msgid "The host that is responsible for running a virtual machine. This property is null if the virtual machine is not running and is not assigned to run on a particular host."
msgid "The timestamp when the virtual machine was most recently powered on. This property is updated when the virtual machine is powered on from the poweredOff state, and is cleared when the virtual machine is powered off. This property is not updated when a virtual machine is resumed from a suspended state."
msgid "The total time the virtual machine has been suspended since it was initially powered on. This time excludes the current period, if the virtual machine is currently suspended. This property is updated when the virtual machine resumes, and is reset to zero when the virtual machine is powered off."
msgid "The amount of memory resource (in bytes) that will be used by the virtual machine above its guest memory requirements. This value is set if and only if the virtual machine is registered on a host that supports memory resource allocation features. For powered off VMs, this is the minimum overhead required to power on the VM on the registered host. For powered on VMs, this is the current overhead reservation, a value which is almost always larger than the minimum overhead, and which grows with time."
msgid "Current upper-bound on CPU usage. The upper-bound is based on the host the virtual machine is current running on, as well as limits configured on the virtual machine itself or any parent resource pool. Valid while the virtual machine is running."
msgid "Current upper-bound on memory usage. The upper-bound is based on memory configuration of the virtual machine, as well as limits configured on the virtual machine itself or any parent resource pool. Valid while the virtual machine is running."
msgid "For a powered off virtual machine, indicates whether the virtual machine's last shutdown was an orderly power off or not. Unset if the virtual machine is running or suspended."
msgid "For a powered-on or suspended virtual machine in a cluster with Enhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC) enabled, this identifies the least-featured EVC mode (among those for the appropriate CPU vendor) that could admit the virtual machine. This property will be unset if the virtual machine is powered off or is not in an EVC cluster. This property may be used as a general indicator of the CPU feature baseline currently in use by the virtual machine. However, the virtual machine may be suppressing some of the features present in the CPU feature baseline of the indicated mode, either explicitly (in the virtual machine's configured ``cpuFeatureMask``) or implicitly (in the default masks for the ``GuestOsDescriptor`` appropriate for the virtual machine's configured guest OS)."
msgstr "EVC (Enhanced VMotion Compatibility) が有効になっているクラスターで仮想マシンの電源が入っている、または一時停止している場合、これは仮想マシンを許可する可能性がある最小機能の EVC モード (適切な CPU ベンダー用) を特定します。仮想マシンの電源がオフの場合、または EVC クラスターにない場合は、このプロパティーの設定を解除します。このプロパティーは、仮想マシンが現在使用している CPU 機能ベースラインの一般的なインジケーターとして使用できます。ただし、仮想マシンは、明示的 (仮想マシンの設定済み ``cpuFeatureMask``) または暗黙的 (仮想マシンの設定済みゲスト OS に適切な ``GuestOsDescriptor`` のデフォルトマスク) に指定したモードの CPU 機能ベースラインに存在する機能の一部を抑制している可能性があります。"
msgid "Whether any disk of the virtual machine requires consolidation. This can happen for example when a snapshot is deleted but its associated disk is not committed back to the base disk."
msgid "Information about VMware Tools and about the virtual machine from the perspective of VMware Tools. Information about the guest operating system is available in VirtualCenter. Guest operating system information reflects the last known state of the virtual machine. For powered on machines, this is current information. For powered off machines, this is the last recorded state before the virtual machine was powered off."
msgid "Guest information about disks. You can obtain Linux guest disk information for the following file system types only: Ext2, Ext3, Ext4, ReiserFS, ZFS, NTFS, VFAT, UFS, PCFS, HFS, and MS-DOS."
msgstr "ディスクに関するゲスト情報。次のファイルシステムタイプの Linux ゲストディスク情報を取得できます (Ext2、Ext3、Ext4、ReiserFS、ZFS、NTFS、VFAT、UFS、PCFS、HFS、および MS-DOS)。"
msgid "Application state. If vSphere HA is enabled and the vm is configured for Application Monitoring and this field's value is ``appStateNeedReset`` then HA will attempt immediately reset the virtual machine. There are some system conditions which may delay the immediate reset. The immediate reset will be performed as soon as allowed by vSphere HA and ESX. If during these conditions the value is changed to ``appStateOk`` the reset will be cancelled."
msgstr "アプリケーションの状態。vSphere HA が有効で、仮想マシンがアプリケーション監視用に設定されていて、およびこのフィールドの値が ``appStateNeedReset`` の場合、HA は仮想マシンの即時リセットを試みます。システムの状態によっては、即時リセットが遅れる場合があります。即時リセットは、vSphere HA と ESX で許可されるとすぐに、即時リセットが実行されます。これらの条件で値が ``appStateOk`` に変更になると、リセットが取り消されます。"
msgid "Interactive Guest Operations availability. If true, the virtual machine is ready to process guest operations as the user interacting with the guest desktop."
msgid "A list of namespaces and their corresponding generation numbers. Only namespaces with non-zero ``maxSizeEventsFromGuest`` are guaranteed to be present here."
msgid "Runtime and state information of a running virtual machine. Most of this information is also available when a virtual machine is powered off. In that case, it contains information from the last run, if available."
msgid "Basic configuration information about the virtual machine. This information is not available when the virtual machine is unavailable, for instance, when it is being created or deleted."
msgid "Configuration of storage I/O resource management for the datastore. Currently VMware only support storage I/O resource management on VMFS volumes of a datastore. This configuration may not be available if the datastore is not accessible from any host, or if the datastore does not have VMFS volume."
msgid "Current snapshot of the virtual machineThis property is set by calling ``Snapshot.revert`` or ``VirtualMachine.createSnapshot``. This property will be empty when the working snapshot is at the root of the snapshot tree."
msgid "Information about the configuration of the virtual machine when this snapshot was taken. The datastore paths for the virtual machine disks point to the head of the disk chain that represents the disk at this given snapshot."
msgid "All vCenter and ESXi servers require SSL encryption on all connections to enforce secure communication. You must enable SSL encryption for Ansible by installing the server's SSL certificates on your Ansible control node or delegate node."
msgid "If the SSL certificate of your vCenter or ESXi server is not correctly installed on your Ansible control node, you will see the following warning when using Ansible VMware modules:"
msgid "``Unable to connect to vCenter or ESXi API at xx.xx.xx.xx on TCP/443: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)``"
msgstr "``Unable to connect to vCenter or ESXi API at xx.xx.xx.xx on TCP/443: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)``"
msgid "To install the SSL certificate for your VMware server, and run your Ansible VMware modules in encrypted mode, please follow the instructions for the server you are running with VMware."
msgid "Extract the contents of the zip file. The extracted directory contains a ``.certs`` directory that contains two types of files. Files with a number as the extension (.0, .1, and so on) are root certificates."
msgid "Enable SSH Service on ESXi either by using Ansible VMware module `vmware_host_service_manager <https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware/blob/main/plugins/modules/vmware_host_config_manager.py>`_ or manually using vSphere Web interface."
msgid "For example, if ``/var/vmware/certs/vcenter1.crt`` is the SSL certificate for your vCenter Server, you can use the :ref:`environment <playbooks_environment>` keyword to pass it to the modules:"
msgstr "たとえば、``/var/vmware/certs/vcenter1.crt`` が vCenter Server の SSL 証明書である場合は、:ref:`environment <playbooks_environment>` キーワードを使用してモジュールに渡すことができます。"
msgid "When debugging or creating a new issue, you will need information about your VMware infrastructure. You can get this information using `govc <https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/tree/master/govc>`_, For example:"
msgid "Setting the network with ``vmware_guest`` in Ubuntu 18.04 is known to be broken, due to missing support for ``netplan`` in the ``open-vm-tools``. This issue is tracked via:"
msgid "Modify the Ubuntu 18.04 images and installing ``ifupdown`` in them via ``sudo apt install ifupdown``. If so you need to remove ``netplan`` via ``sudo apt remove netplan.io`` and you need stop ``systemd-networkd`` via ``sudo systemctl disable systemctl-networkd``."
#~ msgid "To use an Azure Cloud other than the default public cloud (eg, Azure China Cloud, Azure US Government Cloud, Azure Stack), pass the \"cloud_environment\" argument to modules, configure it in a credential profile, or set the \"AZURE_CLOUD_ENVIRONMENT\" environment variable. The value is either a cloud name as defined by the Azure Python SDK (eg, \"AzureChinaCloud\", \"AzureUSGovernment\"; defaults to \"AzureCloud\") or an Azure metadata discovery URL (for Azure Stack)."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "An Azure module is available to help you create a storage account, virtual network, subnet, network interface, security group and public IP. Here is a full example of creating each of these and passing the names to the azure_rm_virtualmachine module at the end:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "When creating a VM with the ``azure_rm_virtualmachine`` module, you need to explicitly set the ``managed_disk_type`` parameter to change the OS disk to a managed disk. Otherwise, the OS disk becomes an unmanaged disk.."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "When you create a data disk with the ``azure_rm_manageddisk`` module, you need to explicitly specify the ``storage_account_type`` parameter to make it a managed disk. Otherwise, the data disk will be an unmanaged disk."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "A managed disk does not require a storage account or a storage container, unlike a n unmanaged disk. In particular, note that once a VM is created on an unmanaged disk, an unnecessary storage container named \"vhds\" is automatically created."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "When you create an IP address with the ``azure_rm_publicipaddress`` module, you must set the ``sku`` parameter to ``standard``. Otherwise, the IP address cannot be used in an availability zone."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "cs also includes a command line interface for ad-hoc interaction with the CloudStack API, for example ``$ cs listVirtualMachines state=Running``."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Ansible offers the following modules for orchestrating Docker containers:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "docker_compose"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Use your existing Docker compose files to orchestrate containers on a single Docker daemon or on Swarm. Supports compose versions 1 and 2."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "docker_container"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Manages the container lifecycle by providing the ability to create, update, stop, start and destroy a container."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "docker_image"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Provides full control over images, including: build, pull, push, tag and remove."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "docker_image_info"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Inspects one or more images in the Docker host's image cache, providing the information for making decision or assertions in a playbook."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "docker_login"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Authenticates with Docker Hub or any Docker registry and updates the Docker Engine config file, which in turn provides password-free pushing and pulling of images to and from the registry."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "docker (dynamic inventory)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Dynamically builds an inventory of all the available containers from a set of one or more Docker hosts."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Ansible 2.1.0 includes major updates to the Docker modules, marking the start of a project to create a complete and integrated set of tools for orchestrating containers. In addition to the above modules, we are also working on the following:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "There's more planned. See the latest ideas and thinking at the `Ansible proposal repo <https://github.com/ansible/proposals/tree/master/docker>`_."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Using the docker modules requires having the `Docker SDK for Python <https://docker-py.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>`_ installed on the host running Ansible. You will need to have >= 1.7.0 installed. For Python 2.7 or Python 3, you can install it as follows:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Please note that only one of ``docker`` and ``docker-py`` must be installed. Installing both will result in a broken installation. If this happens, Ansible will detect it and inform you about it::"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The docker_compose module also requires `docker-compose <https://github.com/docker/compose>`_"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "You can connect to a local or remote API using parameters passed to each task or by setting environment variables. The order of precedence is command line parameters and then environment variables. If neither a command line option or an environment variable is found, a default value will be used. The default values are provided under `Parameters`_"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Control how modules connect to the Docker API by passing the following parameters:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The URL or Unix socket path used to connect to the Docker API. Defaults to ``unix://var/run/docker.sock``. To connect to a remote host, provide the TCP connection string. For example: ``tcp://``. If TLS is used to encrypt the connection to the API, then the module will automatically replace 'tcp' in the connection URL with 'https'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Secure the connection to the API by using TLS without verifying the authenticity of the Docker host server. Defaults to False."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "tls_verify"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Secure the connection to the API by using TLS and verifying the authenticity of the Docker host server. Default is False."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "When verifying the authenticity of the Docker Host server, provide the expected name of the server. Defaults to 'localhost'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Provide a valid SSL version number. Default value determined by docker-py, which at the time of this writing was 1.0"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Control how the modules connect to the Docker API by setting the following variables in the environment of the host running Ansible:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The inventory script generates dynamic inventory by making API requests to one or more Docker APIs. It's dynamic because the inventory is generated at run-time rather than being read from a static file. The script generates the inventory by connecting to one or many Docker APIs and inspecting the containers it finds at each API. Which APIs the script contacts can be defined using environment variables or a configuration file."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Groups"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The script will create the following host groups:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "container id"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "container name"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "container short id"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "image_name (image_<image name>)"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "running"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "stopped"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "You can run the script interactively from the command line or pass it as the inventory to a playbook. Here are few examples to get you started:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "You can control the behavior of the inventory script by defining environment variables, or creating a docker.yml file (sample provided in https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ansible-collections/community.general/main/scripts/inventory/docker.py). The order of precedence is the docker.yml file and then environment variables."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "To connect to a single Docker API the following variables can be defined in the environment to control the connection options. These are the same environment variables used by the Docker modules."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The URL or Unix socket path used to connect to the Docker API. Defaults to unix://var/run/docker.sock."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "DOCKER_TIMEOUT:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "DOCKER_TLS:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Secure the connection to the API by using TLS and verifying the authenticity of the Docker host server. Default is False"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "When verifying the authenticity of the Docker Host server, provide the expected name of the server. Defaults to localhost."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "DOCKER_CERT_PATH:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "In addition to the connection variables there are a couple variables used to control the execution and output of the script:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Path to the configuration file. Defaults to ./docker.yml."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The private port (container port) on which SSH is listening for connections. Defaults to 22."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The IP address to assign to ansible_host when the container's SSH port is mapped to interface ''."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Configuration File"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Using a configuration file provides a means for defining a set of Docker APIs from which to build an inventory."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "The default name of the file is derived from the name of the inventory script. By default the script will look for basename of the script (in other words, docker) with an extension of '.yml'."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "You can also override the default name of the script by defining DOCKER_CONFIG_FILE in the environment."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Here's what you can define in docker_inventory.yml:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "defaults"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Defines a default connection. Defaults will be taken from this and applied to any values not provided for a host defined in the hosts list."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "hosts"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "If you wish to get inventory from more than one Docker host, define a hosts list."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "For the default host and each host in the hosts list define the following attributes:"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Here is a basic example of provisioning an instance in ad-hoc mode:"