# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright:
# (c) 2018 Ansible Project
# License: GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt)
# Make coding more python3-ish
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
import pytest
from ansible.modules.copy import AnsibleModuleError, split_pre_existing_dir
from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
THREE_DIRS_DATA = (('/dir1/dir2',
# 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
# 1 existing dir:
('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
# 2 existing dirs:
('/dir1', ['dir2']),
# 3 existing dirs:
('/dir1/dir2', [])
# 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
# 1 existing dir:
('/', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
# 2 existing dirs:
('/dir1', ['dir2']),
# 3 existing dirs:
('/dir1/dir2', [])
TWO_DIRS_DATA = (('dir1/dir2',
# 0 existing dirs:
('.', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
# 1 existing dir:
('dir1', ['dir2']),
# 2 existing dirs:
('dir1/dir2', []),
# 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
# 0 existing dirs:
('.', ['dir1', 'dir2']),
# 1 existing dir:
('dir1', ['dir2']),
# 2 existing dirs:
('dir1/dir2', []),
# 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
# 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
# 1 existing dir:
('/', ['dir1']),
# 2 existing dirs:
('/dir1', []),
# 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
# 0 existing dirs: error (because / should always exist)
# 1 existing dir:
('/', ['dir1']),
# 2 existing dirs:
('/dir1', []),
# 3 existing dirs: Same as 2 because we never get to the third
ONE_DIR_DATA = (('dir1',
# 0 existing dirs:
('.', ['dir1']),
# 1 existing dir:
('dir1', []),
# 2 existing dirs: Same as 1 because we never get to the third
# 0 existing dirs:
('.', ['dir1']),
# 1 existing dir:
('dir1', []),
# 2 existing dirs: Same as 1 because we never get to the third
@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[4]) for d in THREE_DIRS_DATA))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_three_levels_exist(directory, expected, mocker):
mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, True, True])
split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[3]) for d in TWO_DIRS_DATA))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_two_levels_exist(directory, expected, mocker):
mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, True, False])
split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[2]) for d in ONE_DIR_DATA))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_one_level_exists(directory, expected, mocker):
mocker.patch('os.path.exists', side_effect=[True, False, False])
split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory', (d[0] for d in ONE_DIR_DATA if d[1] is None))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_root_does_not_exist(directory, mocker):
mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False)
with pytest.raises(AnsibleModuleError) as excinfo:
assert excinfo.value.results['msg'].startswith("The '/' directory doesn't exist on this machine.")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('directory, expected', ((d[0], d[1]) for d in ONE_DIR_DATA if not d[0].startswith('/')))
def test_split_pre_existing_dir_working_dir_exists(directory, expected, mocker):
mocker.patch('os.path.exists', return_value=False)
split_pre_existing_dir(directory) == expected
# Info helpful for making new test cases:
Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (#80132)
* Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (Fixes #80128)
Here's what's happening, by way of this mode example: u=,u=rX
At the first step in the loop, the "u" bits of are set to 0. On the next
step in the loop, the current stat of the filesystem object is used to
determine X, not the "new_mode" in the previous iteration of the loop. So
while most operations kind of operate left to right, "X" is always going
back to the original file to determine whether to set x bit.
The Linux "chmod" (the only one I've tested) doesn't operate this way. In
it, "X" operates on the current state the loop understands it is in,
based on previous operations (and starting with the file permissions).
This is an issue with "X" and any of the "=[ugo]" settings, because
they are lookups. For example, if a file is 755 and you do "ug=rx,o=u",
file module produces 0557 and chmod produces 0555.
This really becomes a problem when you want to recursively change a
directory of files, and the files are currently 755, but you want to
change the directory to 750 and the files to 640. In chmod you can do
"a=,ug=rX,u+w" (or "a=,u=rwX,g=rX"), and have it apply equally to the
directory and the files. I can't come up with a single way in the ansible
file module to deterministically, recursively, set a directory to 750
and the contents to 640 no matter what the current permissions are,
as the code currently is.
The fix is to pass in "new_mode" to _get_octal_mode_from_symbolic_perms
in lib/ansible/module_utils/basic.py inside _symbolic_mode_to_octal. And
then take "new_mode" as an argument and use it instead of the filesystem
object stat.st_mode value.
* Fixing my new unit test, fixing bug in test comments
2 years ago
# base_mode = {
# 'dir no perms': 0o040000,
# 'file no perms': 0o100000,
# 'dir all perms': 0o040000 | 0o777,
# 'file all perms': 0o100000 | 0o777}
Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (#80132)
* Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (Fixes #80128)
Here's what's happening, by way of this mode example: u=,u=rX
At the first step in the loop, the "u" bits of are set to 0. On the next
step in the loop, the current stat of the filesystem object is used to
determine X, not the "new_mode" in the previous iteration of the loop. So
while most operations kind of operate left to right, "X" is always going
back to the original file to determine whether to set x bit.
The Linux "chmod" (the only one I've tested) doesn't operate this way. In
it, "X" operates on the current state the loop understands it is in,
based on previous operations (and starting with the file permissions).
This is an issue with "X" and any of the "=[ugo]" settings, because
they are lookups. For example, if a file is 755 and you do "ug=rx,o=u",
file module produces 0557 and chmod produces 0555.
This really becomes a problem when you want to recursively change a
directory of files, and the files are currently 755, but you want to
change the directory to 750 and the files to 640. In chmod you can do
"a=,ug=rX,u+w" (or "a=,u=rwX,g=rX"), and have it apply equally to the
directory and the files. I can't come up with a single way in the ansible
file module to deterministically, recursively, set a directory to 750
and the contents to 640 no matter what the current permissions are,
as the code currently is.
The fix is to pass in "new_mode" to _get_octal_mode_from_symbolic_perms
in lib/ansible/module_utils/basic.py inside _symbolic_mode_to_octal. And
then take "new_mode" as an argument and use it instead of the filesystem
object stat.st_mode value.
* Fixing my new unit test, fixing bug in test comments
2 years ago
# perm_bits = {
# 'x': 0b001,
# 'w': 0b010,
# 'r': 0b100}
Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (#80132)
* Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (Fixes #80128)
Here's what's happening, by way of this mode example: u=,u=rX
At the first step in the loop, the "u" bits of are set to 0. On the next
step in the loop, the current stat of the filesystem object is used to
determine X, not the "new_mode" in the previous iteration of the loop. So
while most operations kind of operate left to right, "X" is always going
back to the original file to determine whether to set x bit.
The Linux "chmod" (the only one I've tested) doesn't operate this way. In
it, "X" operates on the current state the loop understands it is in,
based on previous operations (and starting with the file permissions).
This is an issue with "X" and any of the "=[ugo]" settings, because
they are lookups. For example, if a file is 755 and you do "ug=rx,o=u",
file module produces 0557 and chmod produces 0555.
This really becomes a problem when you want to recursively change a
directory of files, and the files are currently 755, but you want to
change the directory to 750 and the files to 640. In chmod you can do
"a=,ug=rX,u+w" (or "a=,u=rwX,g=rX"), and have it apply equally to the
directory and the files. I can't come up with a single way in the ansible
file module to deterministically, recursively, set a directory to 750
and the contents to 640 no matter what the current permissions are,
as the code currently is.
The fix is to pass in "new_mode" to _get_octal_mode_from_symbolic_perms
in lib/ansible/module_utils/basic.py inside _symbolic_mode_to_octal. And
then take "new_mode" as an argument and use it instead of the filesystem
object stat.st_mode value.
* Fixing my new unit test, fixing bug in test comments
2 years ago
# role_shift = {
# 'u': 6,
# 'g': 3,
# 'o': 0}
DATA = ( # Going from no permissions to setting all for user, group, and/or other
(0o040000, u'a+rwx', 0o0777),
(0o040000, u'u+rwx,g+rwx,o+rwx', 0o0777),
(0o040000, u'o+rwx', 0o0007),
(0o040000, u'g+rwx', 0o0070),
(0o040000, u'u+rwx', 0o0700),
# Going from all permissions to none for user, group, and/or other
(0o040777, u'a-rwx', 0o0000),
(0o040777, u'u-rwx,g-rwx,o-rwx', 0o0000),
(0o040777, u'o-rwx', 0o0770),
(0o040777, u'g-rwx', 0o0707),
(0o040777, u'u-rwx', 0o0077),
# now using absolute assignment from None to a set of perms
(0o040000, u'a=rwx', 0o0777),
(0o040000, u'u=rwx,g=rwx,o=rwx', 0o0777),
(0o040000, u'o=rwx', 0o0007),
(0o040000, u'g=rwx', 0o0070),
(0o040000, u'u=rwx', 0o0700),
# X effect on files and dirs
(0o040000, u'a+X', 0o0111),
(0o100000, u'a+X', 0),
(0o040000, u'a=X', 0o0111),
(0o100000, u'a=X', 0),
(0o040777, u'a-X', 0o0666),
# Same as chmod but is it a bug?
# chmod a-X statfile <== removes execute from statfile
(0o100777, u'a-X', 0o0666),
Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (#80132)
* Symbolic modes with X or =[ugo] always use original mode (Fixes #80128)
Here's what's happening, by way of this mode example: u=,u=rX
At the first step in the loop, the "u" bits of are set to 0. On the next
step in the loop, the current stat of the filesystem object is used to
determine X, not the "new_mode" in the previous iteration of the loop. So
while most operations kind of operate left to right, "X" is always going
back to the original file to determine whether to set x bit.
The Linux "chmod" (the only one I've tested) doesn't operate this way. In
it, "X" operates on the current state the loop understands it is in,
based on previous operations (and starting with the file permissions).
This is an issue with "X" and any of the "=[ugo]" settings, because
they are lookups. For example, if a file is 755 and you do "ug=rx,o=u",
file module produces 0557 and chmod produces 0555.
This really becomes a problem when you want to recursively change a
directory of files, and the files are currently 755, but you want to
change the directory to 750 and the files to 640. In chmod you can do
"a=,ug=rX,u+w" (or "a=,u=rwX,g=rX"), and have it apply equally to the
directory and the files. I can't come up with a single way in the ansible
file module to deterministically, recursively, set a directory to 750
and the contents to 640 no matter what the current permissions are,
as the code currently is.
The fix is to pass in "new_mode" to _get_octal_mode_from_symbolic_perms
in lib/ansible/module_utils/basic.py inside _symbolic_mode_to_octal. And
then take "new_mode" as an argument and use it instead of the filesystem
object stat.st_mode value.
* Fixing my new unit test, fixing bug in test comments
2 years ago
# Verify X uses computed not original mode
(0o100777, u'a=,u=rX', 0o0400),
(0o040777, u'a=,u=rX', 0o0500),
# Multiple permissions
(0o040000, u'u=rw-x+X,g=r-x+X,o=r-x+X', 0o0755),
(0o100000, u'u=rw-x+X,g=r-x+X,o=r-x+X', 0o0644),
(0o100000, '+rwx', 0o770),
(0o100777, '-rwx', 0o007),
(0o040000, u'a=foo', "bad symbolic permission for mode: a=foo"),
(0o040000, u'f=rwx', "bad symbolic permission for mode: f=rwx"),
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stat_info, mode_string, expected', DATA)
def test_good_symbolic_modes(mocker, stat_info, mode_string, expected):
mock_stat = mocker.MagicMock()
mock_stat.st_mode = stat_info
assert AnsibleModule._symbolic_mode_to_octal(mock_stat, mode_string) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stat_info, mode_string, expected', UMASK_DATA)
def test_umask_with_symbolic_modes(mocker, stat_info, mode_string, expected):
mock_umask = mocker.patch('os.umask')
mock_umask.return_value = 0o7
mock_stat = mocker.MagicMock()
mock_stat.st_mode = stat_info
assert AnsibleModule._symbolic_mode_to_octal(mock_stat, mode_string) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize('stat_info, mode_string, expected', INVALID_DATA)
def test_invalid_symbolic_modes(mocker, stat_info, mode_string, expected):
mock_stat = mocker.MagicMock()
mock_stat.st_mode = stat_info
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc:
assert AnsibleModule._symbolic_mode_to_octal(mock_stat, mode_string) == 'blah'
assert exc.match(expected)