..note:: These instructions are provided by their respective communities. Any bugs/issues should be filed with that community to update these instructions. Ansible maintains only the ``pip install`` instructions.
The ``ansible`` package can always be :ref:`installed from PyPI using pip <intro_installation_guide>` on most systems but it is also packaged and maintained by the community for a variety of Linux distributions.
The following instructions will guide you through installing the ``ansible`` package with your preferred distribution's package manager.
..note:: For maintainers who wish to add distributions to this guide, installation instructions are included here only for distributions with a reasonably up-to-date version of ``ansible``. The distribution MUST ensure that ``ansible-core`` and ``ansible`` versions are kept in sync to the extent that the distribution build system allows. Maintainers MUST include a way to contact them with their instructions here and are encouraged to join the `Ansible Packaging <https://matrix.to/#/#packaging:ansible.com>`_ Matrix room.
..note:: On older Ubuntu distributions, "software-properties-common" is called "python-software-properties". You may want to use ``apt-get`` rather than ``apt`` in older versions. Also, be aware that only newer distributions (that is, 18.04, 18.10, and later) have a ``-u`` or ``--update`` flag. Adjust your script as needed.
Installing Ansible on Debian
Debian users can use the same source as the Ubuntu PPA (using the following table).
* - Debian
- Ubuntu
* - Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- ->
- Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal)
* - Debian 10 (Buster)
- ->
- Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic)
Ansible releases are only built for Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic) or later releases.
Add the following line to ``/etc/apt/sources.list`` or ``/etc/apt/sources.list.d/ansible.list``:
..code-block:: bash
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ansible/ansible/ubuntu MATCHING_UBUNTU_CODENAME_HERE main
Example for Debian 11 (Bullseye)
..code-block:: bash
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ansible/ansible/ubuntu focal main