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.. contents:: Topics
Strategy Plugins
Strategy plugins control the flow of play execution, they handle task and host scheduleing.
Enabling Cache Plugins
Only one strategy plugin can be used in a play, but you can use different ones for each play in a playbook or ansible run.
The default is the :doc:`linear <strategy/linear>` plugin, you can change this default via :doc:`configuration <../config>`:
.. code-block:: shell
or in the `ansible.cfg` file:
.. code-block:: ini
Or you can just speicfy the plugin in the play via the :ref:`strategy` keyword::
- hosts: all
strategy: debug
- copy: src=myhosts dest=/etc/hosts
notify: restart_tomcat
- package: name=tomcat state=present
- name: restart_tomcat
service: name=tomcat state=restarted
Plugin List
You can use ``ansible-doc -t strategy -l`` to see the list of available plugins,
use ``ansible-doc -t strategy <plugin name>`` to see specific documents and examples.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1
.. seealso::
An introduction to playbooks
Ansible inventory plugins
Ansible callback plugins
Jinja2 filter plugins
Jinja2 test plugins
Jinja2 lookup plugins
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