* Study some of the `many excellent books <https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_2_7?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=ansible&sprefix=ansible%2Caps%2C260>`_ about Ansible
Typos are everywhere, even in the Ansible documentation. We work hard to keep the documentation up-to-date, but you may also find outdated examples. We offer easy ways to :ref:`report and/or fix documentation errors <community_documentation_contributions>`.
There are Ansible meetups `all over the world <https://www.meetup.com/topics/ansible/>`_. Join your local meetup. Attend regularly. Ask good questions. Volunteer to give a presentation about how you use Ansible.
If the bug you found already exists in an issue, you can help by verifying the behavior of the reported bug with a comment in that issue, or by reporting any additional information.
As you become more familiar with how Ansible works, you may be able to fix issues or develop new features yourself. If you think you have a fix for a bug in Ansible, or if you have a new feature that you would like to share with millions of Ansible users, read all about the :ref:`development process <community_development_process>` to learn how to get your code accepted into Ansible.
Another good way to help is to review pull requests that other Ansible users have submitted. Ansible core keeps a full list of `open pull requests by file <https://ansible.sivel.net/pr/byfile.html>`_, so if a particular module or plugin interests you, you can easily keep track of all the relevant new pull requests and provide testing or feedback. Alternately, you can review the pull requests for any collections that interest you. Click :guilabel:`Issue tracker` on the collection documentation page to find the issues and PRs for that collection.
Once you have learned about the development process and have contributed code to a collection, we encourage you to become a maintainer of that collection. There are hundreds of modules in dozens of Ansible collections, and the vast majority of them are written and maintained entirely by members of the Ansible community.
Working groups are a way for Ansible community members to self-organize around particular topics of interest. We have working groups around various topics. To join or create a working group, please read the :ref:`Ansible Working Groups<working_group_list>`.
We are working on a standardized `Ansible workshop <https://ansible.github.io/workshops/>`_ that can provide a good hands-on introduction to Ansible usage and concepts.
If you like Ansible and just want to spread the good word, feel free to share on your social media platform of choice, and let us know by using ``@ansible`` or ``#ansible``. We'll be looking for you.