Contributions to the documentation are welcome. To make changes, submit a pull request that changes the reStructuredText files in the `rst/` directory only, and the core team can do a docs build and push the static files.
If you wish to verify output from the markup such as link references, you may install sphinx and build the documentation by running `make webdocs` from the `ansible/docs/docsite` directory.
To include module documentation you'll need to run `make webdocs` at the top level of the repository. The generated html files are in `docsite/htmlout/`.
To limit module documentation building to a specific module, run `MODULES=NAME make webdocs` instead. This should make testing module documentation syntax much faster. Instead of a single module, you can also specify a comma-separated list of modules. In order to skip building documentation for all modules, specify non-existing module name, for example `MODULES=none make webdocs`.
Note that module documentation can actually be [generated from a DOCUMENTATION docstring][module-docs] in the modules directory, so corrections to modules written as such need to be made in the module source, rather than in docsite source.